
  1. 我通过腾讯应用宝下载和更新我所有的中文应用程序,通过Google下载更新其他应用程序。

    I download and upxe all my Chinese apps through Tencent and download and upxe any other apps through Google Meituan Wai Mai

  2. 按1999年数据计算,在妃子笑和糯米糍上应用荔龙宝的投入产出比分别是1:35和1:57。

    Based on the data in1999 , its ratio of input to output was1 ﹕ 35 and1 ﹕ 57 for Feizixiao and Nuomici , respectively .

  3. 阿里巴巴旗下的金融服务公司蚂蚁金服的一支团队正在研发将人脸识别技术应用于支付宝在线支付和支付宝钱包。

    A team in Alibaba 's subsidiary firm and finance affiliate Ant Financial is developing the face recognition technology for use with the Alipay online payment service and Alipay Wallet as well .

  4. 应用绿潜宝、乐果、巴丹等药剂在发生为害高峰期的峰前、中、后三次用药,防治效果维持70%以上。

    So in this paper , the pharmaceutical agents suck as " Lu QIAN BAO ", dimethoate , cartap are introduced to use three times during the peak beginning , the course and the end , and the controlling result is achieved over 70 % .

  5. 前卫生部副部长、全国人体器官捐献与移植委员会主任黄洁夫在报告中表示,将登记服务添加在生活方式应用程序支付宝上,是动员社会的一个非常有效且新奇的方式。

    It is a very effective and unconventional way to mobilize society to put the registration service on the lifestyle application Zhifubao , Huang Jiefu , a former Chinese vice-minister of health and current head of the National Human Organ Donation and Transplant Committee , was quoted as saying by the report .

  6. 结果:经临床应用观察,美宝胃肠胶囊能在短时间内达到止血和促进溃疡创面生理性复原无瘢痕愈合的目的。

    Result : Clinical observation revealed that MEBO Gastrointestinal Capsule has the effects of stopping wound bleeding and promoting physiological regenerative restoration of ulcerative wounds .