
  • 网络asset ownership
  1. 然而,政府和家庭之间资产所有权的分离,对消费增长的损害甚至更大。

    However , the split in asset ownership between the government and households is even more damaging to consumption growth .

  2. 第三,在每个国家,银行权益和银行债务的资产所有权往往高度集中在最富有的家庭。

    Third , asset ownership in bank equity and bank debt tends to be extremely concentrated among the richest households in every country .

  3. BOT项目资产所有权归属问题研究

    Study on Ownership of BOT Assets

  4. 结果显示当政府拥有BOT项目资产所有权时,可以有效抑制有限追索权导致的项目公司的道德风险行为。

    When government has ownership of BOT assets , it can inhibit moral hazard which caused by limited recourse .

  5. 资产所有权与资本所有权的分离及其投资风险

    The Separation of Property Ownership from Capital Ownership and Investment Risks

  6. 国有资产所有权代理人职业资格制度初探

    Study on Professional Qualification Institution for Agent of the State-owed Property

  7. 非人力资产所有权与企业的边界

    The Ownership of Non-human Assets and the Boundaries of the Firm

  8. 阐明分布的开发组织中的职责和资产所有权。

    Clarifying responsibilities and ownership of assets across the distributed development organization .

  9. 其他不改变资产所有权属的用途。

    Other usages that do not change the ownership of the assests .

  10. 资源性资产所有权在经济上的实现形式

    The economic way to realize the resource assets property

  11. 公司中的国有资产所有权属于国家。

    Title to the state-owned assets in the company shall vest in the State .

  12. 对资产所有权的限制

    Restrictions on the title to an asset

  13. 缺点:融资成本高,政府失去了资产所有权。

    Disadvantage : high cost of financing , government lose the property of the asset .

  14. 基于物权理论的农村水利资产所有权拍卖的分析

    Discussion and analysis about the auction of rural water conservancy assets based on ownership theory

  15. 经营性国有体育资产所有权、产权及经营管理模式研究

    A research on the ownership 、 Property Rights and management model of operational sport assets of nation

  16. 现有非金融资产所有权转移费用处理方式刍议

    A meager opinion of the disposal ways in the transfer cost of the existing ownership of non-financial assets

  17. 国务院代表国家行使国有资产所有权。

    The State Council shall , on behalf of the state , exercise the ownership of state-owned assets .

  18. 与行销理论相反,资产所有权观点提出了加盟费和特许权使用费之间的一种正比关系。

    Contray to the agency theory , our property rights approach provides a positive relationship between royalties and fees .

  19. 最后,设计两种科学的激励机制,即经济增加值和部分资产所有权安排。

    Finally the paper designs two sound incentive mechanisms , including economy added value and partly assets ownership arrangement .

  20. 不过,与俄罗斯的情况不同,印度和中国巨头的痛苦不太可能导致资产所有权易主。

    Unlike Russia , however , Indian and Chinese oligarchs ' pain is unlikely to redraw ownership of assets .

  21. 联交所期权结算所有限公司公司中的国有资产所有权属于国家。

    SEHK Options Clearing House Limited [ SEOCH ] Title to the state-owned assets in the company shall vest in the State .

  22. 宪法的失误,造成了自然资源资产所有权难以实现和资源资产严重流失的被动局面。

    Constitutional error , make nature resources property ownership hard to realize with the passive situation that resources property run off seriously .

  23. 融资租赁系指与某项租赁资产所有权有关的全部风险和收益已经充分转让了的租赁。

    Financial lease means the lease whereby entire risks and benefits relating to the ownership of certain leased asset have been substantially transferred .

  24. 现代企业的特点是资产所有权和控制权相分离,企业的各利益相关者之间形成了委托一代理关系。

    The modern enterprise 's characteristic is the separation of ownership and control . Under such circumstances the trust-agency relation is formed between stakeholders .

  25. 即使资产所有权没有转让,租赁期也包括租赁资产有效期的主要部分;

    Even if the ownership of the asset is not transferred , the lease term covers the major part of the useful life of the leased asset ;

  26. 本文旨在从现代公司制企业委托&代理理论角度探讨研究建立有效的公司型证券投资基金法人治理结构,力求解决因基金资产所有权和控制权分离造成的代理人问题。

    This dissertation explores the framework of corporate governance in corporate-type fund industry according to the principal-agent theory , aiming to solve the agent problem caused by separation of ownership and control .

  27. 两权分离是指资本所有权与资产所有权分离,资产所有权与资本所有权分离给股东带来了委托风险。

    The separation of the two rights refers to the separation of the droit of the capital and the droit of the assets . The separation brings entrustment risk to the stockholders .

  28. 能够合理确定租赁期届满时取得租赁资产所有权的,应当在租赁资产使用寿命内计提折旧。

    If there is reasonable certainty that the lessee will obtain ownership of the leased asset when the lease term expires , the leased asset should be fully depreciated over its useful life .

  29. 现代民法要求将公民的环境权、国有资产所有权和监督保护权、消费者安全权等作为独立的新型的民事权利加以保护。

    Modern civil law requests to establish the environmental rights , state-owned property possessive , supervisory and protecting rights , and safe rights of consumer as new civil rights independently for private law protection .

  30. 究其原因,在产权交易中资产所有权的不完整性和外部性,会带来所有者权益的隐性损失,进而影响资产的真实价值;

    The cause is that the disintegrity and exteriority of asset ownership can lead to concealed loss of the owner 's benefit , even to affect the real value of asset during the asset transaction ;