
  • 网络Accounting model
  1. 不同的资本保全概念与会计模式的选择密切相关,它们的组合取决于会计信息使用者的需要和通货膨胀的强度两个因素。

    Capital maintenance is closely linked with choice of accounting models .

  2. 根据不同的标准,世界各国的会计模式可以有不同的分类。

    According to different standards , there are different accounting models in the world .

  3. INTERNET对传统会计模式的挑战与对策

    The Internet And The Traditional Acconting Model

  4. 本部分介绍了税务会计模式的基本理论。

    There is an introduction of fundamental theory in this section .

  5. 中西方代销业务会计模式的比较研究

    Comparison of Accounting Model of Consignment Sale between Chinese and Western

  6. 本文分为五部分第一部分:知识经济对传统会计模式的冲击。

    Part one : Challenge of knowledge economy to traditional accounting .

  7. 企业会计模式的选择,应考虑物价变动的特点。

    Selection of enterprise accounting model should consider character of our country .

  8. 电算化会计模式下的会计职能及其实现

    Function of Accounting and its Reality in the Model of Computer Accounting

  9. 人力资源会计模式评价及建议

    The Evaluation and Suggestions on the Model of Accounting for Human Resources

  10. 试论二元经济形态下的会计模式

    A Discussion on Compatible Accounting Model in Dual-element Economy System

  11. 企业研究与开发机构会计模式研究

    Research Research on Accounting Model of Corporation 's R & D Institutes

  12. 基于以上那点,那么传统的历史成本会计模式更糟糕。

    On that score the old system of historic-cost accounting was worse .

  13. 网络财务环境下会计模式的探讨

    Discussion on Network Accounting Accounting Model in Network Financial Environment

  14. 创建我国多元权益主体会计模式的构思

    Conception of Creating the Accounting Model of Multielement Equity Body

  15. 笔者研究发现:按照现行会计模式,经理人股票期权既不是负债,也不是权益,而兼有负债和权益的特征。

    It has the characteristics of both liability and equity .

  16. 法国会计模式研究及借鉴

    On the research and use for reference of the accounting model of France

  17. 笔者由于政治、经济、法律等因素的影响,各国的会计模式呈现出巨大差异。

    Accounting modes vary much with different political , economic , and legal conditions .

  18. 论现代公司治理结构下新型会计模式的构建

    New Accounting Model Construction in Modern Corporate Governance

  19. 传统会计模式对揭示会计信息质量的影响

    Effects of Traditional Accounting Procedures and the Quality of Accounting Information in Price Fluctuations

  20. 文化模式与会计模式之间有着奇妙的对应规律。

    There is a marvellous corresponding law between the cultural pattern and accounting pattern .

  21. 税务会计模式设计与选择

    Tax Accounting : mode Design and selecting

  22. 我国会计模式系统的构建

    Constructing the Accounting Model System in China

  23. 构建企业会计模式的探讨

    The Discussion on Accounting Model of Enterprise

  24. 面向可持续发展的会计模式变迁

    Accounting mode flux based on sustainable development

  25. 构建财税分流的增值税会计模式初探

    The Elementary Exploration of the Increment Tax Treasurer Mode Composing Separation of Money from Tax

  26. 增值税会计模式探索

    An Exploration On Value-added Tax Accounting Model

  27. 浅析我国的税务会计模式

    Discussing on Chinese Taxation Accounting Model

  28. 摘要现代企业制度是市场经济的基础,它要求建立与之相适应的会计模式。

    Modern enterprise regulations , the base of market economy , requires establishing conesponding accounting pattern .

  29. 增值税会计模式的研究

    A Study on VAT Accounting Modes

  30. 折旧应采用物价变动会计模式

    Price Variation Accounting Mode for Depreciation