
  • 网络accounting rule;Account Rules
  1. 美国证交会(sec)已批准了几家证交所提出的、旨在提高私人公司借壳上市门槛的新规定,以此回应市场对于一些中国公司通过借壳上市规避会计规则的担忧。

    The securities and Exchange Commission has approved new rules proposed by stock exchanges to make it harder for private companies to go public by merging with a shell company , a response to concerns that Chinese groups were using such deals to skirt accounting rules .

  2. 不要把贷款拨备不足归咎于会计规则。

    Do not blame accounting rules for inadequate loan provisioning .

  3. 这是一项古怪的会计规则,没有虚增营收的花招,KKR去年业绩也没有突飞猛进。

    Not a trick to inflate revenue , or an indication that KKR had a blowout year .

  4. 根据债务价值调整,大银行的营收受到一项会计规则的不利影响,这项规则要求它们在信用违约掉期(CDS)下跌时确认负营收。

    With DVA , the big banks ' revenue lines are adversely affected by an accounting convention that requires them to recognize negative revenues when their credit default swaps tighten .

  5. 会计规则的制定目标:信息中立还是经济后果

    Objective of Accounting Rule Setting : Neutrality or Economic Consequences

  6. 论会计规则及会计规则意识

    Discussions on the Accounting Rules and Consciousness to Obey Them

  7. 在会计规则监督权弱化条件下,经营者控制了企业剩余的计量。

    With feebleness of right-supervising of accounting rule , operators control surplus-measuring .

  8. 基于公司控制权的会计规则制定问题研究

    A Research on the Accounting-Rule-Setting Based on the Corporation Control

  9. 现在会计规则鼓励回顾过去的做法,即数量方法。

    Accounting rules now encourage a backward-looking , quantitative approach .

  10. 建立符合中国会计规则的会计制度。

    Set up the accounting framework according to Chinese regulations .

  11. 会计规则制定权问题研究

    The Study on the Rights of Making Accounting Rules

  12. 会计规则制定权:三重解读

    An Analysis on the Right of Making Accounting Rules

  13. 一些机构辩称,会计规则允许它们以成本持有衍生品。

    Some institutions argue that accounting rules permit them to hold derivatives at cost .

  14. 利益相关者对会计规则制定的参与特征&基于调查数据的实证分析

    Characteristics of Stakeholders ' Participation to Accounting Rule Setting : Based on Survey Data

  15. 合理的会计规则应减少这类无谓的损失。

    Good accounting should reduce such dead-weight losses .

  16. 但利用会计规则误导拥有不准确信息的监管者,是一个糟糕的政策。

    But using accounting rules to mislead regulators with inaccurate information is a poor policy .

  17. 银行和其它金融机构正在对相关部门进行游说,反对通过以公允价值计量其所持资产的会计规则。

    Banks and other financial institutions are lobbying against fair-value accounting for their asset holdings .

  18. 议题包括公允价值会计规则、预留预期亏损、以及表外会计规则。

    These include fair value accounting , reserving for expected losses , and off-balance sheet accounting .

  19. 在会计规则方面,基本上藏而不露、文火慢炖的行列改革资本的力度要大得多。

    Reforming capital is made far harder by the largely hidden but simmering row over accounting rules .

  20. 最后,有些人认为最好的解决方法是仅仅改变会计规则。

    Lastly , some people think the best solution would be to simply change the accounting rules .

  21. 如今,“逐日盯市”会计规则正驱使我们高速驶向深渊。

    Today the accounting rule of marking to market is driving us at high speed into the abyss .

  22. 会计规则的制定目标是形成高质量会计规则的根本性决定因素。

    The objective of accounting rule setting is the essential decisive factor that forms the high quality accounting rule .

  23. 从契约的角度考察,违背会计规则等会计舞弊行为是会计诚信契约自动履行失败的结果。

    In contractual view , accounting fraud is the result of the failure of accounting integrity contractual automatically performance .

  24. 不同企业治理结构下,会计规则制定权的契约安排具有不同模式。

    There are different models of the contractual arrangements of laying off rights of accounting rules under different governance structures .

  25. 会计规则与其它制度因素在确定财务既相互补充又相互替代,共同决定了财务报表的质量。

    Accounting standards and other institutional factors are both complements and substitute , and all determine the quality of financial statements .

  26. 税收筹划离不开会计规则和税收制度,税收筹划随着会计规则的变化及税收制度的变迁而不断发展变化。

    Tax Planning depends on the accountant rules and revenue system . It will change following with the variety of them .

  27. 资产转移必须在会计规则上和破产法律上达到真实出售的效果。

    Asset transfer has to be recognized to the extent of true sale in the term of both accounting rule and law .

  28. 根据会计规则,取出来的不良贷款准备金可以直接计入利润。

    And any money you take out of your loan loss reserves the accountants let you send right to your bottom line .

  29. 本文认为,会计规则的制定与执行是两个相互影响的环节,会计域秩序是会计信息质量的基本评价标准;

    Implementation and setting of accounting rules are closely related , and accounting order is the basic criteria of accounting information quality .

  30. 制定一套高质量的会计规则是实现会计治理的基础设施,为会计治理奠定了制度基础。

    To make high-quality accounting principles is the base for realizing the accounting governance , which lays systematic basis for the accounting governance .