- 网络hard landing

In trying to get there , it confronts the short-term risks of a hard landing , as Nouriel Roubini of the Stern School of Business at New York University pointed out at the conference .
A hard landing for the Chinese economy , triggered by monetary tightening , is one of the main risks facing the financial markets . said Gavan Nolan , credit analyst at Markit .
A Bloomberg index tracking Chinese reverse merger stocks in the US has plunged 44 per cent since the start of the year , a decline exacerbated by fears that the mainland economy is hitting a rough patch .
A hard landing in China would look like the fourth quarter of 2008 and the first quarter of 2009 when exports collapsed , factories had no orders and migrant workers were laid off by the tens of millions , says Wang Tao , an economist at UBS .
A Chinese hard landing is not inevitable , then .
Financial links are a second area of potential vulnerability .
No hard landing or recession .
The Thinking of Preventing the Cruuent Our Country 's Economic " Hard Landing " and Measures
These measures are aimed at preventing a hard landing for the Chinese economy , he said .
Economic forecasters have suggested a50 % chance that the US economy could have a hard landing .
Investors are alarmed by any development that appears to raise the chances of a Chinese hard landing .
UBS sees three areas where a hard landing in China could affect the rest of the world .
Chinese manufacturers were upbeat about business in a survey , which should help ease fears of a hard landing .
Given the improbability of a hard landing in China , the swings of sentiment towards its economy are difficult to understand .
The trend in the weaker dollar is likely to continue , as risks of a hard landing in the US increase .
Over the last two weeks , several major investment houses have published reports exploring the idea of a hard economic landing in China .
Some people fear a repeat of1987-88 or1993-94 when high inflation forced the government to tighten monetary policy sharply , causing a hard economic landing .
A normalization of interest rate policy , a hard landing in China or even deflationary pressures could yet see some of these markets go pop .
In addition , if inflation in China picks up , the central bank will have to raise interest rates and a hard landing may be unavoidable .
The third way that a hard landing in China would affect the world is through market contagion , when a loss of confidence spreads with unforeseen consequences .
Some analysts have raised concerns that Beijing could trigger a hard landing of its economy by tightening monetary conditions too much and acting too forcefully in its fight against inflation .
In our view – unless China suffers a hard landing or Hong Kong shuts its doors and turn its back on being a World City – the upward trend for property prices is likely to continue .
Officials in China , the world 's largest importer of oil and metals , have vowed to avoid a hard landing as they try to move away from manufacturing and infrastructure spending towards a more service-based economy .
The danger of a hard landing in China is the most underpriced risk in financial markets , according to a survey of more than 1,000 institutional investors by Barclays Capital .
China hard landing could cause " significant " portfolio losses , BofA-Merrill 's Chua said .
That increases the risk of a hard landing for the economy .
A Chinese hard landing would be a disaster .
If something is not done , then a hard landing will become inevitable .
This leaves the art market open to a Chinese " hard landing " .
A Chinese hard landing would hit commodities hard and thus commodity producers like Australia and Canada .