
  • 网络Economic management function;Economy function
  1. 本文通过对我国政府经济管理职能存在的问题进行分析,指出对政府经济管理职能进行调整的重要性和必要性。

    With the description of the problems about the economy function of the government , importance and necessity which China government adjust the economy function suiting itself are pointed out .

  2. 入世与政府经济管理职能的适应性转变

    WTO Entry and Adaptive Transformation of the Economy Management Function of Government

  3. 弱化政府微观经济管理职能,实现政企分开;

    Weaken the function of micro economic manages to separate government and business ;

  4. 市场失灵是政府经济管理职能存在的前提;

    Not work of market is the prerequisite to the existence of government 's economical management functions .

  5. 改善政府宏观调控,转变政府经济管理职能;规划体制的改革与完善等四个内容。

    Transformation of government role in managing economy and improvement and reform of the existing planning systems .

  6. 更进一步的,我们将探讨政府的双重职能:经济管理职能和经营国有企业职能。

    Furthermore , we will explore the dual functions of government : economic management function and operation of State-owned Enterprises function .

  7. 坚持政企分开的原则,转变政府经济管理职能

    Uphold the principle of separating the functions of government from those of enterprises and alter the government 's role in economic management

  8. 正确把握市场与政府的关系,重构政府经济管理职能;

    Fourth , to maintain the correct balance in the relationship between market and government and reform the government management over economy ;

  9. 我国政府经济管理职能转变取得了实质性进展,但还存在诸多问题;

    The transformation of our country governments economical management functions has made a material progress , but there still exists lots of problems .

  10. 必须切实转变政府的经济管理职能,把政府经济管理职能转到主要为市场主体服务和创造良好发展环境上来。

    We should earnestly transform the government 's function from administering economy to serving the market and creating favorable environment for economic development .

  11. 财务处作为医院重要的经济管理职能部门之一,肩负着医院财务会计核算和经济管理工作的重任。

    As one of the most important functional economy and management department , the Finance Department assumes responsibilities of the financial accounting and economic management .

  12. 政府的社会经济管理职能与国有资产管理职能不分造成了国有产权主体缺位,是现代企业制度建立的主要障碍;

    The mixed function of managing economy and state-owned assets leads to the absence of state-owned property owner , which is the main obstacle to establish modern enterprise system ;

  13. 地方税体系是相对于中央税体系而言的,它是地方政府筹集财政收入的重要来源,也是地方政府履行社会经济管理职能的重要手段之一。

    Local taxation system , as opposed to state taxation system , is a major source of revenue and an important means of fulfilling its social and economic management function .

  14. 2009年11月开始,滨海新区管理体制改革正式开始,塘沽区从一个行政区转变为特殊的功能区,兼具社会管理职能和经济管理职能。

    November 2009 began , the official start of Binhai New Area management system , Tanggu District , an administrative shift from the special features area , both economic and social management functions and management functions .

  15. 会计工作作为一项重要的经济管理职能,服务于各项经济建设活动,在经济改革和发展中发挥了坚实的基础性作用。

    Accounting is one of most important functions of economic management , it provides services for various economic construction activities in our country , and it has the fundamental effect on the economics revolution and economic development .

  16. 真正把政府经济管理职能的着力点转到主要为各类市场主体服务和建立健全与市场经济相适应的体制、政策、法律环境上来。

    Really convert the point of application of governmental economic management function to serve for various market entities and set up and perfect the surroundings of system , policy and law which is adapted to market economy .

  17. 目前世界上先进发达国家都建立了比较完善的政府采购法律制度来规范本国的政府采购行为,以便更好的发挥政府的经济管理职能。

    For now , the world advanced developed countries have established a sophisticated legal system of government procurement to regulate their government purchasing behavior , in order to give better play to the functions of government at economic management .

  18. 政府经济管理职能即政府在一定历史时期,根据社会经济发展的需要而担负的组织经济建设的职责和功能。

    The governmental administrative function in economy refers to the role that the government plays as well as the responsibilities it takes in organizing economic construction to respond to changing societal and economic needs in a particular historical period .

  19. 地方政府职能转变难的主要表现是:经济管理职能过多,政企、政事、政社不分的现象依然严重存在,地方政府机构仍然过大影响政府职能的发挥。

    The difficulties in the transformation of the functions of the local governments mainly are : the local governments are involved too much in the economic management ; government and enterprise , government and utility , and government and community are not separated to a large extent ;

  20. 各监督管理机构在会计信息质量出现问题时能够发挥重要作用,需要得到其他经济管理的职能部门的支持和配合,需要得到全社会的理解和认同。

    The regulatory authority problems in the quality of accounting information can play an important role in the time required by other functions of economic management support and cooperation .

  21. 在过去的几年中,中国银行业的改革速度显著加快,特别是强化了中央银行的监管职能和对宏观经济的管理职能。

    The past few years have seen marked acceleration of china 's banking reform , particularly significant strengthening of the central bank 's capacity for supervision and microeconomic management .

  22. 主要表现为:社会经济的管理职能,社会冲突的调控职能,内外侵犯的防卫职能,整个社会的代表职能。

    Its main manifestations are the management function of social economy , the regulation function of social conflict , the defence function of inside or outside invasion , the representative function of the whole society .

  23. 新的合并报表基本合并理论已经从侧重母公司理论转为侧重实体理论,从而更充分发挥会计经济管理的职能,完善产权制度,保护中小股东的利益。

    The new integration report theory has shifted from parent-com - pany theory to entity theory , which optimized accounting functions in economic management , perfected property regu - lations , and protected middle-small share-owner 's interests .

  24. 透支行政是地方政府在行使经济事务管理职能的过程中透支行政资源与经济建设和社会发展相关资源的行为,具有错位行政性、指标至上性、行为短期性、举债盲目性等特点。

    Overdraft administration is local governmental practice in the form of the overdraft of resources related to administration , economic construction and social development , which is characterized by misplaced administration , index orientation , short-range behavior and unreasonable obligation .

  25. 这一制度的建立不仅有利于国家行使和实现其经济管理的职能,有利于实现对商主体的市场准入控制,而且有利于维护交易安全和当事人的合法权益,有利于规范商事登记行为。

    The foundation of this system is not only beneficial to perform and realize its function of economic management and fulfill market entry control of commercial subject for our country , but also maintain trade safety and lawful rights and interests of parties , and regulate commercial registration actions .

  26. 论军队医院经济科管理会计职能定位

    Discussion on The Accounting Function Orientation of Military Hospital Economic Management

  27. 作为国家代表的政府,其经济管理的本质职能就是制定和监督市场游戏规则,提供服务。

    The essential economic management function of the government , the representative of the state , is formulating and supervising " market regulations and rules " and providing services .

  28. 税务局作为经济管理的重要职能部门,肩负着调控宏观经济、增加国家财政收入、保持整个社会经济活动平稳有序运行的重大责任。

    As a very important functional economic managing office , Tax bureau should take her responsibility of controlling national macroeconomic , increasing revenue , keeping whole social economic activities be ordered and stable .

  29. 税收具有组织收入、调节经济、监督管理的职能。

    Tax revenue has functions to organiza income , regulate economy , and inspect management .

  30. 企业的委托代理问题是随企业的发展,企业所有权和经营权的分离,以及社会科学技术和经济的发展,管理职能的进一步分工而逐步复杂化。

    Enterprise 's request agent question is along with enterprise 's development , the enterprise property rights and the operating right separation , as well as the social sciences technology and the economical development , manages the function the further division of labor but gradually to complicate .