
  1. 库存竞争性产品的VMI收益分享合同模型

    Inventory competitive products ' revenue-sharing contract under VMI

  2. 一旦微软在美国降价,竞争性产品playstation3的生产者索尼(sony)将会感受到降价的压力。

    Sony , which produces the rival console Playstation 3 , will feel pressure to follow any Microsoft price cut in the US .

  3. 脸书旗下的Oculus即将推出备受瞩目的虚拟现实头盔RiftVR,预售价599美元。国际电子消费展挤满了生产类似设备和产品的公司,这些公司争相布局竞争性产品、进行相关宣传,吸引人们走进虚拟世界。

    Facebook-owned Oculus began taking pre-orders for its eagerly-anticipated Rift VR headsets at a price of $ 599 , and CES was rife with companies scrambling to field competing devices or content that could draw people into faux worlds .

  4. 二是竞争性产品供给弹性大,一般消费品价格普遍而又持续上涨的可能性较小,而由金融投机引发的初级产品价格暴涨成为推动CPI和PPI上升的丰要原因。

    Secondly , the competitive products have so great supply elasticity that the universal and sustained rise for general consumer prices has a small possibility . The primary commodity prices inflation caused by financial speculation is the main reason for rising in CPI and PPI .

  5. 当然我们也不能经营其他供货商提供的竞争性产品。

    And we , on our part , shall not handle competitive products offered by other suppliers either .

  6. 地理市场则是指购买者在竞争性产品或服务中进行选择的合理区域与范围。

    The commerce competition of medical service area Market is just the boundary and the area of competition .

  7. 创新来自于竞争性产品和服务的斗艳争妍、以及消费者对最佳产品和服务的自由选择。

    Innovation came from the clash of competing products and services , with consumers free to choose the best .

  8. 专案管理的真正优势是为客户在竞争性产品在市场上创造及时和高质量之交付上的价值。

    The true benefit of project management is in value creation from a timely and high quality delivery of a competitive product for the benefit of the customers in the marketplace .

  9. 即各级政府部门从直接经营竞争性产品和供给公共服务中逐渐退出,转移让渡给市场和社会来完成,并确立多样化的公共服务供给机制。

    The government departments do not direct manage the competitive products and the supply of public services , it is accomplished by the market and society to , and we will established mechanisms for diversification of the supply of public services .

  10. 所谓的公共物品是具有非排他性和非竞争性的产品和服务,公共物品的这两个特征在市场的失效使得学者们认为只有政府才能够有效提供它们。

    The public goods are the non-excludability and non-competitive products or services , and the failures in the market of the characteristics make the scholars think that only the government can provide them effectively .

  11. 并非如此。在欧盟内部,贫困和收入不均程度最低,以及长期失业率最低的国家,都是丹麦。该国拥有竞争性的产品市场,以及一些限制性最弱的劳工法律。

    No. The nation with the lowest levels of poverty and income inequality in the EU , as well as the lowest rate of long-term unemployment , is Denmark – a country with competitive product markets and some of the least restrictive labour laws .

  12. 直接竞争或替代性产品以及产品的生产加工方法(PPMs)标准等概念使得相同产品的含义更加复杂化。

    The meaning of like products is made more complicated by the criteria of direct competitive or substitutive products and PPMs .

  13. 逆向选择、产品质量和信誉机制&对我国竞争性市场中产品质量问题的经济分析

    Adverse Selection , Product Quality and Reputation

  14. 他们被认为能在工业中提供有竞争性价格的高品质产品并且能响应顾客的需要。

    They are viewed in the industry as supplying very high-quality products at competitive prices and being responsive to customers'product needs .

  15. 知识管理是业务、客户、流程知识的管理,也是对企业所提供的附加值和竞争性的、不同产品和服务的应用程序的管理。

    Knowledge management : management of business , cusomer , and process knowledge and its application for adding value and competitively differentiating product and serive offerings .

  16. 家用洗衣机的模糊变频控制其中,家用洗衣机市场上的竞争具有典型性:产品更新换代迅速,竞争手段层出不穷,竞争格局的力量对比也时时变换。

    Fuzzy Control of Household Washing Machines Based on Frequency Conversion Technology New products and competitive marketing activities continue to develop at a fast pace , resulting in a fast changing and competitive market .

  17. 本文基于单产品销售规律的Bass模型,提出了两产品竞争销售规律的一个数学模式,为解释并定量描述市场中多种竞争性产品的销售规律提供了一个新的模型。

    Based on Bass'model on saling rule of single goods , a mathematical model on competing sale between two goods was given in this paper . The new model can explain and describe in number the saling rule among multi-competing goods .

  18. 接着,本文建立了数字信息产品竞争性扩散模型,探讨了转换成本大和转换成本小两种情况下竞争性数字信息产品的扩散过程。

    Then , the paper establishes the diffusion model of two competing digital information products to explore the diffusion processes in the two cases with large switching cost and small switching cost .