
  1. 中部省份在国家经济发展战略西移中崛起的若干思考

    Reflections on the Rapid Development of Middle-Provinces in the Western Moving Process of National Strategies for Economy Development

  2. 从上世纪80年代中期开始,拉美国家经济发展战略开始向着以自由市场为基本特征的外向型经济转换,贸易自由化是这场转换经济发展模式改革的基础和主要内容。

    Starting from the mid-1980s Latin American countries implemented trade liberalization as the significant component of the reform process .

  3. 以国家经济发展战略和准入法规为导向,实现现代民族资本在金融业的产业推进;

    Following the guidance of economic development strategy and allowable law to realize impulse of modern national capital in financial industry .

  4. 国家经济发展战略的制定与实施都离不开经济发展理论的指导。

    The theory of economic development is used to direct establishing and applying the strategy of national knowledgizaition economic development SNKED .

  5. 甘肃黄土高原地区既是国家经济发展战略西移的重要经济地理单元,又是全国水土流失的重点区域。

    Loess plateau in Gansu province not only is an important economic geographic unit , but also a serious soil loss area of China .

  6. 再根据国家经济发展战略提出三种不同投资预测方案,为实施交通运输产业结构政策提供了具体依据。

    According to the nation 's developing strategy , it has provided three kinds forecasting scheme as the particular basis of implementing transportation industry structure policy .

  7. 要解决现存问题,促进中国广告产业快速而又合乎理性的发展,必须将广告产业的发展纳入国家经济发展战略的整体框架。

    To solve the existing problems and promote the rapid and rational development , Chinese advertising industry must be embedded into the overall national economic development strategy framework .

  8. 在我国随着国家经济发展战略的调整和可持续发展战略的实施,生态需求已成为社会对林业的第一需求。

    In our country with economic development strategy adjustment , and the implementation of the strategy of sustainable development , has become the social demand of ecological forestry first demand .

  9. 中部省份在全国经济发展中所处的地位、全国性的经济技术转移、地区产业结构调整与升级要求等,使得中部省份有条件在国家经济发展战略西移过程中迅速崛起。

    Its status in national economic development , nationwide economy and technology transfer and the requirements for regional industrial restructuring enable the middle provinces to develop rapidly in the Western-moving Process of National Strategies for Economy Development .

  10. 华人自身的经济实力是其进入中国投资的基础,华人企业抓住东南亚国家经济发展战略带来的机遇和世界经济调整的机会,发展和壮大自己;

    Economic strength was the basics of the investment of the oversea Chinese of Southeast in China . They made full use of favorable chances caused by Southeast Asia countries ' economic strategy and world economic adjustment to develop their economy ;

  11. 而发展中国家通过金融压抑向金融约束转变,自始至终都与民族国家经济发展战略紧密关联的,然而很多发展中国家都际遇了金融危机的冲击。

    While the developing country changed from the financial depression to the financial restriction , the reform was closely connected with national economy strategy from beginning to end . However a lot of developing countries encountered the impact of the financial crisis .

  12. 根据国家经济发展战略决策,长江三角洲地区的经济发展现状和发展趋势,到2000年,这个区域可望成为一个现代化地区。

    According to the national strategic policies of economic development and as judged by Changjiang River 's Delta present features and develpment trends , it is anticipated that by the year 2000 , this area will be likely to turn into a modernized area .

  13. 发达国家海洋经济发展战略及对中国的启示

    Inspiration from Development of Marine Economy in Developed Countries

  14. 经济因素作为国家确定经济发展战略的最核心因素,其重要性不言自明。

    Economic factors as national economic development strategy determine the core factors , its importance is self-evident .

  15. 与此同时,辽宁省将按照国家级经济发展战略规划进一步加快经济增长与提高城市化发展水平。

    Meanwhile , Liaoning Province will further accelerate economic growth and improve the level of urbanization according to the national economic developmental strategic plan .

  16. 我国应根据国家宏观经济发展战略制定涉外税收优惠政策的目标和相应的政策。

    We should establish the aim of the favorable tax policy for enterprises involving foreign investment and the relative policy according to the develop-ment strategy of the macro economy .

  17. 2009年抚州市被纳入海峡西岸经济区和鄱阳湖生态经济区的国家区域经济发展战略规划中,如何抓住这一重大发展机遇,加速招商引资是当前抚州市政府实现经济社会持续发展面临的重大课题。

    In 2009 , Fuzhou has been incorporated in the state regional economic development strategy plans about economic zone on the west side of the Straits and Poyang Lake eco-economic zone .

  18. 目前许多发展中国家已经将承接国际外包业务确定为国家经济发展的战略重点,制定了大量有利发展国际服务外包的政策。

    At present , many developing countries have undertaken trade in services offshoring as a national strategic focus of foreign trade development , developed a large number of developing offshore outsourcing policy .

  19. 在知识经济时代,高科技产业已经成为经济可持续发展的助推器,包括我国在内的各国纷纷把发展高科技产业作为国家经济发展的战略重点。

    In the era of knowledge economy , high-tech industry has become a roll booster for sustainable economic development , and every country has considered it as the strategic keystone for economic development , including China .

  20. 在国家海洋经济发展战略方针指导下,沿海各省市纷纷把开发海洋资源,发展海洋经济作为推动本地区经济社会发展的重要领域,并提出了各自的发展战略和构想、制定了详细的规划。

    Under the guidance of national marine economic development strategy and policy , more and more coastal provinces and municipalities take the development of marine economy as the most important means to drive the socio-economic development of this area , and also put forward each development strategy and detailed planning .

  21. 非洲国家在制定经济发展战略时,亟需加强农业的基础地位。

    While formulating economic development strategies , African countries need urgently to strengthen agriculture as its foundation .

  22. 加强自主创新,建设创新型国家已成为经济发展战略的目标。

    Strengthening the ability of independent innovation and constructing the innovation country has become the aim of stratagem of economy development .

  23. 各时期政府投资政策转变的得失取决于国家经济体制和发展战略选择,以及政府投资政策选择本身。

    The effectiveness of policy changes in various periods depends on economic system , selection of development strategy and policies of government investment .

  24. 本文提出一种实现国家人口-经济发展战略决策的决策支持系统。

    This paper is concerned with a decision supporting system CDSS for the realization of computer-aided design in the field of national population-economic development strategy .

  25. 天津滨海新区已被国家列为经济发展战略总体布局的重要组成部分,目前已显示出了强劲的发展活力。

    Having been listed as an important component of the national economic development strategy , Tianjin Binhai New Area has shown the strong developing vitality .

  26. 这是因为,首先,石油是各个国家经济发展、军事战略中不可或缺的物质资源,其次,石油更是一种稀缺资源。

    That is because , first , oil is the indispensable material for economic development and military strategy . Secondly , oil is an exiguous resource .

  27. 现在世界各国都不约而同地选择可持续发展作为国家宏观经济发展的战略目标,而技术进步在可持续发展中发挥着重大的作用。

    Nowadays , countries all over the world simultaneously choose sustainable development , in which technological progress is playing a great role , as the strategic objective of national macroeconomic development .

  28. 文化产业已被视为朝阳产业成为许多国家重要的经济发展战略,文化贸易亦成为国际贸易中的重要组成部分。

    As a newly-emerging rising sun industry , the cultural industry has become an important national strategy for many countries and culture trade is reaching a new growth in the national trade .

  29. 本文认为,借黄三角高效生态经济区和山东半岛蓝色经济区两大国家级区域经济发展战略的机遇,山东省中小企业的成长速度很快。

    This paper analyzes that by the yellow triangle efficient ecological economic zones and economic zones Shandong Peninsula blue two-level opportunities for regional economic development strategy , the growth of small and medium enterprises in Shandong Province is very fast .

  30. 这虽然有利于满足经济发达地区对人才和劳动力的需求,有利于提高人民的收入和生活水平,但从长远来讲,不利于落后地区经济的长远发展和国家经济发展的整体战略。

    Although this can meet the demand for talents and workforce of developed area and can help and raise the income and living standard of the people , it does not benefit the long-term development of the economy in the backward region and the overall national strategy of economic development .