
  • 网络state-owned unit;state-owned sectors
  1. 公职是国家机关及其他国有单位中具有公共性质的职务。

    The Public office is the public task in state organs and other state-owned units .

  2. 公职权是公民享有平等机会就任国家机关及其他国有单位中具有公共性质的职务的权利。

    The Public office right means that citizens have the equal chance to take up their posts in the state organs and other state-owned units .

  3. 谈国有单位人员玩忽职守罪、滥用职权罪&对《刑法修正案》第2条的理解

    On Crime of Neglecting Their Duty and Abusing Their Authority by the Numbers of State-owned Unit

  4. 权力配置制度规范国有单位科学、合理、明确地配置权力。

    The system of distributing authority stipulates that the state-owned unit distributes authority scientifically , reasonably and clearly .

  5. 结果表明,1993-1996年间,国有单位和集体组织是灰色土地市场的主体;

    The results show that during 1993 and 1996 , state unites and collective organizations are the dominating violators .

  6. 承德钢铁还是当地最大的雇主,占承德市全部国有单位雇员的八分之一。

    It is also the biggest employer around , accounting for one in eight of all state employees in Chengde .

  7. 此外,由于提供更多的前国有单位许多精细艺术摄影师获取滚筒扫描仪,它创造了一个新的利基市场的机器。

    Inaddition , due to the greater availability of pre-owned units manyfine-art photographers are acquiring drum scanners , which has created anew niche market for the machines .

  8. 论文首先通过对监察、效能监察作全面概述,重点阐述效能监察工作如何实现国有单位管理的控制职能。

    A survey on supervision and efficiency supervision is introduced firstly , focusing on described how to realize the control function in the management of state-owned enterprises .

  9. 而即便是在房子里面,也仍然存在着问题:当房主人从国有单位把房子买了下来,也往往把很多坏习惯带了过来。

    Yet even here there are problems : When owners have bought their flats from state units , they tend to carry over a lot of bad habits .

  10. 投资增长缓慢,国有单位投资增长已慢于非国有单位投资,投资增长对国债的依赖程度明显增强。

    The investment growth slows down and the state owned growth is slower than the non-state owned investment and the investment growth reliance on state debt is obviously increased .

  11. 而只要是受国有单位的委派从事公务,无论是一次委派还是二次委派,均不影响其职务犯罪主体的认定。

    As long as suspects are appointed for public duty by stated-owned units , the first or second appointment does not matter in determining the subject of official crimes .

  12. 本罪主体中的单位,既可以是国有单位,也可以是集体单位,还可以是依法设立的合资经营、合作经营和独资、私营的公司、企业、事业单位。

    The unit subjects could be state-owned entity , the collective entity , legally established joint venture , and cooperative , individual , private company , enterprise and institution .

  13. 该片的演员阵容可谓众星云集,影坛大腕刘德华和林志玲领衔出演,影片的制作方中包括中国电影频道和中国电影集团等国有单位。

    It boasts a star-studded cast headlined by A-listers Andy Lau and Lin Chi-ling , and counts state-owned companies China Movie Channel and China Film Group among its producers .

  14. 长期中则应建立健全劳动力市场,着力发展以劳动密集型为主的服务业,并促进国有单位职工向非国有单位流动。

    In the long term , a sanity labor market is required , labor-concentrated service professions should be developed and state-owned enterprises are to be transformed into non-state owned ones .

  15. 他在私有和国有单位都谋过事,其中包括在意大利参议院干过一段时间,当过欧盟委员会公司法律处专家。

    He has since worked in both private and public sectors , including stints in the Italian Senate and as one of the European Commission 's group of company-law experts .

  16. 在多数城市中,人们可以根据为国有单位服务的年限,折价购买这些最初由单位提供给他们的住房。

    In most cities , people were entitled to buy their houses at a discount that depended on the length of service to the state industry that had originally provided it .

  17. 仅仅因为身份上的差异,国家工作人员、国有单位在商业活动中实施相同行为的情况下,要比非国家工作人员、非国有单位受到更严厉的刑事处罚。

    As to the same action , the state functionary person and state body would bear much more heavy criminal responsibility than those who are not state functionary person or state body .

  18. 受国有单位委派在有国有资金参股、控股的股份有限公司中从事管理工作的人员挪用公司资金的行为,应认定为挪用公款罪。

    The behavior of embezzling company capital by those who are entrusted by state-own enterprise to conduct administration in the stock limited companies where state-owned enterprises have shares is found as the crime of misappropriating public funds .

  19. 权力监督制度保障和规范权力监督主体对国有单位和国家公职人员执行权力配置制度和权力制约制度的情况进行监督。

    The system of supervising authority ensures and stipulates that the owner with authority to supervise supervises the state-owned unit and the civil servant to carry out the system of distributing authority and the system of invoking authority .

  20. 当前我国就业形势和失业问题面临三重压力:首先,国有单位和城镇集体单位出现了大批下岗失业人员,我国城镇失业人口骤然上升,城镇实际失业率远超过城镇登记失业率。

    Firstly , a large number of unemployed have emerged in state-owned enterprises and collective enterprises . The quantity of them is soaring up , and the actual urban unemployment rate has far surpassed the registered unemployment rate .

  21. 最后得出结论,应当对国有单位委派到合资、合作、股份制等非国有单位中从事公务的人员是否属于国家工作人员作适当的限制解释,不能一概以国家工作人员论。

    Finally , it reaches the conclusion whether the personnel appointed by the state-owned enterprises to non-state-owned enterprises of joint venture , partnership , joint-stock engaged in official business can be seen as state personnel should be under the appropriate restrictions .

  22. 1987年以来中国城市进入快速的社会经济转型期,国有单位的市场化改革、经济全球化、乡城迁移等多种力量将城市推入急剧的转型过程之中,称之为转型城市;

    China has been in socio-economic transition since 1987 . Multi-forces , such as the market reformation of work unit , the economic globalization , the rural-urban migration , pushed the city into the rapid tran - sition process , which could be defined as ' transitional city ' .

  23. 国有事业单位改制中薪酬协调激励研究

    Research on Compensation Incentive and Coordination after the System Reform of State-Owned Public Institution

  24. 国有企业单位实质上是国家的一种社会控制、整合方式。

    The state-owned corporation is one of ways of our country 's governing her citizen .

  25. 论国家机关、国有事业单位不能成立单位犯罪&以经济分析法学为视角

    State Agencies and Institutions Cannot Form the Crimes Committed by a Unit Economic Crime and Criminal Law

  26. 转型期我国事业单位薪酬激励机制分析国有事业单位改制中薪酬协调激励研究

    The Research about Reforming System of Salary Motivate Mechanism in Enterprise Unit during Transforming Period in China

  27. 专业技术人员是指在事业、国有企业单位中,专职从事专业技术工作及专业技术管理工作的人员。

    Professional personnel are those engaged in the s t work and s t managerial work in the institutions or state-owned enterprises .

  28. 萨科奇先生最有争议的任命是让亨利-普格利奥作为国有事业单位-法国电力公司的领导。

    Mr Sarkozy 's most controversial appointment has been that of Henri Proglio as the head of EDF , a state-owned utility .

  29. 同时,非国有经济单位职工人数几乎翻了45倍,也充分说明了非国有企业为浙江省社会就业做出的贡献相当之大。

    Simultaneously , employee number of non-state-owned economy units increases nearly 45 times , which speaks volumes for non-state-owned economy greatly contribution of Zhejiang province social employment .

  30. 依据司法解释:国有事业单位人员和国家机关中事业编制人员可以作为妨害公务罪的侵害对象;

    According to judicial interpretation , state-owned institution staff and institutional person in government organizations can be the objective of infringement of interference with the exercise of public functions .