
zàn hánɡ ɡuī dìnɡ
  • interim provision;temporary provision;provisional rule
  1. 正是在这样的背景下,《外国投资者并购境内企业暂行规定》应运而生。

    Basic on it ,《 The Temporary Provision Rules For Foreign Investor To Merge Acquisition Domestic Enterprise 》 has been issued .

  2. 深圳市股份有限公司暂行规定DICOM标准安全性规定


  3. 同步数字系列(SDH)微波接力通信系统工程设计暂行规定

    Temporary regulation for design of synchronous digital hierarchy ( SDH ) microwave relay telecommunication system engineering

  4. (viii)报刊转载、摘编法定许可付酬标准暂行规定(1993年8月1日)

    ( viii ) Interim Provisions of the Standard of Paying Author 's Remuneration When the Press Reprint and Extract the Published Works with the Consent by Law ( 1 August 1993 )

  5. 不论是国际会计准则IAS27还是我国的合并会计报表暂行规定,都将合并范围的界定作为准则的重点;

    No matter in IAS27 or in temporary standards of consolidated accounting statement issued by our country , scope is the most important part in the standards , and be put premier .

  6. 放开经营的电信业务市场管理暂行规定

    Temporary Provisions on the Management of the Liberalized Telecom Service Market

  7. 合并报表暂行规定探析

    A Probe Into the Temporary Provisions of Merging Financial Report Forms

  8. 高速无线电寻呼工程设计暂行规定

    Temporary regulation for design of high speed radio paging engineering

  9. 集群通信设备安装工程验收暂行规定

    Temporary regulation for acceptance of trunked communication equipments installing engineering

  10. 公用帧中继宽带业务网工程设计暂行规定

    Temporary regulation for design of public FR broadband network engineering

  11. 金银饰品质量检验暂行规定

    Provisional Rules of Quality Inspect in Gold & Silver Jewelry

  12. 关于医师执业注册中执业范围的暂行规定

    A temporary regulation for practice scope in registration of practitioner

  13. 港口危险货物管理暂行规定

    Interim Provisions on the Management of Dangerous Cargo at Harbour

  14. 邮政金融计算机网络系统工程设计暂行规定

    Temporary regulation for design of postal bank computer network engineering

  15. 光缆线路自动监测系统工程设计暂行规定

    Temporary regulation design of optical fiber cable automatic monitoring system

  16. 通信管道和电缆通道工程施工监理暂行规定

    Provisional supervision specification for telecommunications conduit & cable channel engineering

  17. 高层建筑钢结构设计暂行规定

    Temporary regulation for structural design of tall steel buildings

  18. 移动数据通信网工程设计暂行规定

    Temporary regulation for design of mobile data network engineering

  19. 挖孔桩勘察、设计、施工及验收暂行规定

    Provisional regulations for the investigation design construction and acceptance of manual hole pile

  20. 数字程控电话交换设备抗地震性能检测暂行规定

    Temporary regulation for test of anti-seismic performances of digital program control switching equipment

  21. 数字同步网工程设计暂行规定

    Temporary regulation for design of synchronization network engineering

  22. 关于《压型钢板拱形屋盖结构应用暂行规定》的若干问题

    Some Respects on Provisional Specification for Application of Cold-formed Steel Thin-wall Arch Roof Structure

  23. 注册验船师制度暂行规定

    The Provisional Regulations for the Registered Ship Surveyors

  24. 当场处罚罚款票据管理暂行规定。

    Tentative Provisions on the administration of invoices of fines collected on the spot .

  25. 集群通信工程设计暂行规定

    Temporary regulation for design of trunking communication engineering

  26. 依照两个暂行规定,实施了建筑管理许可证制度。

    Pursuant to the two provisional regulations . construction Permit was implemented in the City .

  27. 浅析《互联网药品交易服务审批暂行规定》对药品零售企业的影响

    Influence of Provisional Regulation on the Approval of Internet Drug Business on Retail Pharmaceutical Enterprises

  28. 200km/h客货共线铁路的必要性和设计暂行规定

    The Necessity of 200 km / h Mixed Passenger and Freight Railway and Interim Design Provisions

  29. 国家环保局等五部局颁布《废物进口环境保护管理暂行规定》

    NEPA and Other Four Ministries Issued the Interim Managing Rules for Waste Imported Environmental Protection .

  30. 关于工业炉窑热平衡测定与计算方法暂行规定中一些问题的商榷

    A few points to discuss the provisional regulation of thermo balance on industrial furnace and kiln