
zàn zhù zhènɡ
  • temporary residence permit
  1. 跟原来的纸质暂住证管理制度相比,IC卡管理是一次重大的制度创新,具有积极的进步意义:它实现了管理功能和管理形式上的创新。

    Compared with the former paper temporary residence permit management system , IC smart card is an innovation which has active progressive meanings : it has realized the innovation in management function and management formation .

  2. 通过随机抽样方法在四个项目点各选择2个乡镇作为研究现场,以抽到的乡镇内办理了暂住证或常住居民为子总体,抽取符合条件的育龄妇女。

    Reproductive women were selected by random sampling from the sub-population who had a temporary residence permit or permanent residents in townships in 4 project sites .

  3. 暂住证制度的存废研究

    The Research on the Existence or Abolition of Temporary Dwelling Card System

  4. 关于《暂住证》制度改革的思考与分析

    Thinking and Analysis on the Temporary Residence Permit System Reform

  5. 暂住证制度的分析与完善

    Analysis of temporary dwelling card and its perfection

  6. 不过好象拿你的暂住证到分局也可以办!

    But if you take the temporary residence permits to the sub-Can be done !

  7. 严厉打击没有进京许可证和暂住证的中国人!

    Chinese citizens without carrying Beijing entry admission and temporary visa will be punished !

  8. 不配合身份证、暂住证检查的中国人将被强制拘留!

    Chinese citizens who do not cooperate checking ID and temporary visa will be arrested !

  9. 从沈阳取消暂住证制度看外来流动人口管理

    Viewing on the Management to the Floating Population from Shengyang 's Canceling Temporary Staying Card System

  10. 外商投资企业内外籍员工如何办理居留证或暂住证?

    How could domestic and foreign employees in foreign investment enterprise transact residence certificate or temporary residence certificate ?

  11. 外出请带齐“三证”,即“身份证、暂住证、工作证”;

    Take the '3 licences ( ID card , shack licence and working card ) before go out .

  12. 监督派遣公司办理外地员工就业证、暂住证、居住证、人才引进等相关人力资源手续。

    Monitor the HR agency transact the procedures of applying work permit , temporary resident permit , resident permit .

  13. 我来北京的时候就没办暂住证,这几十年过去了那还是暂住?

    When I came to Beijing , I didn 't apply it . I always reside temporarily there in the past decades .

  14. 没过一会儿,警察就来查房了,他们要了我们两人的身份证、暂住证,然后就走了。

    The hotel staff had called the cops on us because they thought I was underage and he was going to molest me .

  15. 2003年《收容遣送管理办法》废止之后,国内不少城市取消暂住证。

    After the abolition in 2003 of the " Management Method for Internment and Repatriation ", many cities in China cancelled temporary residence permits .

  16. 该州五家办公室表示,他们将为移民安排办理时间,包括那些持暂住证的移民及非法移民。

    Five offices across the state say they are taking appointments for immigrants including those with temporary permits and those in the country illegally .

  17. 设计并实现了流动人口管理、暂住证管理、计划生育管理、违法记录管理、权限控制等功能模块。

    Design and implementation of the floating population management , management of temporary residence permits , family planning , management , law records management , access control and other functional modules .

  18. 文章认为,我国的暂住证制度具有行政确认与行政许可双重法律性质,并具有前置许可的某些作用,因而该制度在现行条件下不具有正当性、合理性及合法性。

    The temporary dwelling card system have administration confirm permit double legal nature with the administration , and have leading some function that permit , therefore this system does not have proper , rationality and legitimacy under current terms .