
zàn huǎn
  • suspend;suspension;postpone;defer;respite;put off;stall
暂缓 [zàn huǎn]
  • [postpone; defer; put off] 暂且推迟;权且延缓

  • 调价方案暂缓出台

暂缓[zàn huǎn]
  1. 我不得不暂缓就业打算,呆在家里。

    I had to postpone ideas of a career and stay at home .

  2. 我们不得不暂缓寄出对申请书的答复。

    We have to postpone sending our answer to the request .

  3. 一位法官在进行全面调查之前已经暂缓了对该杂志的禁令。

    A judge has suspended a ban on the magazine pending a full inquiry .

  4. 但所发现的实际情况完全是另一回事,所以他只好尽自己所能暂缓其发生。

    But the reality of discovery was a different matter , and he did all he could to stave it off .

  5. 艺术专家们呼吁暂缓对一幅莱昂纳多·达芬奇的绝世名画的修复计划。

    Art experts have appealed for the suspension of plans to restore one of Leonardo da Vinci 's most celebrated paintings .

  6. 多德没有对自己的死刑判决提起上诉,而且他还要求自己的律师起诉任何成功使得这一死刑暂缓执行的人。

    Dodd made no appeal of his death sentence and , further , instructed his attorney to sue anyone who succeeds in delaying his execution .

  7. 这样的天气,我们还是暂缓把花移种出去。

    The weather is such that we had better not plant out the flowers for some time .

  8. 原定今天把这座旧戏院拆掉,但临时突然决定暂缓进行。

    They were due to start demolishing the old theatre today but there 's been a last minute stay of execution .

  9. EVENTPOOLSIZE设置该变量指定用于未处理事件、未处理通知和事件暂缓的内存大小。

    EVENT_POOL_SIZE Set this variable to specify the amount of memory used for unprocessed events , unprocessed notifications , and event suppression .

  10. 应当暂缓执行巴塞尔协议III(BaselIII)的资本充足率和流动性标准。

    The implementation of Basel III capital adequacy and liquidity standards should be delayed .

  11. 大量(Bucket):这类需求包括长期运行或者可以暂缓的需求。

    Bucket : This category includes the requirements that are long running or deferrable .

  12. 目前,始自去年9月份的国内IPO暂缓发行似乎已接近尾声。

    Now the end of the latest moratorium on domestic IPOs , which began last September , appears to be in sight .

  13. followinglastweek'sannouncement是现在分词作状语。onhold暂缓,推迟,搁置我们把这个计划暂时搁置一个月。

    We 've put the project on hold for a month . 3.And with respect to the announcement that occurred when the vice president was there , we 've expressed our dismay and disappointment .

  14. 管理这该市大部分政府大型发展项目的国有投资公司迪拜世界(DubaiWorld)向债权人请求暂缓偿还600亿美元的债务。

    State-owned investment company Dubai World , which manages much of the city-state 's massive development projects , is asking creditors for a delay in repaying about $ 60 billion in debt .

  15. 上月,一个牛肉、猪肉、鸡肉和奶制品生产商联盟请求美国国家环境保护局(usepa)暂缓乙醇指令,以回应玉米价格不断上涨。

    Last month , a coalition of beef , pork , chicken and dairy producers petitioned the US Environmental Protection Agency to waive the ethanol mandate in response to rising corn prices .

  16. 美国暂缓但不会放弃部署NMD

    The United States Delayed but not Gave up the NMD Plan

  17. 他们还可以与SAC达成暂缓起诉协议(DPA),即SAC承认存在不当行为,但不面对刑事诉讼。

    Or they could settle for a deferred prosecution agreement ( DPA ), under which SAC admits wrongdoing without being charged .

  18. 印度政府给了rim公司60天的暂缓期,但警告称它必须在这段时间内建立本地服务器。

    The government gave rim a 60-day reprieve but warned that it would have to set up a server within India during this period .

  19. 上个月,迪拜在资本市场掀起了一场狂风骤雨:这个酋长国要求暂缓偿付国有企业迪拜世界(dubaiworld)的部分债务,震惊了投资者。

    Last month , Dubai caused a Squall in the capital markets : the emirate stunned investors with a request for a standstill on some of the debts of Dubai World , a state-owned company .

  20. 如果SEC公布上述终裁结果,四大还可以向联邦地区法院提出上诉,同时要求暂缓执行SEC的决定。

    If the Commission goes ahead and finalizes the decision , the big four could appeal to federal district court and ask for a stay of the decision .

  21. 罗先生毕业于亨特学院(HunterCollege),是2012年推出的“童年入境暂缓遣返程序”(DeferredActionforChildhoodArrivals)的受益者。该项目保护幼年时期由父母带来美国的某些没有证件的移民;

    Mr. Na , a graduate of Hunter College , was a beneficiary of the 2012 program Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals , which protected certain undocumented children who were brought to the United States by their parents ;

  22. ETS发言人汤姆·尤因(TomEwing)说,暂缓公布成绩依据的是考生的居住国,而不是考试地点。

    Tom Ewing , a spokesman for the Educational Testing Service , said scores were being withheld based on the nations where students lived , not where they took the exam .

  23. 在距离美国大部分高校的提前申请截止日期还剩几天之际,管理全世界的学术能力评估测试(ScholasticAssessmentTest,简称SAT)的公司,决定暂缓公布数千名中国和韩国学生的成绩。

    Responding to cheating allegations , the company that administers the SAT tests around the world is withholding scores , at least temporarily , for thousands of Chinese and South Korean students just days before the early application deadlines for most American colleges and universities .

  24. 美国联邦最高法院驳回了3家印第安纳养老基金要求暂缓把克莱斯勒(Chrysler)出售给菲亚特(Fiat)的请求,允许该交易继续进行。

    The US Supreme Court allowed the sale of Chrysler to Fiat to go ahead , rejecting an appeal by three Indiana pension funds that requested that the deal be put on hold .

  25. 克莱斯勒(Chrysler)快速重组的愿望在最后一刻遭遇挫折。美国联邦最高法院周一作出裁决,暂缓把这家破产的汽车制造商出售给由意大利菲亚特(Fiat)牵头的投资集团。

    Chrysler suffered a last-minute setback to its hopes of a speedy restructuring on Monday after the US Supreme Court delayed the sale of the bankrupt carmaker to a group led by Italy 's Fiat .

  26. 最近,Mila在一份当地报纸上看到,夏威夷法庭由于这跟夏威夷文化的相关性,已将改基因的可能性暂缓了10年执行。

    As of late Mila read in a local paper that the Hawaiian courts have suspended the possibility of genetic modification of the tarot plant for10 years due to how it is related to Hawaiian culture .

  27. 知情人士表示,对于美国管辖范围之外的互换交易商,美国商品期货交易委员会(cftc)希望暂缓执行美国在金融危机之后出台的衍生品交易规则。

    The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission wants temporarily to exempt swap dealers that fall under non-US jurisdictions from complying with post-financial crisis regulations on derivatives transactions , said people familiar with the matter .

  28. 他也将在海牙国际法庭受审,但是他的审判暂缓。前塞尔维亚总统米洛舍维奇(SlobodanMilosevic)也接受了审判,但是在审判期间去世。

    He also faced charges in The Hague , but his trial was ed. Former Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic also went before the tribunal , but he died during his trial .

  29. 去年十一月,大家也曾呼吁伊万卡清除“梦想法案”,保护移民儿童,允许他们在童年抵美者暂缓遣返计划(DACA)的保护下留在美国。

    Last November , they called on her to support the clean DREAM Act to protect immigrant children who are allowed to remain in this country under DACA .

  30. 根据与美国检察机关达成的暂缓起诉协议,德国汽车制造商戴姆勒(Daimler)同意支付1.85亿美元的民事及刑事罚款。此前戴姆勒被控多年来在22个国家实施精心设计的行贿计划。

    Daimler , the German carmaker , this week agreed to pay $ 185m in civil and criminal fines under the terms of a deferred prosecution agreement with US prosecutors following allegations that it engaged for years in an elaborate bribery scheme in 22 countries .