
  • 网络temperary connection;temporary connection
  1. 本文介绍了一个能反映DNA-RNA-Pr系统作用的暂时神经联系的模型以及为配合模拟而进行的两项记忆行为的观察。

    This paper introduces a temporary neural connection model reflecting the role of DNA-RNA-Pr systems and two observations on memory behaviors for modeling .

  2. 我们又和我们的暂时盟国切断了联系。

    We cut loose from our temporary allies .

  3. 如果你省略掉了收集资料这一步,而且没有与所有的相关人群取得联系或者与他们所需的暂时替代人员取得联系,就很快做出决定,那么你会发现自己的选择因为信息缺失而很糟糕。

    If you skip over this step without reaching all the involved parties -- or at least the temporary replacement they 've hopefully brought up to speed -- you could find yourself making a bad choice for lack of information .