
  1. 博物馆正在进行大修,在此期间暂停开放。

    The museum is closed while essential repairs are being carried out .

  2. 奉上级指示,暂停开放。

    Temporarily closed on orders from above .

  3. 夜读室将会暂停开放,直至另行通知。

    The late reading room will be closed until further notice .

  4. 画展将暂停开放一星期。

    The picture show will be shut for a week .

  5. 但许多政府机构可能会关闭,博物馆和公园将暂停开放。

    But many government offices would likely close , museums and parks would stop operating .

  6. 世界上最长最高的玻璃桥位于湖南省张家界,自开放之日游客就络绎不绝,但已于上周五起暂停开放。

    The world 's longest and highest glass bridge in Zhangjiajie , Hunan Province , was temporarily closed from last Friday , following a huge influx of tourists during its initial opening .

  7. 暂停工作,休息一下画展将暂停开放一星期。

    Take a respite from one 's work The picture show will be shut for a week .