
  • 网络salem;Winston-Salem, North Carolina;sarum
  1. 桑福特新塞勒姆原始浸信会教堂的海恩斯牧师接受NPR新闻的采访时表示,法庭已经做出了判决,要安抚涉案的所有人需要时间。

    In an interview with NPR , Pastor C.J. Haynes of the New Salem Primitive Baptist Church in Sanford says now that the verdict has been issued , it will be a time of healing for everyone involved .

  2. 这就是著名的塞勒姆女巫受审案。

    This is the well-known Salem witch trial in the case .

  3. 福赛斯技术社区学院(ForsythTechnicalCommunityCollege)(位于北卡罗来纳州温斯顿塞勒姆市)的校长加里•格林表示,学院对课程进行了修订,以便与最新的制造技能系统保持一致。

    Gary green , President of the Forsyth Technical Community College , in Winston-Salem , N.C. , says his institution already has revamped its curriculum to align with the new manufacturing skills system .

  4. 这周你看《塞勒姆》或《黑色孤儿》了吗?

    Did you check out Salem or Orphan Black this weekend ?

  5. 看看这页:1692年的塞勒姆女巫

    Look at this page : THE SALEM WITCH HANGINGS OF 1692

  6. 我是塞勒姆1692的女巫!”

    I 'm a Salem witch and the year is 1692 !

  7. 她们在塞勒姆中学上学,而且她们都喜欢这。

    They go to Salem Middle School and they like it .

  8. 我无权接近第二塞勒姆的

    I 'm not supposed to go near the Second Salemers !

  9. 我们家族于1692年离开塞勒姆然后就定居这里了

    Our family fled Salem in 1692 , And relocated here .

  10. 我的祖先当年都是很厉害的塞勒姆女巫什么的

    My ancestors were these really cool Salem witch chicks or something .

  11. 为你的聚会做一些塞勒姆万圣节饼干这很简单。

    Make Salem Halloween cookies for your party ! It 's easy .

  12. 美国马萨诸塞州的塞勒姆一座美丽的城镇。

    Salem is a beautiful American town in Massachusetts , USA.

  13. 苏珊买了一本叫《塞勒姆和1692的巫师》

    Susan buys a book called Salem and the Witches of 1692 .

  14. 温斯顿-塞勒姆对艺术有一种不寻常的贡献。

    Winston-Salem has had an unusual commitment to the arts .

  15. 她是塞勒姆游泳队的成员。

    She is a member of the Salem Swimming Team .

  16. 那里还有1692年塞勒姆女巫的名字。

    There are also the names of the Salem witches of 1692 .

  17. 我们想把恶魔带到塞勒姆,”阿比盖尔·克劳斯说。

    We want to bring evil to Salem , " says Abigail Cross .

  18. 他的父母在塞勒姆开了一家中餐厅。

    His parents have a Chinese restaurant in Salem .

  19. 我看到你抱住了那个第二塞勒姆的男孩

    I saw you hugging that Second Salem boy .

  20. 不在塞勒姆被处决那些女孩们完全是无辜的

    No , the girls that were persecuted in Salem were entirely innocent .

  21. 在塞勒姆有七处女巫历史博物馆。

    There are seven historical witch museums in Salem .

  22. 1970年佛瑞德退休了,打那以后他们一直居住在塞勒姆市。

    He retired in1970 , and they have lived in Salem since then .

  23. 你又去跟踪第二塞勒姆了吗

    Have you been tracking them Second Salemers again ?

  24. 他出生于马萨诸塞州的塞勒姆镇。

    He was born in Salem , Massachusetts .

  25. 日落时分,年轻的古德曼?布朗出现在塞勒姆村的大街上。

    Young Goodman Brown came forth at sunset into the street of Salem village .

  26. 你家里有人住在塞勒姆市吗

    Do you have any family from Salem ?

  27. 这是她们第一次在塞勒姆,这座”女巫之城“过万圣节。

    This is their first Halloween in Salem , the " Witch City . "

  28. 我的家族起源于塞勒姆

    My family came by way of Salem .

  29. 奥尔巴尼美国俄勒冈州西北部威拉米特河上的城市,位于塞勒姆南方。

    Eugene : a city of western Oregon on the Willamette River south of Salem .

  30. 是第二塞勒姆的那个男孩

    It 's the Second Salem boy .