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zàn qiě
  • for the moment;for the time being
暂且 [zàn qiě]
  • [for the time being] 暂时;权且

  • 这事暂且不提了

暂且[zàn qiě]
  1. 还有几项工作需要完成,所以我们暂且还不能松劲。

    There are still a few jobs to finish off so we cannot be released for the time being .

  2. 但是先暂且假定一切都照计划进行吧。

    But let 's assume for the moment that everything goes according to plan .

  3. 要欣赏这部电影就得暂且相信那甚至不可能发生的事。

    To enjoy the movie you have to suspend your disbelief .

  4. 方案的费用暂且不理,咱们来审查方案的好处。

    Leaving aside the cost of the scheme , let us examine its benefits .

  5. 沙尔福德暂且获得了信任。

    Shalford is entitled to the benefit of the doubt .

  6. 暂且假设我是你的诉讼当事人。

    Let 's assume for a moment that I am a litigant in your court .

  7. 这件事我们暂且不考虑。

    We wouldn 't consider the matter .

  8. 暂且就这样吧。

    That will do for the present ;

  9. 讨论暂且告一段落吧。

    The discussion is suspended for the time being .

  10. 你可否在电话交换台那儿暂且替我应付一下?我跑出去寄一封信。

    Will you cover for me at the telephone switchboard while I run out to post a letter ?

  11. Greentape指某个项目正式开始之前需要通过大量的环保法规和方针政策的审核,由此可能导致项目延后以及成本超额,我们可以暂且称之为“环保类条条框框”。

    Green tape refers to excessive environmental regulations and guidelines that must be followed before an official action can be taken , which may lead to delays and cost blowouts on projects .

  12. 让我们暂且给予雅虎(yahoo)一点信任吧。

    Let us , for a moment , give Yahoo the benefit of the doubt .

  13. 英语俚语中通常用Eyecandy这个词来指代在视觉上颇具吸引力的人或者能够吸引人眼球的视觉效果,我们暂且译为养眼花瓶。

    A common slang term for visually appealing persons or effects used to draw mass attention is eye candy .

  14. venturelab是一波创业新人训练营之一,旨在让创始人暂且告别日常繁琐事务,转而评估自己的业务。

    Venture lab is part of a wave of entrepreneurial boot camps that aim to provide founders with a way to step back from the daily grind and assess their business .

  15. 暂且不表其他的错误,让我们使用Kevin提到的最后一个错误来作为结论,那就是浪费的请求量。

    We will skip over a few of the other mistakes and conclude with the last one discussed by Kevin , wasteful request quotas .

  16. 这次实验带来的道德问题暂且不谈,它更揭示了Facebook商业模式的深层次变化:即便它屈尊赏赐用户一点隐私权,依然能确保滚滚财源。

    Troubling ethics notwithstanding , the experiment has revealed a deeper shift in Facebook 's business model : the company can make money even when it deigns to allow its users a modicum of privacy .

  17. 让我们暂且不谈国际货币基金组织(IMF)向银行征税的提议是否公平(怎么没人向汽车制造商征税,以偿还美国纳税人总共为它们掏出的810亿美元呢?)。

    Leave aside for a moment whether the International Monetary Fund 's proposal to tax banks is fair ( where is the levy on automakers to repay the gross $ 81bn American taxpayers gifted Detroit ?) .

  18. 一方面,多德-弗兰克金融改革法(Dodd-Frank)等法规似乎让这个行业更安全了(暂且不提该法含有明显缺陷)。

    For one thing regulations , such as the Dodd-Frank financial reform act , appear to make the industry safer ( never mind that this act is distinctly flawed ) .

  19. 不过,咱们暂且不提商业影响,作为一个每周都会阅读好几本小说,而且通常是看纸质书的读者,我想从用户体验的角度来点评下Oyster。

    But ignoring the business implications for a moment , I wanted to evaluate oyster simply on a user experience basis , as someone who reads a couple novels each week and usually prefers to do it on dead-tree material .

  20. 抛开财务问题暂且不谈,MH370和MH17这两起事故之间有一些显著差异。

    But financial questions aside , there are distinct differences between MH 370 and MH 17 .

  21. 这些国家(暂且叫做MIFFs)中,有些对西非和南亚的未来发展很关键。

    The group - call them MIFFs - includes countries crucial to the future of west Africa and South Asia .

  22. 我们暂且不追究“8O后”这个概念的提出是否与其存在的真正意义相符。

    We shall not require8O " after " the concept of whether the true meaning of its existence .

  23. 暂且抛开外壳不谈,iPhone5c硬件的改进首先从手机正面的FaceTime摄像头开始,其像素数已经提升至120万,而且手机的背照式感光组件也得到了改进。

    Putting aside the casing for the moment , those hardware changes start with the FaceTime camera on the front of the handset . The pixel count has increased to 1.2 megapixels , and there are improvements to the backside illuminated sensor .

  24. 第三次是与一个名叫Harries大个子年青人,在1802年他向她未婚的时候,她暂且允诺了他,“但是他除了他的架码之外,一无所长”,于是她改变了主意。

    The third was a large young man called Harries whose proposal she briefly accepted in1802 ," but he had nothing to recommend him but his size ," so she changed her mind .

  25. 我们把那个建议暂且放一放好吗?

    Can we put that suggestion on the shelf for now ?

  26. 那么,现在就暂且好好地享受这片刻的宁静和美好。

    Then let 's enjoy the peace and serenity at present .

  27. 暂且就让事情这样吧。

    Let 's leave things as they are for the present .

  28. 暂且足矣所有25个吸血鬼?不是所有几个而已

    It 'll suffice for now.All 25 vampires ? Not all .

  29. 你不妨暂且相信他说了实话。

    You may grant him to have told the truth .

  30. 最后莲香应允暂且留下。

    Finally , Lian-xiang agreed to stay for a while .