
zàn huǎn zhí xínɡ
  • Suspend execution;probation of execution
  1. 多德没有对自己的死刑判决提起上诉,而且他还要求自己的律师起诉任何成功使得这一死刑暂缓执行的人。

    Dodd made no appeal of his death sentence and , further , instructed his attorney to sue anyone who succeeds in delaying his execution .

  2. 应当暂缓执行巴塞尔协议III(BaselIII)的资本充足率和流动性标准。

    The implementation of Basel III capital adequacy and liquidity standards should be delayed .

  3. 如果SEC公布上述终裁结果,四大还可以向联邦地区法院提出上诉,同时要求暂缓执行SEC的决定。

    If the Commission goes ahead and finalizes the decision , the big four could appeal to federal district court and ask for a stay of the decision .

  4. 知情人士表示,对于美国管辖范围之外的互换交易商,美国商品期货交易委员会(cftc)希望暂缓执行美国在金融危机之后出台的衍生品交易规则。

    The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission wants temporarily to exempt swap dealers that fall under non-US jurisdictions from complying with post-financial crisis regulations on derivatives transactions , said people familiar with the matter .

  5. 外国判决互惠执行法例法官判暂缓执行死刑。

    Foreign Judgment Reciprocal Enforcement Act The judge stayed the execution order .

  6. 缓刑;暂缓执行停车条例。

    Suspend a jail sentence ; suspend all parking regulations .

  7. 法官裁决被告能申请暂缓执行监禁。

    The judge ruled that the defendants could file a supersedeas bond .

  8. 不足以申请暂缓执行

    is sufficient to warrant a stay of execution .

  9. 解读《治安管理处罚法》中的暂缓执行拘留

    To Unscramble the Reprieve of the Detention Execution in the Security Administration Punishment Law

  10. 法官判暂缓执行死刑。

    The judge stayed the execution order .

  11. 不知何故调查延缓进行。法官判暂缓执行死刑。

    The investigation was tabled for reasons unknown . The judge stayed the execution order .

  12. 巴菲特走到了另一间会议室,去给美国财政部打电话,寻求他们暂缓执行。

    Buffett went off to another conference room to call the Treasury , seeking a stay of execution .

  13. 这座火车站本来计划拆毁,但是后来暂缓执行,直到1974年被翻修后,又重新投入使用。

    The station was originally planned for demolition before being granted a reprieve and being commissioned for renovation in 1974 .

  14. 法官判暂缓执行死刑。鉴于被告的年龄,治安法官给他缓期处刑。

    The judge stayed the execution order . In view of the age of the accused the magistrate give him a suspend sentence .

  15. 《治安管理处罚法》对暂缓执行拘留规定了必须具备的条件,其实施也要按照严格的程序来进行。

    The Security Administration Punishment Law prescribes the indispensable conditions for the reprieve of the detention execution , and its implementation should accord to strict procedures .

  16. 缓刑通常是指将某些已经被定罪判刑的犯罪人,附条件地放在社会上给予监督、暂缓执行监禁刑罚的非监禁刑方法。

    Suspended sentence usually refers certain sentence crime person attached the condition to put in the society and gives the surveillance , postpones the execution imprisonment penalty the non - imprisonment punishment method .

  17. 人民法院决定暂缓执行的,应当制作暂缓执行决定书,并及时送达当事人。

    Where the people 's court decides on the suspension of execution , it shall make a written decision concerning the suspension of execution , and serve it to the party concerned in time .

  18. 则在委员会举行聆讯以决定应否撤销该命令前,委员会或主席可作出暂缓执行该有条件释放令的命令。

    The board or the president may make an order suspending the operation of the order pending the holding of a hearing of the board to determine whether or not the order should be revoked .

  19. 被裁决拘留的人或者他的家属能够找到担保人或者按照规定交纳保证金的,在申诉和诉讼期间,原裁决暂缓执行。

    In case a guarantor can be found or bail has been paid according to regulations by the detainee or his family , the original ruling can be suspended temporarily during the time a petition or suit is taking place .

  20. 法官判暂缓执行死刑。死刑缓期执行制度是中国刑法在死刑适用上的一个独创。

    The judge stayed the execution order . The system of announcing the death sentence with a two-year reprieve and forced labor , as provided in China 's Criminal Law , is an original creation in the application of capital punishment .

  21. 缓刑制度是我国刑罚中的一项重要制度,它是以附条件不执行原判刑罚的方法,对一些特定的犯罪分子暂缓刑罚的执行。

    Criminal probation system is an important system in china , which is based on the implementation of conditions attached to the original penalty , the penalty of suspension of the implementation of certain specific crimes .

  22. 最近,Mila在一份当地报纸上看到,夏威夷法庭由于这跟夏威夷文化的相关性,已将改基因的可能性暂缓了10年执行。

    As of late Mila read in a local paper that the Hawaiian courts have suspended the possibility of genetic modification of the tarot plant for10 years due to how it is related to Hawaiian culture .

  23. 综合诸多因素,笔者认为我国应建立相对完备的资本弱化税制,但应暂缓在中西部地区执行。

    Synthesizes many factors , we believed that our country should establish a relatively complete thin capitalization tax system , but it should postpone in the mid-west area execution .