
  • 网络national bank;National Australia Bank;Nab;Kookmin Bank;Bank Leumi
  1. 澳大利亚国民银行首席经济学家欧思濂(AlanOster)表示,外国需求减少很可能反映的是供应过剩,尤其是在墨尔本市场——墨尔本市中心公寓空置率高达30%。

    Alan Oster , NAB 's chief economist , said the reduced foreign demand probably reflected oversupply , particularly in the Melbourne market where up to 30 per cent of city centre apartments were unoccupied .

  2. 澳大利亚国民银行表示,此次入股将有助于该银行利用其在结构性地产融资交易和基金分销方面的专长。

    NAB said the purchase would help it leverage its capabilities in structured property financing transactions and funds distribution .

  3. 他把这件事告诉了第三国民银行,消息当然传到出纳员柯帕乌耳里。

    He acquainted the third national bank with this fact , and of course the information came to Cowperwood as teller .

  4. 虽然国民银行、联邦快递公司和Bay网络公司没有什么共同之处,但他们确实共享一种技术。

    Though Nations Bank , FedEx and Bay Networks have little in common , they do share a technology .

  5. 1884年,费城国民银行(philadelphianationalbank)行长表示,经营状况良好的银行并不向储户支付利息。

    Banks in good condition , the head of the Philadelphia National Bank said in 1884 , did not pay interest to depositors .

  6. 因此,专注于零售或商业银行业务的希腊国民银行(nationalbankofgreece)或北欧的那些银行看起来状况不错。

    So those such as the National Bank of Greece , or the Nordic banks , with a focus on retail or commercial banking , look good .

  7. 去年,英杰华以9.25亿澳元的价格将其澳大利亚寿险与财富管理业务出售给了澳大利亚国民银行(NationalAustraliaBank),以便集中力量拓展自己可以获得领先份额的市场。

    Aviva sold its Australian life and wealth management businesses to National Australia Bank last year for A $ 925m to concentrate on markets where it could build a leading market share .

  8. 澳大利亚国民银行(NationalAustraliaBank)上个月融资30亿澳元,而分析师目前预计,随着竞争对手也寻求将一级资本比率提高至8%的关口以上,市场上还会有更多股权融资。

    National Australia Bank last month raised A $ 3bn , and analysts now expect further equity raisings as rivals also seek to boost tier one ratios beyond the 8 per cent mark .

  9. 比如,阿布扎比国民银行(NationalBankofAbuDhabi)今年在香港开设了一个办公室。未来,这个办公室将成为该银行在亚洲地区的总部。

    National Bank of Abu Dhabi , for example , opened an office in Hong Kong this year that in the future will be a regional headquarters .

  10. 澳大利亚国民银行的经济学家尼克·帕森斯(NickParsons)表示,欧洲央行做出了正确的决定。

    Nick Parsons , an economist with the National Australia Bank , says the bank made the right move .

  11. 加文和其他代表账户持有人的律师表示,美国司法部和国税局(internalrevenueservice)已经收到以色列国民银行(bankleumi)和中国招商银行(chinamerchantsbank)的账户信息。

    The US Justice Department and internal revenue service have received information about accounts at bank Leumi in Israel and China Merchants Bank , say Mr Garvin and other lawyers representing account holders .

  12. 南非“三大”银行标准银行、第一国民银行(firstnationalbank)和absa,以及其它几家国际银行近几个月一直在寻找潜在收购交易。

    The " big three " banks in South Africa , standard bank , first national bank and ABSA , and several international banks have been scouting in recent months for potential acquisitions .

  13. 美国国民银行(CitizensBank)从专注学生贷款市场的大型网贷平台SoFi购买了2亿美元贷款,并承诺再购买3亿美元。

    Citizens Bank has bought $ 200m of loans from SoFi , a big student loan-focused marketplace lender , and committed to buy $ 300m more .

  14. 澳大利亚国民银行(NationalAustraliaBank)的最新《住宅地产调查》报告(ResidentialPropertySurvey)显示,今年一季度,外国人购房在所有房产交易中的占比降至11.8%,为两年半来的最低水平,上一季度的占比为14.4%。

    National Australia Bank 's latest Residential Property Survey shows the number of foreign buyers as a proportion of overall transactions fell to 11.8 per cent in the three months to end March , from 14.4 per cent three months earlier - its lowest level in 2.5 years .

  15. 但是今年,当发现孤星将所持股份出售给韩国国民银行(KookminBank)可获利近40亿美元时,韩国的民粹主义对抗情绪出现了。

    But when it emerged this year that Lone Star was about to book a profit of close to $ 4bn by selling its stake to Kookmin Bank , a nationalist backlash arose .

  16. 破产的冰岛国民银行(Landsbanki)的其他投资者或许曾希望这位主要股东在事业方面早点展现出自律。

    Fellow investors in Landsbanki , the collapsed Icelandic bank where he was the major shareholder , might have hoped for more self-discipline sooner in his career .

  17. 以色列国民银行表示不知道调查这回事。

    Bank Leumi said it was not aware of the investigation .

  18. 中国三家企业获美国第一国民银行赔偿

    Three Chinese enterprises receive indemnification from the First National Bank of America

  19. 1833年国会支持他的立场,使第二期国民银行告吹。

    Congress supported him in1833 , effectively killing the second national bank .

  20. 美国国民银行体系诸弊窦阐析

    An Analysis of the Defects of the National Banking System

  21. 约翰·斯彭斯正在向第一国民银行的一位职员询问有关往来帐户的事宜。

    John Spence is asking a clerk at the First National Bank about current accounts .

  22. (美国)俄勒冈美国国民银行

    United state national bank of oregon

  23. 第一国民银行的出纳员佐伊·莫菲从大门里走出来。

    Joey Morphy , teller at the First National Bank come out of the front door .

  24. 美国克罗克国民银行

    Crocker National Bank , US

  25. (美国)西雅图第一国民银行

    Seattle - first National Bank

  26. 约翰·安德森的女友贝蒂·罗杰斯是第一国民银行的出纳员。

    John Anderson 's girl-friend , Betty Rogers , is a teller at the First National Bank .

  27. (美)亚利桑那峡谷国民银行

    Valley National Bank of Arizona

  28. 芝加哥第一国民银行

    First National Bank of Chicago

  29. 根据中国的外资监管规定,20%的股权比例是澳大利亚国民银行能够购买的上限。

    The 20 per cent stake is the maximum nab could buy according to Chinese foreign regulations .

  30. 第一芝加哥国民银行公司

    First Chicago NBD Corporation