
  1. 这绝非显示香港的法律制度弊病丛生,以致面临瓦解。

    This is not a sign that our legal system is flawed and crumbling .

  2. 维持和发展香港的法律制度和法治精神,对香港十分重要。

    Maintaining and developing the legal system and the rule of law in Hong Kong is immensely important .

  3. 但是香港的法律规定候选人要由委员会提名,而这个委员会由亲北京派的成员所领导。

    But Hong Kong 's law requires them to nominate by a committee which in practice is controlled by pro-Beijing committee members .

  4. 论文参考英国和香港的法律改革咨询文件及建议,以检视法律工作者采用的方向、最近期议论焦点及法律趋向。

    In order to review the approach adopted by legal practitioners , the current issues and legal trend , Consultation Papers and Recommendations on the Law Reform of Hong Kong and England are also referred in this dissertation .

  5. 这座城市将百无禁忌的消费文化、与中国古老传统的紧密联系和强健的法律制度结合在了一起。香港的法律制度继承自英国,尊重并保护知识产权。

    Here is a city that combines a no-holds-barred consumer culture , a strong bond to China 's old traditions , and a robust legal system , inherited from the British , that respects and enforces intellectual property rights .

  6. 其次,论文介绍了我国内地企业香港上市的法律规定及其发展趋势。

    Secondly , the paper introduce the relevant laws and regulations on listing of both mainland and Hong Kong .

  7. 我们会致力维持香港本身的法律制度;一如西方许多国家,这个制度是建基于普通法的。

    We will maintain our legal system , grounded , like many in the Western world , in the common law .

  8. 本文从在香港适用的法律以及《基本法》与普通法的关系入手,阐述普通法是在《基本法》的统领下,维护社会秩序的法律体系。

    This article discussed the application of the common law in Hongkong from view of the relationship between the basic law and the common law .

  9. 1993年,他开始在香港的中国法律服务公司工作,这家公司附属于中国司法部。

    In 1993 , he began to work in the Hong Kong-based China Legal Service Ltd , which was affiliated to the Chinese Ministry of Justice .

  10. 由于“一国两制”构想的成功实现,香港的国际法律地位也发生了重要和显著的变化。

    Owing to the successful realization of " one nation , two systems ", there have been important and remarkable changes in the international legal status of Hong Kong .

  11. 由于公证工作只能有香港的专业法律人员进行,所以要训练他们对香港及大陆法律都进行了解就很重要了。

    As the notarization process can only be conducted by law professionals in Hong Kong , training is essential to equip them with the relevant knowledge concerning both Hong Kong and mainland .

  12. 根据一国两制的原则,香港特区的法律制度以普通法为根基,与内地的制度截然不同。

    Under the principle of ' one country , two systems ' , the HKSAR 's legal system is different from that of the Mainland , and is based on the common law .

  13. 内地公司香港上市监管的法律问题研究

    Research on the Legal Issues of Regulation on Mainland Corporations Listing on HongKong

  14. 它保持了香港所熟悉的法律制度及其享有的权利和自由。

    It preserves Hong Kong 's familiar legal system and the rights and freedoms enjoyed there .

  15. 对人大解释《香港基本法》的法律思考

    Legal Opinion on the Event that National People 's Congress Explained the Basic Law of HKSAR of PRC

  16. 第三章介绍了台湾香港两地不同的法律环境对各自中小企业发展的作用。

    The third , the fourth , the fifth section introduce the effect of SME in different legal environments .

  17. 《基本法》保证香港会维持现有的法律、社会及经济制度;

    The basic law guarantees that Hong Kong will maintain its existing legal , social , and economic systems .

  18. 该法律的失效,除香港特别行政区的法律另有规定外,无溯及力。

    This invalidation shall not have retroactive effect , unless otherwise provided for in the laws of the Region .

  19. 基本法起草委员会有内地和香港的有关人士和法律专家做组成。

    The Basic Law Drafting committee was composed of related personages and legal experts both from the hinterland and Hong Kong .

  20. 协议规定香港的基本法令、法律,以及商业惯例乃至经济的运行方式,不会改变。

    The agreement is that the basic statutes , laws and commercial practices and the running of economy is not to change .

  21. 驻军人员除须遵守全国性的法律外,还须遵守香港特别行政区的法律。

    In addition to abiding by national laws , members of the garrison shall abide by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region .

  22. 香港特别行政区的法律制度,建立在法治和司法独立的稳固基础上。

    The legal system of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ( HKSAR ) is firmly based on the rule of law and the independence of the Judiciary .

  23. 然而,香港以至其他地区的法律,或学术界有关金融方面的研究文章对金融稳定都没有明确定义。

    But there is no clear definition of financial satiability in the laws of Hong Kong or in the laws of other jurisdictions or in academic literature on finance .

  24. 第五章通过比较研究新加坡和我国香港地区的住房保障法律制度,详细地总结出二者的保障政策和立法经验以为借鉴。

    Chapter V summarized the housing security policies and legislative experience of Singapore and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China according to the comparative research of the aforementioned two districts .

  25. 香港特别行政区基本法是香港长期繁荣稳定的法律保障,是依法治港的法律基石。

    The basic law of the Hong Kong SAR is the legal guarantee of Hong kong 's long-term prosperity and stability and the legal basis for administering Hong Kong pursuant to law .

  26. 香港与世界各国、各地区和各有关国际组织的法律关系和香港的国际法律地位,主要是通过适用于香港的各种国际条约和协定体现出来。

    The legal relation between Hong Kong and the nations and regions all over the world and the international organizations concerned and the international legal status of Hong Kong are mainly embodied by means of applying all the international treaties and agreements .

  27. 这些活动还包括香港专业服务的推广项目,向内地宣传香港的会计、法律及商业顾问等服务。

    These activities also covered promotions for professional services such as accounting , legal and business consulting , sectors that are opening up in the Mainland .

  28. 香港是前英国殖民地,自1997年回归中国以来,香港保留了自己的法律和边境管控权,这意味着内地人不能随意进入香港。

    Since Hong Kong , a former British colony , returned to Chinese sovereignty in 1997 , it has maintained its own laws and border controls , meaning that mainland visitors cannot cross the border at will .

  29. 香港特别行政区基本法关于香港政治体制的规定,符合香港的实际情况和香港特别行政区的法律地位。

    The provisions of the Basic Law on Hong Kong 's political system are in keeping with the particular conditions in Hong Kong and consistent with the legal status of the Hong Kong SAR .

  30. 决定说,香港特别行政区区域组织的职权和组成方法,依《基本法》规定将由香港特别行政区的法律规定。

    The resolution states that , the authority and formative methods of the Hong Kong Special Administrative region 's regional organization , according to the " basic law ", will be stipulated by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative region .