
  • 网络Hong Kong Tour;HONGKONG
  1. 你可以享受到香港游超值优惠套餐。

    You may receive a premium discount package of Hong Kong tour .

  2. 中国国际旅行社总部出境游部的副总经理林康说,圣诞“香港游”套餐总是很火爆。

    Lin Kang , deputy general manager of the outbound tourism department of the China International Travel Service Head Office , said tour packages to Hong Kong are always bestsellers at Christmas .

  3. 2005年的今天,香港迪斯尼游乐园在香港大屿山的竹篙湾开园。

    2005-Hong Kong Disneyland opens in Penny 's Bay , Lantau Island , Hong Kong .

  4. 此外,为了和上海迪士尼乐园竞争,香港迪士尼游乐园计划开展为期三天的优惠门票活动。

    The site also plans to launch a three-day discount ticket to compete with Shanghai Disney .

  5. 据传,从未到过中国的查诺斯先生本月准备到香港一游。

    Mr Chanos , who has never been to China , is rumoured to have a trip planned this month to Hong Kong .

  6. 文章调研了香港实行外游旅行发票印花管理的实践,分析这一管理模式的作用与优势,探索了广东旅游市场管理制度借鉴这一模式改革创新的思路,并论证了其可行性。

    This paper investigates the management of revenue stamps on the travel invoices for tourism outside Hong Kong , analyzes the effects and advantages of this managerial mode , explores the innovative train of thought for the tourism management in Guangdong , and expounds the feasibility of such a mode .

  7. 另外,还可以在网上购买香港艺术节的节目门票,并可享受香港游超值优惠套餐。

    In addition they could also purchase festival tickets online and receive a premium discount package of Hong Kong tour .