
  1. 不想在机场花钱买水?

    Don 't want to pay for water at the airport ?

  2. 渴了你买水给我喝?

    Lf we get thirsty , you 'll pay for the drinks ?

  3. 农民们不得不从其他地方买水。

    Farmers have had to buy water from other places .

  4. 花钱买水

    Money For Water Spending Wisely Buying Butter

  5. 买水净化器。

    Buy a water purifier .

  6. 如今:把书写潦草的我要你去买水和食物的字条留在餐桌上。

    Now : Leaves frantic I need you to buy some food and water note on the dining table .

  7. 他必须坐着拖拉机,在陡峭的山路上行驶40分钟,到邻村买水。

    He has to travel for 40 minutes by tractor over steep mountain roads to buy water in a neighbouring village .

  8. 北风等刚刚吃了点东西,现正买水和几位牛博网网友一起赶往现场。

    Beifeng has just finished eating , is now buying some water and hurrying back to the scene with some bullogers .

  9. 如今:把书写潦草的“我要你去买水和食物”的字条留在餐桌上。

    Now : Leaves frantic " I need you to buy some food and water " note on the dining table .

  10. 他说他的房子和大多数财产都被吞噬于地震中,而现在他急需现金来买水和食品。

    He says his house and most of his belongings were lost in the earthquake , and he needs the money to buy food and water .

  11. 刚开始租书时,我曾遭遇库存问题,而且我发现自己挣的钱都花在给人买水喝上了。

    In the beginning , I had inventory problems and I found I was spending all the profits on buying water [ for people ] to drink .

  12. 发展中国家的城市贫困地区随处可见,这些地区没有接入供水系统,用的是不干净的河水或是以高价从私营厂家买水。

    The cities of the developing world are ringed by slums that have no access to the water system and either use unclean river water or buy water from private sellers at exorbitant prices .

  13. 也就是说,在通过安检登机后,要额外买水并饮用足够多的水,以入厕小便。

    That means on a plane , after you pass security , you should purchase extra water and drink enough of it on the flight so that you have to go to the bathroom to urinate .

  14. 去儿童看台买柠檬水。

    Buy lemonade from a child 's stand .

  15. 如果在旅途中我渴了,我就会买瓶水。

    I will buy a bottle of water if I get thirsty on the journey .

  16. 我可以为你买苏打水吗?你想骑我的三轮车吗?(嘻嘻,是不是有史努比的摩托啊?)

    Could I buy you a soda ? Do you want to ride my tricycle ?

  17. 我需要穿过大街到对面去给你买瓶水。

    I need to walk across the street to buy a bottle of water for you .

  18. 他太吝啬了,他从不给别人买杯水。

    He 's too careful with his money ; he never buys a drink for anyone .

  19. 比尔吉埃认为,至少在巴黎,消费者完全没必要去买瓶装水。

    According to Burguiere , in Paris at least , there 's absolutely no need for consumers to buy bottled water .

  20. 为什么有的人愿意花几百块买润肤水,当他们的皮肤已经在一开始被廉价的香皂弄干燥了。

    Why would someone pay hundreds of yuan for moisturiser when their cheap soap is drying out their skin in the first place ?

  21. 就算那些最豪华的滤水系统,还是要比买瓶装水划算,并且能够有效地去除水中的很多杂质与污染物。

    But even the expensive models are far cheaper than bottled water and are effective in removing much of the pollutants from the water .

  22. 去商店里买瓶水,而且不要等到水喝完了才想到去买新的。

    Go to the shop , buy a bottle of water and do not leave until youve finished the bottle and bought a new one .

  23. 至少,你会希望酒店有小型超市让你可以买一些水,饮料,食品来填饱肚子。

    At the very least , you 'll want the hotel to have some sort of mini-mart where you can pick up water , soda , and small bites to tide you over .

  24. 当有人捐赠瓶装水时,伊万和他的家人开着车去买更多的水。

    When someone donated bottles of water , Ewan and his family held a drive to get even more .

  25. 来自于菲律宾的Manila水厂通过降低水资源的浪费和非法盗取降低了水资源的丢失,比率从1997年的63%降低到了2010年的12%,这个结果让更多穷人能够买的起水了。

    Manila Water , a utility in the Philippines , reduced the amount of water it was losing , through wastage and illegal tapping , from 63 % in 1997 to 12 % in 2010 by making water affordable for the poor .

  26. 我们在书店买了苏打水。

    We bought sodas at the bookstore .

  27. 成本仍然高得离谱,在哥本哈根买一瓶水要3美元或4美元。

    It still costs something ridiculous like $ 3 or $ 4 to buy a bottle of water in Copenhagen .

  28. 如果可以的话,请帮我买两瓶水,四个苹果和一瓶橘子汁儿。

    If you can , please buy me two bottles of water , four apples and also a bottle of orange juice .

  29. 我买了一种水性漆,然后决定加水进一步稀释。

    I bought a water-based paint , then decided to water it down even more .

  30. 今天就去为你的水池买一套纯净水系统吧。

    Buy a water purification system for your sink today !