
mǎi rù
  • buy
  1. 与投资者达成正式协议、允许他们在后市上买入的做法是非法的。

    It 's illegal to get into a formal agreement with investors that they 'll buy in the aftermarket .

  2. 随着股市波动,当股价下跌时,按照平均成本法投资将买入更多股票,而当股价上涨时,则买入的更少。

    As prices fluctuate , the dollar-cost averager will buy more of the market when prices are low , and less when prices are high .

  3. 然而必须在债券到期日,或投资者以高于债券买入价出售债券时交纳资本利得税。

    Capital gains taxes , however , must be paid on “ munis ” when the bonds mature or if they are sold for more than the investor ’ s purchase price .

  4. 如果五年前买入泰国基准股指SET指数,那么目前的总收益率将达到约270%。

    Backing Thailand 's benchmark SET index five years ago has produced a total return of about 270 per cent .

  5. 用户可以通过ATM买入或卖出比特币。

    ATM users can either buy or sell bitcoin through the machines .

  6. 信达成立于上世纪90年代,该公司成立的初衷是为了买下中国建设银行(ChinaConstructionBank)的未偿债务。如今,信达买入的不良资产来自各个金融机构、房地产开发商以及工业集团。

    Founded in the 1990s to buy unpaid debts from China Construction Bank , Cinda now snaps up distressed assets from financial institutions , property developers and industrial groups .

  7. 近年来,他们大量买入曼联(ManchesterUnited)、阿森纳(Arsenal)和利物浦(Liverpool)等俱乐部的股份。

    In recent years they have gobbled up shares of clubs like Manchester United , Arsenal , and Liverpool .

  8. 2010年2月,苹果公司通过在英国注册的IPApplicationDevelopmentLimited公司(缩写iPadL)买入了iPad商标的使用权。

    Apple bought the right to use the trademark from Proview Taipei in February 2010 via IP Application Development Limited ( IP ), a company based in the US .

  9. spupdateacct(更新帐户余额,反应库存的买入或售出)

    Sp_update_acct ( updates the balance on an account to reflect a buy or sell of stock )

  10. 我们相信这是买入的大好机会,可以鼓励QFII投资者增持。

    We believe it 's a golden buying opportunity and please encourage QFII holders to accumulate position !

  11. 此外,在计划的IPO之前60个交易日中的至少一半交易日,该公司股票的买入价还必须保持在每股4美元以上。

    The bid price also must have been maintained above $ 4 a share for at least half of the 60 trading days before the planned IPO .

  12. 中国一期名为《粮仓“硕鼠”》(RatsintheGranary)的电视节目曾曝光称,东北产粮区多个国有粮仓在以折扣价买入陈粮和劣质粮。

    A Chinese television expose entitled " Rats in the Granary " revealed that state granaries in the north-east breadbasket were buying old and inferior grain at discounted prices .

  13. 这两人曾一起投资于赛马,比如他们以2.2万美元买入了CommatotheTop,这匹马在比赛中赚到了逾130万美元。

    The two have invested in racehorses together , including Comma to the Top , which they bought for $ 22,000 and which had career earnings of more than $ 1.3m .

  14. 2012年6月,腾讯出资近3.3亿美元,买入了美国纽约的独立游戏开发商EpicGames48.4%的少数股东股份。

    In June 2012 , Tencent purchased a 48.4 % minority stake in Cary , N.C. - based independent developer Epic Games for approximately $ 330 million .

  15. 7月份,淡马锡通过摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)出售了逾10亿美元建行股票,价格远高于该机构上周买入建行股票的价格。

    In July , Temasek sold over $ 1bn of CCB shares through Morgan Stanley at a much higher price than that at which it bought shares last week .

  16. SEC指控称,万格在月末或季末最后一个交易日收盘时针对一些交易量很低的股票提交买入指令,这些指令的价格被人为地抬高。

    The SEC alleged that Mr. Wanger had submitted artificially high buy orders in thinly traded stocks at the close of the final trading day of the month or quarter .

  17. MACD柱从第二个底部反弹时提供了买入信号。

    MACD-Histogram gives a buy signal when it ticks up from its second bottom .

  18. 他的前任,桑迪•威尔(SandyWeill),不断通过以低价买入公司然后削减成本,从而建立了一个庞大的金融服务巨擘。

    His predecessor , Sandy Weill , built a financial-services juggernaut by snapping up companies on the cheap , wringing out the costs , then buying more .

  19. 自从宣布3月买入长期债券后,市场并不预期周三FOMC将会有意外政策宣布。

    Wednesday 's FOMC announcement is not expected to generate the fireworks from the March meeting of buying long term Treasuries .

  20. 汇丰银行(HSBC)特别强调指出了泰国和台湾向货币贬值政策的转变。最近,泰国自2007年8月以来首次买入美元,而台湾自今年4月以来首次买入美元。

    HSBC has highlighted a shift to depreciation policy , notably in Thailand and Taiwan , which recently bought dollars for the first time since August 2007 and April of this year respectively .

  21. 日本金融官员的言论指出货币问题并非本周末G7会议的主要议题,这将鼓舞交易者发动新一轮推高日元的买入行动。

    Remarks from Japanese finance officials indicating that currencies will not be a main issue in this weekend 's G7 meetings may embolden traders to trigger fresh bids in the yen .

  22. 但据熟悉这笔推测中的交易的人士表示,CIO并没有做空整个指数,而是买入了针对特别构建的次级信用产品篮子(称为份额产品)的信用保护。

    Rather than short the indices as a whole , however , they bought credit protection on specially constructed baskets of subordinated credits known as tranches , say people familiar with the supposed trade .

  23. 当你把“中国”和“Facebook”这两个词放在同一个句子中,用“的”连接起来,至少会吸引一部分投资者不问青红皂白便立即买入。

    When you put the words " facebook " and " China " together in the same sentence , separated by the word " of , " at least a percentage of the investing universe is going to buy first and ask questions later .

  24. 腾讯将买入在纳斯达克(Nasdaq)上市的58同城(58.com)19.9%的股份。这家中国集团表示,此举将扩大其微信(WeChat)及QQ在线聊天服务客户的在线购物选择。

    Tencent will snap up a 19.9 per cent stake in Nasdaq-listed 58 . com , a move the Chinese group said would expand online shopping options for customers of its WeChat and QQ online messaging services .

  25. 现在,大多数投资者将会把所持的意大利国债悉数抛售给在当前收益率水平下愿意买入的任何机构欧洲央行、欧洲金融稳定安排(efsf)、国际货币基金组织(imf)等等。

    At this point most investors would dump their entire holdings of Italian debt to whoever is willing to buy it at current yields be it the ECB , the European financial stability facility , the International Monetary Fund or whoever .

  26. 经常被用作对冲基金活动衡量指标的芝加哥商品交易所(CME)数据显示,在截至1月18日的七天内,投资者买入了价值80亿美元的欧元,创下了新的周纪录。

    Figures from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange , often used as a proxy for hedge fund activity , show that investors bought $ 8bn worth of euros in the seven days to January 18 , a weekly record .

  27. 言归正传:随着日经指数(Nikkei)在大地震后直线下跌&尽管上周有一个交易日反弹近6%,眼下是精明的投资者入市并买入的时机吗?

    To the point : with the Nikkei in free fall after the devastating earthquake notwithstanding the one-day bounce of nearly 6 % this week is it time for savvy investors to step in and buy ?

  28. 如果一个国家的经常账户在一段时间(一年以上)内保持盈余,同时以国内生产总值(GDP)的特定比例买入外汇进行干预,那么这个国家就应该自动纳入IMF的考虑范围。

    If a country runs a surplus on its current account for some period ( more than a year ) and is simultaneously intervening to purchase foreign exchange at a particular percentage of gross national product , then that country should come up for automatic consideration at the IMF .

  29. 批评人士认为,这会使它们在市场见顶、甚至可能即将下跌的时候买入,但cta行业则辩称,动量是市场走向最成功的指标之一。

    Critics say this leads them to buy near the top of a market , possibly as the market is about to go down , but the CTA industry argues that momentum is one of the most successful indicators of market direction .

  30. 阿克曼昨日表示,他对任何“有助于进一步澄清事实”的投资者表示欢迎,并声称“对于康宝莱的投资结果并不仅仅与pershingsquare或任何买入/做空这支股票的投资者有关”。

    Mr ackman said yesterday that he welcomed any investor " who brings additional sunlight to the situation " and that " the outcome of this investment is not about Pershing square or anyone else who is long or short the stock " .