
  • 网络GANN
  1. 这是江恩在他的小说前言里自己说的。

    Gann 's own words in the foreword of the novel .

  2. 这种数学的计算方法来源于江恩的“自然法则”。

    This is achieved by using mathematical calculations created from what Gann termed'Natural Law ' .

  3. 江恩对股票和期货市场所做的年度预测具有高准确率的基础是占星学。

    W.D.Gann 's highly-accurate annual forecasts of the stock and commodity markets were based on astrology .

  4. 九方图是在江恩分析中最特别的部分。

    The Square of Nine can be considered as an exotic section in relation to Gann analysis .

  5. 这些都是准确的数学点寻找时江恩的塑料覆盖格局的正方形。

    These are all exact mathematical points to look for squares based upon Gann 's plastic overlay pattern .

  6. 请注意,江恩拒绝接受这两个圈或100美元的价格转换周期时间的角度。

    Note that Gann rejects the two circles or cycles of $ 100 price to convert the time angle .

  7. 现在,这就是江恩的“形式的内圆广场”引述得到真正有趣!

    Now this is where Gann 's " within the circle forms the square " quote gets real interesting !

  8. 大约在过去的几十年中一些书的作者声称已掌握了江恩理论。

    For the past decade or so there have been a number of books claiming to make understanding Gann easy .

  9. 不论这些数字将来证明正确与否,都不会减损江恩先生已经创造的记录。

    Whether these figures prove correct or not will in no waydetract from the record which W.D.Gann has already established .

  10. 技术分析流派的主要方法有道氏理论、波浪理论、图形分析理论、江恩理论、计算机技术指标等。

    The primary methods of technical analysis are Dow theory , Wave Principles , Chart Analysis , Gann Theory and Technical Indicators of Computer .

  11. 我提供两个道琼斯工业平均指数(收盘价仅图表),以便您可以直观地看到江恩在他的52当然广场描述。

    I am providing two charts of the Dow Jones Industrial Average ( closing price only ) so that you can visually see what Gann was describing in his Square of52 course .

  12. 不过,江恩桥也表示:“在校外学习并非长久之计。一方面是出于安全考虑,另外在学术氛围中学习这很重要。”

    But Jiang also said that studying off campus should not be the norm . " There are safety concerns , and it is important to work in an academic environment . "

  13. 因此,人们转向江恩写于十八年后的1927年的半自传体小说“空中隧道,”一书,寻找这一关键原则的支持证据。

    Consequently , one has to turn to Gann 's semi-autobiographical novel entitled " The Tunnel Through the Air ," written eighteen years later in1927 , for supporting evidence on this key principle .

  14. 这个宇宙人在格子中旋转,并象蔬菜生长一样,在螺旋运动中使自己变大变强壮,这不就是江恩所说的时间和代价的运动吗?

    Since vegetable growth , along with all life , extends itself in spiral motion , it would circumambulate the grid from center ring to outer , just as price and time do on Gann 's calculators .

  15. 的部分,是最令人困惑的是平衡的时间要素的,但由江恩自己应该很明显,他已经表现出我们关系的一部分提供的资料为基础。

    The part that is most confusing is balancing this with the element , but based on the information given by Gann himself it should be obvious that he has already shown us part of the relationship .

  16. 江恩的预测是基于时间因素,可以定义为“时间的流逝限制着事情的完成”。

    Gann 's forecasts of the stock and commodity markets were based on the " time factor ", which may be defined as " The passage of time as a limitation on what can be achieved " .

  17. 江恩关于占星的“重要秘密”并不局限在小说的内容,实际上,江恩巧妙的在书的封面里就已经展现了他的“重要秘密”。

    Gann 's " valuable secret " that astrology really works is not confined to the content of " The Tunnel Thru The Air " . Indeed , Gann subtly reveals his " valuable secret " on the cover of his book .