
shùn fēng chē
  • free ride;Hitchhiking;lift;Carpool;hitch-hike
  1. 放眼望去看不到修车厂,所以我就搭顺风车进了城。

    There was no garage in sight , so I hitched a lift into town

  2. Spotify的全球用户数量超过1000万,能够让谷歌在社交领域的野心——目前仅限于Google+——搭上顺风车。

    With over 10 million global subscribers , Spotify could give Google 's social ambitions - so far limited to Google + - a big lift .

  3. 内夫在圣诞节假期里搭顺风车去了纽约。

    Neff hitchhiked to New York during his Christmas vacation

  4. 他们在搭先进技术的顺风车。

    They are piggybacking onto developed technology .

  5. 从一开始,火箭动力的X飞机通常顺风车搭车进入空气中。

    From the start , rocket-powered X-Planes typically hitched a ride to get into the air .

  6. 政客搭上许诺仔细研究NASA预算请求的顺风车。

    Politicians hitched rides on the promise that they would look kindly on NASA 's budget requests .

  7. 在5月2日夜晚,深圳一名24岁的女性教师通过手机叫车app,做顺风车返回学校。

    On the evening of May 2 , a 24-year-old female teacher in Shenzhen hitched a ride back to school via a mobile car-hailing app .

  8. 越南BATTRANG市,美国消费者再也不能搭免费的顺风车了。

    BAT TRANG , Vietnam & The free ride for American consumers is ending .

  9. 今年拿下了《顺风车卡拉OK》(CarpoolKaraoke)的播放版权,在苹果音乐上首播。

    It acquired rights for " Carpool Karaoke , " which debuted on Apple Music this year , for example .

  10. 三星电子(SamsungElectronics)宣布计划,将开始在韩国交易人民币。在韩国希望搭上人民币国际化顺风车之际,三星此举将促进新兴的韩国人民币市场的发展。

    Samsung Electronics has outlined plans to start trading renminbi in South Korea , giving a boost to the nascent local market as Seoul seeks to capitalise on China 's drive to internationalise its currency .

  11. 如今在经营数据营销公司TellApart的谷歌前员工乔希•麦克法兰(JoshMcFarland)对那些背后嚼舌头、认为梅尔不过是搭了谷歌联合创始人拉里•佩奇(LarryPage)和谢尔盖•布林(SergeyBrin)顺风车的人很是不以为然。

    Josh McFarland , another ex-Google staffer now running data-marketing company TellApart , dismisses backbiters who say Ms Mayer rode on the coat-tails of Larry Page and Sergey Brin , Google 's co-founders .

  12. 不太好的是市场波动指数VIX收盘略为走高,达到39。道指交通类股没能搭上反弹的顺风车,当天收盘下跌&像这样的笑话我已经看过太多了。

    Less good is that the VIX finished a little higher , at39 , and the Dow transports didn 't come along for the ride I 've got a million more jokes like that and finished the day lower .

  13. 好吧,我让你搭个顺风车,过来吧。

    Alright , I 'll drop you off ; come on .

  14. 我的委托人经常让这个受害者搭顺风车。

    My client often gavethe alleged victim rides homefrom his house .

  15. 于是,他搭了一位好心的墨西哥人的顺风车。

    Then he got a free ride from a warm-hearted Mexican .

  16. 她表示:搭顺风车的情况将在未来某个时候结束。

    At some point the free ride ends , she said .

  17. 他只是想搭个顺风车而已。

    He just wanted to come along for the ride .

  18. 如今,其他人也在搭上这轮反弹的顺风车。

    Now , others are getting in on the rally .

  19. 我可以搭你的顺风车回家吗?

    Can I hitch a ride home with you ?

  20. 搭陌生人的顺风车,风险是不可避免的。

    When it comes to accepting lifts from strangers , risks are inevitable .

  21. 我得走了我的顺风车来了

    I gotta go . That 's my ride .

  22. 那个搭顺风车旅行的人来镇上自找麻烦。

    The hitchhiker came into town looking for trouble .

  23. 你搭上了上大学的顺风车了整个世界都是你的

    Free ride to college and the world 's your oyster , kid .

  24. 我们和中国一起乘搭全球应对气候变暖的顺风车。

    We have been free-riding alongside China on global efforts to combat climate change .

  25. 汤姆唐戈过来找琼.我要求搭顺风车.

    Tom Donegal came by to see Joan . So I hopped a ride .

  26. 而我可能也需要搭个顺风车。

    And I might need a ride too .

  27. 我只是搭顺风车

    I 'm just along for the ride

  28. 我们能搭个顺风车吗

    Can we get a ride home ?

  29. 他可能乘搭了顺风车还是上了巴士还是什么的。

    He might , he must have hitched a ride or taken a bus or something .

  30. 有人建议通勤者应该合用车辆,让彼此能够搭顺风车。

    It has been suggested that commuters should share their cars and give each other lifts .