
  • 网络Emperor Shunzhi;Shunzhi Emperor
  1. 清朝初期,顺治帝开始调整对日政策,采取一种更加积极的姿态,力图将日本纳入其宗藩体系之内。

    An the beginning of the Qing dynasty , Emperor Shunzhi began to adjust the policy to Japan and adopt a more positive attitude .

  2. 吴三桂被夹在两个敌人中间,最终决定将赌注下在清朝身上并与6岁顺治帝的摄政王多尔衮结成联盟,顺治帝是皇太极的儿子,皇太极于前一年驾崩。

    Wu caught between two enemies decided to cast his lots with the Manchus and made an alliance with Dorgon , regent to the then six-year old Shunzhi , son of Huangtaiji who had passed away the year before .