
  1. 拉伊勒的儿子以利雅撒做革顺人宗族的首领。

    The leader of the families of the Gershonites was Eliasaph son of Lael .

  2. 革顺人按着宗族所得的城,共十三座,还有属城的郊野。

    All the towns of the Gershonite clans were thirteen , together with their pasturelands .

  3. 所谓游世,乃是一种既顺应这个社会,又不丧失自我追求的处世理念,即顺人而不失己。

    Wandering in the world is a living attitude of conforming to the society but not losing oneself .

  4. 凡有宝石的都交给革顺人耶歇,送入耶和华殿的府库。

    Any who had precious stones gave them to the treasury of the temple of the Lord in the custody of Jehiel the Gershonite .

  5. 进展不顺的人说那是命运。

    The loser says it 's his fate .

  6. 福克斯新闻说明到:两名获救船员由一支四人的机组通过飞机营救上岸,机组成员包括这位剑桥公爵、皇位的第二顺位人、皇家空军的直升机飞行员。

    The two men were airlifted to safety by a four-man crew , which included the Duke of Cambridge second in line to the throne who is a Royal Air Force helicopter pilot , Fox News explains .

  7. 尼古拉斯·保罗·帕特里克是王位的第七顺位继承人。

    Nicholas Paul Patrick was seventh in the line of succession to the throne

  8. 双顺反子人B7-1、IFN-γ共表达载体修饰的卵巢癌瘤苗免疫反应的研究

    The immunological effects of ovarian carcinoma vaccine modified by human B7-1 and IFN - γ gene

  9. 英国时间晚上7点多,这对王室夫妇在伦敦圣玛丽医院(St.Mary’sHospital)的台阶上抱着他们的第一个孩子拍照。这个孩子是王位第三顺位继承人。

    The royal couple posed for photographs with their first born , who is third in line to the throne , on the steps of the London 's St. Mary 's Hospital shortly after 7 p.m. U.K. time .

  10. 威廉王子是英国王位的第二顺位继承人。

    William is second in line to the British throne .

  11. 作为英国王室的第二顺位继承人,威廉做的这份烤面包可带有“王者味道”哦!

    Appropriately for the second-in-line to the throne , the bread was Kingsmill .

  12. 顺力之人无所惧。

    One who followd force has no fear .

  13. 夏洛特出生于5月2日,是王室第4顺位继承人。

    Charlotte was born May 2 and is fourth in line to the throne .

  14. 作为王位的第十三顺位继承人,

    As thirteenth in line in my own

  15. 这位小王子是英国王位的第三位顺位继承人。

    You are now seeing the first images of the third in line to the British throne .

  16. 小公主的正式称谓将是剑桥公主夏洛特殿下,她是王室第四顺位继承人。

    The fourth in line to the throne will be known as Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte of Cambridge .

  17. 她还告知了发现梅根和这位英国皇室第六顺位继承人坠入爱河的具体时间。

    She also outlined the moment she discovered that Markle was romantically involved with the sixth-in-line to the British throne .

  18. 这位40岁的公主是挪威国王哈拉尔德五世与索尼亚王后的女儿,也是挪威王室的第四顺位继承人。

    The 40-year-old Princess is the daughter of King Harald and Queen Sonja , and fourth in line to the Norwegian throne .

  19. 21个月大的乔治是继祖父查尔斯王子、父亲威廉王子之后的皇室第三顺位继承人。

    At 21 months , George is third in line to the throne , after his grandfather Prince Charles and his dad William .

  20. 公爵夫人透露说,女王对这个曾孙十分宠爱。乔治现在是英国王位第三顺位继承人。

    The Duchess revealed that the Queen has quite a soft spot for her great-grandson , the third in line to the throne .

  21. 在小王子第一次随父母出访新西兰及澳大利亚期间,这位英国皇室的第三顺位继承人已经有小女孩向其表白了。

    The third in line to the throne has had the little ladies throwing themselves at him during his first royal trip Down Under .

  22. 剑桥公爵夫人凯特·米德尔顿诞下了她的第一个孩子,英国王位第三顺位继承人。

    Kate Middleton , the Duchess of Cambridge has given birth to her first child , the third in line to the British throne .

  23. 因为继本周小公爵的出生他已经成了排行第六的顺位继承人了。

    He moved down the line of succession to sixth place after the birth of the duki and duchess 's third child this week .

  24. 剑桥公爵及其夫人已为他们两天打的宝宝起了个名字,宝宝是英国王位第三顺位继承人。

    The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have chosen a name for their two-day-old baby , who is third in line to the throne .

  25. 威廉和凯特的宝宝将被称为乔治王子,他是王位第三顺位继承人,将来的英国国王。

    William and Kate 's baby will be known as Prince George and as third in line to the throne will one day be king .

  26. 王子在全世界面前公开亮相。今天,全世界第一次见到了英国皇室的新王子,第三顺位继承人。

    Boy meets world . Today , the world had its first glimpse of Britain 's royal new boy , the third in line to the throne .

  27. 剑桥公爵夫妇24日晚公布,他们的儿子现王位第三顺位继承人起名为乔治。

    The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have this evening revealed that their son - now the third in line to the throne - will be called George .

  28. 乔治王子,这位英国王位的第三顺位继承人,却拿着外层裹有白色巧克力的冰淇淋凑到狗狗的鼻子下。

    George , third in line to the throne , is photographed holding what appears to be an ice-cream lolly covered with white chocolate under Lupo 's nose .

  29. 哈里的哥哥,威廉王子也是一名军官.英国王位的第二顺位继承人被禁止参与战争。

    Harry 's brother , Prince William , is also an army officer . But as second in line for the throne , he is specifically barred from combat .

  30. 女王伊丽莎白二世出生于1926年4月21日,是阿尔伯特亲王的第一个女儿,也是英国王位的第二顺位继承人。

    Queen Elizabeth II was born on April 21 , 1926 , as the first daughter of Prince Albert , then the second in line to the throne of England .