
  • 网络chronological order;in sequence of time;sequential narration;chronological narrative;narration
顺叙 [shùn xù]
  • [narration] 按时间顺序描述的文章或电影等的艺术手法

  1. 在时序变位方面,明清历史演义小说虽以顺叙为主,但也常用倒叙和预叙,采用倒叙和预叙,常伴随大量的诠释性、评论性干预。

    In terms of time sequence , although historical romances of the Ming and Qing dynasties are mostly narrated in chronological order , yet flashback and flashforward are often employed , with a great deal of explanatory and commentary interventions .

  2. 这部小说以顺叙的方式讲了一个爱情故事。

    This novel tells us a love story in typical narration .

  3. 无论顺叙或倒叙都可以,但记得在简历中保持一致。

    Both chronological and reverse chronological are acceptable but stick with the same throughout your CV .

  4. 在记叙文中,时间通常是按照其发生的先后顺序来叙述的,这叫顺叙。

    Events in a narrative are usually related in chronological order , that is in the order which they occur .

  5. 本研究旨在了解不同理解能力的国小三年级学童在阅读顺叙结构与倒叙结构故事时,在阅读理解表现上之差异情形。

    This study uses categories of comprehension criteria to examine students'reasons for stating that they do , or do not , understand a given mathematics text .