
  • 网络accounting activity
  1. 会计活动的三个主要领域是私人企业会计、公众会计和政府会计。

    The three major fields of accounting activity are private accounting , public accounting and governmental accounting .

  2. 会计目标受制于会计环境,会计环境是会计理论问题的主要矛盾,决定了会计活动的主要方面。

    Accounting goal is enslaved to accounting environment , which determines chief aspects of accounting activity and belongs to the chief contravention of accounting theory .

  3. 司法会计活动的类型及其相互关系研究

    Types of Judicial Accounting Activities and Their Relevant Studies

  4. 论文化对会计活动的影响

    On the Influence of Culture upon Accounting Activities

  5. 财务经理负责企划、组织、指导、控制与协调部门内的财务与会计活动。

    FINANCE MANAGERS plan , organise , direct , control and coordinate the financial and accounting activities within organisations .

  6. 它要求企业的会计活动从仅注重企业内部到同时注重外部合作,会计管理从内部价值管理向外部价值管理延伸。

    The value chain management requires accounting activities to pay attention to both inside and outside of an enterprise .

  7. 在人类的会计活动和审计活动之中,无时无刻不面临着会计风险与审计风险。

    The risks of the accounting and audit lie all the time in the activity of accounting and audit in the human society .

  8. 要保证中小企业会计活动的正常开展,最有效的途径则是依靠法律。

    In order to guarantee the accounting normal development of small and medium-sized enterprises , we have to depend on the accounting law .

  9. 会计活动作为人类一种重要的经济管理活动,涉及到各种利益关系。

    Accounting activities , an important economic management activity , are concerned with the issue of various relations in terms of interests and profits .

  10. 本文从会计活动的个体化与会计信息生产的社会化两方面探讨解决途径和方法,以彻底防止会计信息失真。

    The paper discusses related measures to solve the problem from two perspectives , individualization of accounting activities and socialized production of accounting information .

  11. 控股股东应尊重公司财务的独立性,不得干预公司的财务、会计活动。

    Controlling shareholders shall respect the financial independence of the company and shall not interfere with the financial and accounting activities of the company .

  12. 社会文化是企业经营活动的大环境,从整体上影响着企业的行为,而企业文化是指导一个企业管理活动的灵魂,对整个企业的管理活动具有重要作用,其中自然包括会计活动。

    Social culture is big environment which influences actions of enterprises from the whole . Corporation culture is soul of management activities which have important function for management activities of enterprises , there into including accounting activities naturally .

  13. 在企业整个会计财务活动中起着统领和指导的作用。

    Throughout the accounting and financial activities in the enterprise plays a guide role .

  14. 该指南通过系统深入的分析,为会计审计活动提供简便实用的参考指南。

    This publication provides detailed and systematic analysis which offer readers friendly and practical reference for practical use .

  15. 会计寻租活动造成财务信息的扭曲,浪费了社会资源,对财富最优分配造成了扭曲。

    Accounting seeking financial information led to a serious distortion , resulting in a waste of social resources , distorting optimal allocation of resources .

  16. 这背后的部分原因是中方投资增加了四倍,这一趋势在马德里举行的毕马威会计事务所活动中得到了承认。

    Part of the reason behind that is due to a four-fold increase in Chinese investment , a trend that was acknowledged at a KPMG event in Madrid .

  17. 会计管理活动论、会计信息系统论、会计控制论三种定位理论,在价值取向上代表了现代会计中管理会计的观点。

    Three kinds of localization theories : " accountant manage mobilism "," accounting information system theory "," accounting cybernetics ", have represented the view of accounting for management of the modern accountants on the value orientation .

  18. 第三部分解析了优化高校内部会计控制活动的动因,从高校内部会计控制的现实、作用入手,并结合高校实际状况加以了佐证。

    The third part of the resolution of internal accounting controls to optimize the activities of university motivation , internal accounting control from the reality of college , the role of roots , and the actual situation of higher learning to the evidence .

  19. 美国保险会计公报保险活动分析

    Insurance Analysis on American Insurance Accounting Communique

  20. 负责指导公司的会计和财务活动,确保准确且及时出具财务报告;

    Job Responsibilities-Responsible for directing the company 's accounting and finance activities ensuring accurate and timely financial reporting .

  21. 价值链会计的管理活动主要应从价值信息管理和增值活动管理两个方面展开实施;

    The VCA 's managerial activities are implemented from two aspects : value information management and value-added activities management .

  22. 价值链会计使得会计活动从只关注企业内部到同时注重外部合作关系,从内部价值管理逐渐延伸到外部价值管理,并服务于企业的价值增值。

    The value chain accounting makes accounting activities from paying attention to the enterprise internal to focusing on both internal external relations of cooperation , from the internal value management to the external value management , and services for value added .

  23. 通过分析信息化环境对会计实时控制活动的影响,系统探讨了会计控制由会计电算化控制向网络会计控制以及进一步向信息技术下的会计实时控制过渡的基本规律和发展趋势。

    By analyzing the impact of information environment to the real-time accounting control , this part systematically discusses the basic laws and development trends of accounting control transition from computerized accounting control to network accounting control and then to real-time accounting control under information technology .

  24. 会计弹性与真实活动操控的盈余管理关系研究

    The Relationship between Accounting Flexibility and Earnings Management through Real Activities

  25. 会计计量是会计活动的重要组成方面。

    Accounting measurement is an important component in accounting activities .

  26. 财务监督是利用会计信息对经济活动进行监督和对财务工作本身的监督,实则是对人的经济行为的监督。

    Financial supervision are both the supervision on financial activity making use of accounting information and on the financial work itself .

  27. 我国现有的会计理论和实践活动,不能反映监督资源损耗的环境成本,不适应可持续发展战略的实施。

    The current accounting theory and practice in China can neither reflect the environmental cost of inspecting resource losses nor adapt to the implementation of the continuous development strategy .

  28. 所得税会计是企业会计活动的重要组成部分,会计方法的选择应体现会计准则与税法的双重要求。

    Income tax accounting is a very important part of business accounting activities . The selection of accounting approaches should meet the requirements of both the accounting criteria and tax law .

  29. 会计事务是经济活动的重要组成部分,本文探讨会计文献的词汇、短语、语篇的语言特点及其翻译。

    Accounting is one important part of the economic affairs , and this paper discusses the linguistic characteristics of the terms , phrases , texts of accounting literature as well as their translations .

  30. 而会计良心作为会计活动的道德底线,是会计行为的调节器,也是市场经济秩序良好运行的道义保证。

    The accounting conscience , as the moral restraint in accounting activities , functions as the mediator for accounting activities as well as the guarantee for righteousness and order in the performance of the market economy .