
  • 网络Revaluation;asset revaluation;revaluation of assets
  1. 浅议固定资产重估的会计处理

    Accounting Process for Revaluation of Fixed Assets

  2. 固定资产重估价盈余

    Revaluation surplus of fixed assets

  3. 也谈资本营运&XX市G有限公司资产重估现象透析

    Perspectives on the capital re-valuation of Company G in XX city

  4. 对我国固定资产重估账务处理的改进建议

    Proposal to Our Country 's Accounting Processing Methods of Fixed Assets Revaluation

  5. 当然,那些身处金融领域、能够从全球化带来的资产重估中获益的人,都发了大财。

    Certainly those in the financial sector in a position to benefit from the asset revaluations associated with globalisation have prospered .

  6. 企业新会计准则中引入公允价值计价,使得基于财务报告目的资产重估这一问题变得逐渐重要。

    As the newly implemented accounting standards in China bring in the fair value accounting , capital revaluation for financial statement is becoming a matter of increasing importance .

  7. 一个应对欧元区解体的有序资产重估计划,或许会有助于减轻投资者对欧元区资产的担忧,改善资本流动状况、并降低融资成本。

    A contingency plan for orderly asset redenomination in a break-up scenario could help alleviate investor worries about eurozone assets and improve the capital flow situation and funding costs .

  8. 重新估价,如对流通中的货币或现在的资产进行重估。

    Value anew , as of a currency or an asset .

  9. 铁路运输业固定资产价值重估的分析及对策

    Analysis of and Measures for Re-Evaluation of Values of Fixed Assets of Railway Industry

  10. 事件风险、有限参与和资产价格重估&基于搜寻理论的一个竞争性均衡模型

    Event Risk , Limited Participation and Revaluation of Asset Price & A Competitive Model Based on Search Theory

  11. 尚未进行资产的重估价,对环境等级的估价更加困难。

    No reevaluation of assets has been conducted , which makes evaluation of the grade of the environment more difficult .

  12. 重新估价,如对流通中的货币或现在的资产进行重估。固定资产重估时,任何在重估当日存在的累计折旧不应记入收益。

    When fixed assets are revalued upwards , any accumulated depreciation existing at the date of the revaluation should not be credited to income .

  13. 价值评价的本质无形资产计价、重估价及会计信息披露问题研究

    The Nature of Valuation On the Valuation and Re-e valuation of Intangible Assets & Disclosing of Account Information

  14. 凡固定资产、递耗资产及无形资产办理重估增值之数皆属之。

    Increments in equity from revaluation of property , plant and equipment , depletable assets and intangible assets .