
  • 网络capital market efficiency
  1. IPO效率乃一级市场效率,是资本市场效率的重要组成部分。股权分置改革必定会对其产生深远影响。

    IPO efficiency , the primary market efficiency , is an important part of capital market efficiency , which equity separation reform absolutely has a profound impact on .

  2. 本文分析了其各自的特点及对内部资本市场效率的影响。

    This paper analyzes each characteristic and the internal capital market efficiency .

  3. 股权结构、公司治理与内部资本市场效率

    Ownership Structure , Corporate Governance and the Efficiency of Internal Capital Market

  4. 信息、投资者行为与资本市场效率

    Information , Investor Behavior and Capital Market 's Efficiency

  5. 有效市场假设和行为金融学&关于资本市场效率的理论

    Market - effectiveness and Behavioral Finance : A theory of Capital Market efficiency

  6. 资本市场效率问题,一直是学术界研究和讨论的重点。

    The efficiency of capital markets has been researched for years in academia .

  7. 第五章主要分析融资结构管制对资本市场效率的影响。

    Chapter 5 : Analyze how financing structure regulation impacts the capital market efficiency .

  8. 机构投资者对资本市场效率影响的研究

    An Analysis on the Impact of Institutional Investors on the Efficiency of Capital Market

  9. 卖空机制与资本市场效率

    Short Sales Mechanism and Capital Market Efficiency

  10. 资本市场效率理论的体系

    The System of Capital Market Efficiency Theory

  11. 第二部分是对资本市场效率理论的评释。

    The second part refers to the theory analysis of the capital market efficiency research .

  12. 资本市场效率问题研究

    Studies on the Efficiency of Capital Market

  13. 文献综述涉及:(1)资本市场效率理论。

    The 1 ~ ( st ) sect is concerned with the capital market efficiency theory .

  14. 试析我国资本市场效率对国民经济的影响及其提高途径

    The Impact of the Effectiveness of the Chinese Capital Market on the National Economy And Ways to Improve It

  15. 一个资本市场效率的高低,是交易成本在市场价值创造中所占的百分比的多少。

    The proportion of the transaction cost against the capital market value-added decides the efficiency of the capital market .

  16. 信息披露的质量,作为信息披露的结果,是资本市场效率的重要评价指标。

    As the result of disclosure , disclosure quality is an important an important evaluation index of the capital market efficiency .

  17. 与投资效率相关的环境因素很多,但资本市场效率和公司治理结构具有其特殊性。

    There are a lot of environmental factors related to investment efficiency , especially the efficiency of capital market and corporation governance structure .

  18. 我国银行内部资本市场效率研究&基于上市银行地区分部数据的实证分析

    Internal Capital Market in the Chinese Bank and its Efficiency & An Empirical Analysis Based on the Data From Regional Branch of Listed Banks

  19. 会计信息为资本市场效率的一个基础性构件,是外部利益相关者经济决策的替代变量。

    Accounting information , as one of the underlying component of capital market , is an alternative variable of external users ' economic decision .

  20. 资本市场效率广泛采用的是1965年美国金融学家尤金·法玛提出的定义,即在资本市场中,价格总是可以充分反映可获得信息的变化。

    Capital market efficiency adopts the definition of American finance scholar Eugen Fama , that is prices react to available information fully in capital market .

  21. 本文认为这种构想不仅在理论是可信的,在实践中也存在大量证据。资本市场效率理论就是佐证这一构想的极富吸引力的理论。

    There are a number of evidence in practice thus this consider is authentic on theoretic . Capital market efficient theory proof this attractive theory .

  22. 在上述工作的基础上得出资本市场效率实证检验的理论依据:在长期交易过程中,统计套利机会的存在与资本市场效率是不相容的。

    So the basis of empirical test for capital market efficiency is that the existence of statistical arbitrage opportunities is not compatible with capital market efficiency .

  23. 理论上本文首先以鞅为工具,得出预备定理:无套利均衡是资本市场效率实现的必要条件。

    In the first place the paper educes preparation theorem by the tool of martingale : no arbitrage equilibrium is the necessary condition of capital market efficiency .

  24. 自1990年我国股票市场诞生以来,我国进行了一系列旨在提高资本市场效率的改革。

    Since the birth of China stock market in 1990 , a series of reforms have taken on , aiming at improving the efficiency of capital market .

  25. 这些结果都从实证角度大体上支持了股权分置改革提升资本市场效率的重要贡献。

    These results largely from an empirical point of view to support the important contribution of the split share structure reform to improve the efficiency of capital markets .

  26. 权证为市场提供了多样化的投资工具,有利于提高资本市场效率,优化资源配置;

    Moreover , the warrants will provide diversified investment implements for securities market and be beneficial to improving the efficiency of capital market and optimizing the resource allocation .

  27. 上述思想构成了本文研究的基点,金融发展(功能)金融效率(银行效率、资本市场效率)经济增长。

    On the basis of above thinking , financial development - financial efficiency ( bank efficiency and capital market efficiency ) - economic growth is the logic of this paper .

  28. 内容提要此外,国内外关于资本市场效率研究的理论框架相当松散,而且还没有形成一个明确系统的研究架构,本文尝试对上述问题作一些探索性理论研究。

    Moreover , hitherto the theoretical framework on efficiency of capital market is rather loose , and it is not a systematic one , so the paper tries to probe into above problems .

  29. 最后就提高信息透明度的途径、提高资本市场效率、鼓励上市公司提高公司治理效率和对监管部门加强对信息披露的监管提出了政策建议。

    Finally on the way to improve information transparency and improve capital market efficiency , encourage listed companies to improve corporate governance to enhance efficiency and regulatory supervision of information disclosure policy recommendations .

  30. 本文以此为切入点,深入探讨集团公司治理对内部资本市场效率的影响,并以2009年沪深两市的系族集团为对象进行实证检验。

    Based on this starting point , the paper will make a thorough analysis on the way corporate group governance affecting ICM efficiency , and take Chinese corporate group in 2009 for empirical research .