- cash bonus;cash dividend

Brady Dougan , Credit Suisse CEO , $ 17.9 million in cash bonus , salary and stock .
Richard Fairbank , Capital One Financial CEO , was awarded $ 9.75 million in stock options , but no cash bonus or salary .
The system of paying cash bonuses is open to abuse .
Kenneth I. Chenault , American Express CEO , $ 17.4 million largely in cash bonus and equity payments .
In the designing of the departmental performance evaluation and incentive system , the obstacle caused by the complicated calculation of the departmental capital cost is eliminated by the ascertainment and adjusting of the coefficient A and B of the cash dividend .
James Gorman , Morgan Stanley CEO , received no cash bonus but still could walk away with stock-based compensation valued at nearly $ 9 million , thanks to deferred and performance-based stock he received for 2009 .
The paid vacations replaced cash bonuses a few years ago .
All cash bonus shall be subject to income tax .
Stock dividends are not taxable income to the recipient as are cash dividends .
If the equity investment adopts equity method accounting , the cash bonus obtained from the invested entity shall be presented .
Meanwhile , the cash dividend as the investment decision factor , but exacerbated over investment behaviors and were treated as a means of increasing over investment .
A securities company shall , after receiving the cash dividends and interests , timely distribute the cash dividends and interests to the corresponding investors for credit trading .
If a funds manager fails to pay the cash dividends in full before the specified time point , the CompanyCompany will postpone the allotmentdistribution of the cash dividends .
Fifty-five grand of course , is chump change for a man whose total compensation from Disney in 2009 ( including cash bonus and stock ) was more than $ 29 million .
The empirical study finds that the news about future dividends is the main factor which drives the stock returns , and stock returns overreact to news about future dividends in our security market .
It 's the jaw-dropping billions of dollars in cash and stock bonuses awarded annually on Wall Street .
There is perennial not listed company shareholder of share out bonus , control , the right way , in cash dividend distribution of dividends on quantity and distribution of cash dividend accounts to the proportion of listed companies with mature securities market has the very big disparity .