
  • MOVIE;Microfilm;mini-movie;microcinema
  1. 姜文并不是检验微电影魅力的第一人。

    Jiang Wen is not the only one who is testing the charm of microfilm .

  2. 这部5分钟的微电影充满了姜文的艺术风格和他对父子之爱看法。

    The five-minute microfilm is imbued with Jiang wen 's artistic style and his perspective over the love between father and son .

  3. 流行歌星凯蒂·佩里被Billboard(公告牌)评为年度女性,她和丈夫闪婚一年之后分手,并把这段经历改编成自己的主打单曲和微电影。

    Pop star Katy Perry was named Billboard 's Woman of the Year on Tuesday , after a whirlwind 12 months in which she split up with her husband and turned their break-up into a hit single and film .

  4. 除了凯德拉克,JEEP、雪佛兰、菲亚特、奥迪、东风标致都纷纷邀请知名导演和大牌明星拍摄了各自的微电影广告,其中题材、风格、拍摄手法各不相同。

    In addition to Cadillac , JEEP , Chevrolet , Fiat , Audi , Dongfeng Peugeot have invited well-known directors and stars to film their own micro film advertising , but the subject matter , style , shots are different .

  5. 贾斯汀比伯的妈妈,帕蒂·马勒特(PattieMallette)将担任一部即将推出的反流产微电影的执行制作人。

    LOS ANGELES ( AP ) & Justin Bieber 's mother , Pattie Mallette , is an executive producer on an upcoming anti-abortion short film .

  6. 微电影与故事长片竞争战已然打响。

    A competition between micro films and feature-length films has begun .

  7. 本章还对营销性微电影之所以能够实现裂变式传播的传播动力进行了详细分析。

    The chapter also studies the communication power of the micro-film of marketing .

  8. 微电影广告正是迎合这样的需求。

    Micro film advertising is accord with sucha demand .

  9. 每部微电影都展示了对于时间的不同理解。

    Each short film showcases a different understanding on the subject of time .

  10. 现在,“微电影”已经吸引了一些非常有名的的导演和演员。

    Now " microfilms " have attracted some very famous directors and actors .

  11. 微电影是我们的救星。

    Micro films have come to our rescue .

  12. 这部微电影的最终集自2月6日发布以来已获得了1200万以上的点击量。

    The finale garnered more than 12 million clicks since its February 6 release .

  13. 微电影是传统电影与网络视频相结合的产物。

    Micro films are the product of the combination of traditional films and online videos .

  14. 通常,微电影都是在数周内拍摄完成的小成本制作。

    Usually , micro films have small budgets and are completed in a few weeks .

  15. 同时也应该看到,在微电影发展中存在着情感价值失衡的问题。

    At the same time , in the development of micro films has emotional value imbalance .

  16. 人们对于在线观看电视节目的偏好,为微电影提供了绝佳的机会。尹教授说。

    The preference for watching TV programs online offers exceptional opportunities for micro films , Yin said .

  17. 在受众对广告持零容忍态度的现实状况下,营销性微电影的发展却如日中天。

    Under the condition of zero-tolerance attitude to advertising , the development of the micro-film of marketing is flourishing .

  18. 因此,微电影广告一出现,便在网络群体中迅速传播,具有极强的宣传性。

    Therefore , the micro-film advertising appeared , they spread rapidly in the network group , has a strong publicity .

  19. 此类营销性微电影不仅在点击量上不断创造着奇迹,更为企业带来了良好的营销效果。

    Micro-film of marketing not only creates miracle on the hits constantly , but brings enterprises the good marketing effect .

  20. 转行做导演之后,顾长卫用近十年的时间磨出了自己的时代三部曲和一部微电影。

    After switching to director , Gu with nearly ten years to " grind " out " trilogy " and a micro movie .

  21. 本文从品牌传播的视角出发,首先梳理了微电影广告的概念、产生背景、发展现状,属性及特征。

    From the perspective of brand communication , the paper starts with definition , generation background , current development , attribute and features of the microfilms .

  22. 与其称之为广告,倒不如将它归为一部微电影。最后,它以演员克林特伊斯特伍德沙哑磁性的声音结尾:“我们的下半场马上拉开帷幕。”

    More short film than commercial , it ends with the actor Clint Eastwood huskily declaring that " Our second half is about to begin . "

  23. 例如,桔子水晶酒店12星座系列微电影投放后,客房入住率直逼100%。

    For example , after the launch of 12 constellation series micro-film , the room occupancy of the Orange Crystal hotel has been close to 100 % .

  24. 今年8月,由陈可辛执导的微电影《做自己》在网上走红。

    A short film directed by Chan that was titled Be Yourself , in which Li Na played herself , went viral online in August this year .

  25. 该类微电影的话语主体包括名人、视频网站以及其他没有(或拥有较低)经济和名誉地位的专业视频制作人士。

    Discourse Subject of such micro-movie celebrity video site , and the other does not ( or lower ) economic and fame of professional video production person .

  26. 我国的微电影因使用目的不同,而分为艺术创作、广告、个人用途三种类型。

    The " micro film " in China can be divide by different purpose into threekinds : for art creation , for advertisement and for personal usage .

  27. 微电影广告的形成,就其产生的根源而言,是传统短片广告与现代数字信息技术融合的结果。

    The formation of the micro-film advertising , their root causes , the result of the fusion of the traditional video advertising with modern digital information technology .

  28. 再次,企业应当改变对于微电影的观念,与其它互动形式的效果综合考量,并且把受众消费观念的改变作为重要的效果衡量指标。

    Again , companies should change the concept of micro-movie , combined with other factors , and the audience of consumer attitudes change should be treat as an important indicator .

  29. 重点侧重于旅游区网站的建设、微博营销平台的推广及微电影营销时代的来临等方面展开阐述。5、体验营销。

    Key focus on the construction of tourist site , Microblogging Marketing platform promotion and the coming of the era for Micro movie marketing . 5 、 the experience marketing .

  30. 本文最终对解决微电影探索过程中存在的问题,发挥自身的优势,建立市场营销新的强大阵地提出了自己的建议。

    This paper ultimately raises recommendations about solving the existing problems in the development process , to establish the powerful new position of marketing relying on taking advantages of its own .