
  • 网络vibrio fischeri
  1. 费氏弧菌的发光现象来自生物学上的原因。

    The reason that Vibrio fischeri is doing that comes from the biology .

  2. 这是一种来自海洋的、美丽而且无害的细菌,叫做费氏弧菌。

    a harmless beautiful bacterium that comes from the ocean , named Vibrio fischeri .

  3. 这个是费氏弧菌的小分子。

    This is the Vibrio fischeri molecule .

  4. 解答这个问题的线索,来自一种叫做费氏弧菌的海洋细菌。

    The clue to this came from another marine bacterium , and it 's a bacterium called Vibrio fischeri .

  5. 费氏弧菌有一种蛋白质,这个红色的方块--它是制造这小荷尔蒙分子的酵素。

    is that Vibrio fischeri has a protein -- that 's the red box -- it 's an enzyme that makes that little hormone molecule , the red triangle .