
xuān chuán dān
  • leaflet
  1. 你可以索要一份免费的宣传单。

    You can request a free copy of the leaflet .

  2. 宣传单可以到邮局免费领取。

    The leaflet is available free of charge from post offices .

  3. 诺拉第一次看见他时,他正在散发自己的讲座宣传单。

    He was distributing handbills announcing his lecture when Nora caught her first glimpse of him .

  4. 购物者应该在购物促销广告单上寻找特价,不过Marks警告人们不要以为超市每周宣传单上都是打折商品。

    Shoppers should look through circulars for special deals , but Marks warns them not to assume that all items in a supermarket 's weekly flyer are on sale .

  5. 在她的组织下,同学们制作了上百张的海报和宣传单,并在Twitter上张贴建议:“如果你要出席明天的董事会会议,建议你穿上正装!”

    The students she organized made hundreds of posters and fliers , and posted advice on Twitter : " If you are going to be attending the board meeting tomorrow we recommend that you dress up ! "

  6. 他们停下车,把宣传单塞进了窗户。

    They were stopping cars and thrusting leaflets through the windows .

  7. 一个额外的任务就是制作并派发一份徵募(受试者)的宣传单。

    An additional task is to create and distribute a recruiting flyer .

  8. 点击这里下载实践戏剧营宣传单!

    Click HERE to download Practice Theatre Camp online flyer !

  9. 为什么你认为许多患者忽视产品宣传单?

    Why do you think many patients overlook product leaflets ?

  10. 宣传单做的怎么样了凯莉太太

    How are we doing with those flyers miss crawly ?

  11. 但他们事先计划投放100000反平壤宣传单。

    However they went ahead with plans to send 100,000 anti-Pyongyang leaflets .

  12. 在宣传单上我大致的解释了各种抵制原因。

    I explained further our reasons outlined on the handout .

  13. 这是我们乐队的宣传单,叫“实习生乐队”。

    Those are flyers for my band , the Interns .

  14. 欲知详情,请点击下载“创意泡泡!”宣传单!

    For more info , please click here to download our online flyer !

  15. 昨天她在信箱里发现了一张宣传单。

    Yesterday she found this leaflet GetWord (" leaflet "); in her letter-box .

  16. 我在警察局看到了宣传单

    I saw a flyer up at the station .

  17. 我确实需要你帮我分发宣传单。

    I needed your help distributing all those fliers .

  18. 能给我一张演出宣传单吗?

    May I have a leaflet for performances ?

  19. 全自动灌装,热溶装备,宣传单塞装机,日期打码机。

    Product auto feeding , Hot Melt Applicator , Leaflet Inserter , Date coder .

  20. 准备销售小册子和销售推广宣传单。

    Prepare sales kits and promotion flyer , etc.

  21. 设计一份宣传单来招募潜在的志愿者。

    Design a flyer to recruit potential volunteers .

  22. 将宣传单投入信箱。

    I push a flyer into a mailbox .

  23. 能给我些观光宣传单吗?

    May I have some leaflets on sightseeing ?

  24. 工作人员:我想你已经看到那些学校里的宣传单页和海报了吧。

    Employee : You 've seen the flyers and posters around campus , I assume .

  25. 我们都收到过限时订购的宣传单。

    We 've all received some sort of promotional material that has a deadline for ordering .

  26. 你把那些宣传单都撕了?

    You took these posters down ?

  27. 这些滑稽可笑的广告宣传单可给孩子们玩。

    The funny papers entertain children .

  28. 宣传单页和海报列举了所有要派代表去招聘会的企业。

    The flyers and posters list all the businesses that are sending representatives to the career fair .

  29. 你还可以在宣传单上突出要点,这样听众就不用做笔记了。

    Or highlight the main points on a handout , so participants don 't have to take notes .

  30. 分发宣传单,创建网站,提高民众对数百万哮喘病人的关注。

    All of these groups prepare leaflets and websites to highlight how millions of people suffer from asthma .