
xuān chuán wěi yuán
  • commissary in charge of publicity;student in charge of propaganda work
  1. 专业课扎实,有一定的组织能力和交际能力,担任团宣传委员。

    Courses solid , and there are certain organizational and interpersonal skills as a member of advocacy group .

  2. 并且具有一定的组织能力,9年来一直担任班级的宣传委员工作。

    And has a certain organizational capabilities , work as a member of the class of publicity for9 years .

  3. 他在学校是宣传委员,负责出每期的黑板报。

    He is in charge of a publication in the school , and is responsible for a blackboard newspaper .

  4. 我们大家还在班长的带领下制定了班歌,班训,并由宣传委员带领大家唱班歌,增强了班级的集体荣誉感。

    We also in monitor led formulated the class song , class motto , and by the propaganda members led us singing class song , strengthened the class of collective sense of honor .

  5. 毕竟在大学里第一次担任宣传委员,对班委活动还不是很熟悉,希望能得到老师指点和同学的支持。

    This is my first time holding the publicize committee in collage . I am not familiar with activities , so I want to gain the guidance of teachers and the suppot of classmates .