
  1. 建设一支高素质的马克思主义理论研究和宣传队伍;

    Building a high quality rank to research and propagandize Marxism ;

  2. 需要建设一支高素质网络宣传队伍,加强对综合性人才的培养。

    It needs build a high-quality professional team with polytechnic talents . 7 .

  3. 图书馆宣传队伍建设刍议

    Discussion on the Construction of Library Propaganda Team

  4. 探讨了图书馆宣传队伍的组织和素质建设问题,强调宣传人员应掌握宣传对象心理,具备一定的宣传策划能力及娴熟的宣传表达能力。

    This paper probes into the organizational construction and quality construction of library propaganda team , and emphasizes that the propagandists should master the psychology of the propaganda objects and possess certain propaganda planning ability and propaganda expressing ability .

  5. 五是针对上述问题,从加强人才基础建设、机制建设、管理体系建设等方面,提出了加强河北宣传文化人才队伍建设的具体对策。

    According to these issues , it lastly proposes the specific measures about strengthening propaganda and cultural talents for Hebei .

  6. 同时在社区卫生工作中还需要加大宣传力度和队伍建设,还需对居民实行小组包干制,建立社区健康保健合同来加强社区健康保健责任制工作。

    In community health services the propaganda for knowledge about prevention and treatment of chronic diseases should be spread , building of contingent developed , and the community health care contract established to enhance the work of responsibility for community health care .

  7. 必须加强宣传思想理论工作队伍能力建设,培养和造就一支马克思主义理论家队伍。

    We should strengthen building of the abilities of the theoretical study and propaganda contingent , cultivate and bring up a batch of Marxism theoreticians .

  8. 要建立和完善综合减灾科普宣传工作机制和保障机制,进一步加强综合减灾宣传队伍建设。

    Build and improve the operation and maintenance mechanism of integrated disaster decrease propaganda and further strengthen development of integrated disaster decrease propaganda organization .

  9. 做好招生宣传工作,应准确把握宣传内容,选择宣传渠道和媒介,练好招生宣传队伍的内功。

    To do the propaganda work of enrolling new students , we should understand the contents of what we conduct , select the channel and media and do the work well .