
  • 网络publicity
  1. 为什么要宣传报道这个行为任性、青春期未满的白痴呢?

    Why give publicity to this self-indulgent , adolescent oaf ?

  2. 这些宣传报道可能会有损我们的竞选活动。

    The publicity could detract from our election campaign .

  3. 随着Web信息的急剧增加,新闻媒体如何准确、快速有效地从海量Web信息中获取宣传报道所需信息,已成为急待解决的问题。

    With the rapid increment of Web information , how to obtain the information needed for the communications and reports form numerous Web information accurately , rapidly and effectively has become an urgent problem to be solved .

  4. 然后再考虑可能的媒体宣传报道。

    Then you look at the potential coverage in the media .

  5. 此前,几乎是没有灾难具体信息的纯政治宣传报道。

    There was almost political propaganda without the specific desert information .

  6. 新闻宣传报道档案管理的问题及对策

    On the existent problems in news report archives management and countermeasures

  7. 社会转型时期正面人物宣传报道的变革取向

    The Value Orientation of News Report of Positive Characters in Social Transformation

  8. 在宣传报道工作中,非事件性新闻大量存在。

    A great amount of nonevent news appears in propaganda .

  9. 电视的宣传报道对美国政治极其重要。

    Television exposure is of supreme importance in American politics .

  10. 各种媒体的大力宣传报道

    The vigorous dissemination of reports by various media sources

  11. 报纸宣传报道归档中几个问题的看法

    My Views on Some Issues in Filing the Propaganda and Report of Newspaper

  12. 艾滋病宣传报道中歧视现象的研究

    Study of discrimination phenomenon in AIDS reports

  13. 学成回国后,在中国国际广播电台工作,负责对柬埔寨方向的广播宣传报道。

    After returning to China , led the broadcasting service to Cambodia of China Radio International .

  14. 重视媒体宣传报道,引导社会舆论关注农村基础教育。

    Making good use of media publicity to guide the public attention to the rural elementary education .

  15. 企业宣传报道策略研究

    Enterprises report strategy study

  16. 商业广告之外,企业宣传报道作为企业传播的重要形式,正被众多的企业所重视和运用。

    Besides commercial advertisements , today more enterprises attach great attention to business report practices gain notable results .

  17. 做好信息调研宣传报道工作,提高办公室工作水平

    Do the work of the information investigation and research and propaganda and report , improve the office working level

  18. 企业公关危机的成因很多,但主要有:企业自身、突发事件、宣传报道。

    Many factors lead to public relations crisis of enterprises , including one 's own reason and unexpected events .

  19. 我们希望新闻工作者要深入学校,及时发现和宣传报道实施素质教育的好典型、好经验。

    We hope our journalists will go to schools to discover and report on positive examples and experience in character education .

  20. 随着时代的发展变化,《妇女生活》也不断地调整刊物宣传报道的重心和着力点。

    With the development and changes in time , the publication has been to adjust the focus of media coverage and focus .

  21. 煮熟并碾碎的大豆做成的豆浆凝结后便成了豆腐,这种简单的食物理应得到更加公正的宣传报道。

    A simple food made of coagulated soya milk that comes from cooked and crushed soya beans , tofu deserves a more balanced press .

  22. 它通过对具有代表性和教育性的典型人物、典型事件或典型经验的宣传报道,发挥典型的示范指导作用,引导社会舆论,弘扬社会正气。

    Through representative and educational typical characters , events and experiences , its plays a role of guiding public opinion and promoting healthy social tendencies .

  23. 此外,在99世博会安全保卫、医疗救护、宣传报道等方面也进行了专门部署,做好了充分准备。

    In addition , all departments including security maintenance , medical aid , news report are ready for the grand opening of Expo ` 99 .

  24. 坚持和落实三贴近和三创新,其着力点应该是教育宣传报道的民生视角。

    To implement " three approaches " and " three innovations ", we should insist on the angle of view of the people 's livelihood .

  25. “梅赛德斯-奔驰杯”中国网球大奖赛媒体报名工作现已开始,诚邀各新闻单位参与2009“梅赛德斯-奔驰杯”中国网球大奖赛的宣传报道。

    China Tennis Grand Prix " Mercedes-Benz Cup " Media Registration starts now , all media units are invited to participate in GPC to report .

  26. 该文从卫生新闻宣传报道工作方面的角度,探讨如何提高卫生新闻宣传水平。

    This paper explores the ways to improve the level of news writing based on the personal experiences and feelings from health news and propaganda work .

  27. 第二部分从构建的理论框架出发,结合统计数据,分析新华社对外宣传报道的现实影响力;

    The second part according to the theoretical framework and statistics , analyzes the practical influence of home news to overseas service of Xinhua News Agency .

  28. 开发和维持与媒体的良好关系,促进国家级和地方媒体对国际计划主张和成功经验的宣传报道。

    Developing and maintaining good relations with news media and promoting news report coverage on the voice and best practice of Plan China at both local and national level .

  29. 做好新时期工人阶级的宣传报道是时代的要求,是媒体的职责,也是工人群体的呼唤;

    It is times ' requirement to make the report of the working class , it is also the work of media and the requirements of the working class .

  30. 要做好新时期的宣传报道工作,新闻记者应是一名人文记者,应具有深厚的人文素养:理性的精神;

    To do a job well in reporting in the new period , a journalist should be a " humane journalist " and have profound humane accomplishments : rational spirit ;