
  • 网络propaganda department;publicity department
  1. 宣传部门称三峡的建成,是意志的胜利。

    The Propaganda Department proclaimed it a triumph of the will .

  2. 周二,记者曾多次致电医院宣传部门,均无人接听。

    Repeated calls to the propaganda department went unanswered on Tuesday .

  3. 而且在中国,即使是广告也躲不过宣传部门莫名其妙的指手画脚。

    Even ads are open to the whims of the party 's Propaganda Department .

  4. 公关宣传部门显然耍起了引人注目的花招。

    The promotion department drummed up obvious stunts .

  5. 他的父亲曾在领导国家宣传部门(最重要的岗位之一)的过程中学到了不少技能。

    His father learnt many of his skills running state propaganda , one of the most important jobs .

  6. 我对广告事务无能为力,你应该跟宣传部门谈。

    I 've got no power over advertising matters , so you 'll have to talk to the publicity department .

  7. 周三,中国宣传部门的官员要求中国记者要坚持团结稳定鼓劲、以正面宣传为主。

    On Wednesday , propaganda officials told Chinese journalists to do more to'uphold unity and encourage stability'while'giving precedence to positive propaganda .

  8. 记者另外请求北京市宣传部门评论死亡人数的准确性问题,暂未获得回复。

    Beijing municipal propaganda authorities didn 't immediately respond to a separate request for comment about the accuracy of the death toll .

  9. 此外,在该国陷入衰退之际,红色政府宣传部门通过多种途径为查韦斯的玻利瓦尔革命欢呼喝彩。

    Meanwhile , with the country in recession , red-hued government propaganda in multiple media hails Mr Ch á vez 's Bolivarian revolution .

  10. 宣传部门要发挥宣传阵地作用,加大宣传力度,突出宣传重点,营造良好的整治氛围;

    Publicity departments should play a role in the propaganda front , step up publicity efforts highlighting the focus of regulation to create a good atmosphere ;

  11. 《穹顶之下》最初得到中国媒体的广泛报道,还得到了中国环保部部长的公开赞扬。然而到了周一,宣传部门却指示媒体停止发布与该片有关的报道。

    Chinese media initially covered the film and the environment minister publicly praised it but on Monday propaganda authorities instructed the media to stop writing about it .

  12. 一些中国记者表示,在媒体机构,通常只有资深员工才够级别接触宣传部门的指令,不过普通记者和编辑也可能会通过上级知晓指令内容。

    Only senior media employees have official access to propaganda instructions , though journalists and editors may learn about their contents through superiors , Chinese journalists say .

  13. 传媒与党政宣传部门和各级政府之间碰撞和摩擦时有发生,外部市场、读者和各种资本力量也会对传媒的公共性进行干预。

    The collisions and friction occur frequently between media and party propaganda department . Markets , readers and various capital strength will intervene to the pursuit of publicity .

  14. 新华社官员曾表示,该机构对其监管、商业和宣传部门进行严格区分,外国新闻机构必须尊重中国的监管规定。

    Xinhua officials have said the agency strictly separates its regulatory , commercial and propaganda functions and that foreign news agencies have no choice but to respect Chinese regulations .

  15. 党的宣传部门聪明地压制了有关自身运作的讨论(例如,我就西方与中国媒体差异所发表的一段评论,也在被剪辑之列)。

    The party propaganda department wisely suppresses discussion of its work ( my comments about the difference between western and Chinese media were among those excised , for example ) .

  16. 云南省委宣传部门的通知,激起了对一张“不明真相”的政治和社会标签的检讨。

    The notice issued by the Propaganda department of Yunan Province has stirred up a critical reflection of the political labeling of the mass as " ignorant of the truth and facts " .

  17. 公文管理系统在高校管理和宣传部门中是非常重要的工作,由于信息技术和计算机网络的飞速发展,对公文管理系统的开发提出了新的要求。

    The Document Management System is very important work in Campus management and propagandize department . But new requirement are raised with the fleeting achievement of information technology and computer networks in recent years .

  18. 但都市报纸,尤其是中国南方的都市报,在过去10年里进行了根本转型。编辑们在选题时,首先考虑的是市场,而不是宣传部门官员的指示。

    But city newspapers , especially in southern China , have undergone a radical transformation over the past decade , with editors giving market considerations priority over propaganda officials ' directives in choosing what topics they cover .

  19. 徐州市的一位宣传部门官员告诉《中国日报》,事故发生在周一晚上6点,校车因躲避来往车辆侧翻掉入路边的河里,当时车上共有29名学生。

    The accident occurred around 6 pm on Monday when the bus overturned into a river . Twenty-nine pupils were aboard at the time , a publicity official from the city of Xuzhou , told China Daily .

  20. 这种情况将发生改变,因为官方宣传部门现在可以全面宣传有关金正银生平的神话。他刚刚被授予大将军衔,这是表明他正被当作最高领袖培养的第一个确凿迹象。

    That will change now that the Pyongyang propagandists can broadcast a full mythology for the younger Kim , who was appointed a general in the first concrete sign that he is being groomed for the top job .

  21. 通过政府掌控的宣传部门,促销和策划温州茶文化旅游,设计温州茶文化旅游的形象标志,整体上提升其外在形象,更让其无形价值得到蜚声。

    By the government propaganda department , promote and plan of Wenzhou tea culture tourism , design Wenzhou tea culture tourism image of the logo , upgrade its external image , leave its intangible value to get famous .

  22. 该员工表示,停职发生在上海市宣传部门官员赴北京参加“两会”之后。这些官员在会上遭到了上级中央政府的质疑,问他们为何这份文件会在社交媒体上流传。

    The employee said the suspension occurred after Shanghai propaganda authorities travelled to Beijing for the parliamentary meeting , where they faced questions from superiors in the central government about how the document came to be circulated on social media .

  23. 视觉宣传主管部门已经选择了一些图片。

    The directorate of visual publicity have selected some pictures .

  24. 宣传教育部门应协同统战部门,进行文化统一战线工作。

    Propaganda and education departments should co-operate with United Front departments in United Front Work in the cultural field .

  25. 记者:在这次来的时间,我们的特意从我们的宣传组部门拿到了您的资料。

    Reporter : In the time that comes this , our data that obtained you from our propagandist group branch designedly .

  26. 宣传教育部门应协同统战部门,进行文化统一战线工作。全党都要认真地、谨慎地做好统一战线工作。

    Propaganda and education departments should co-operate with united front departments in united front work in the cultural field . The whole Party should try earnestly and painstakingly to make a success of its united front work .

  27. 整个系统是基于Web技术的信息发布系统,介绍了该系统的总体结构与ASP的实现技术,实现了为旅游业的管理、旅游资源开发利用与保护、宣传及政府部门决策提供有力支持的目的。

    The whole system is Web information publication system . It introduces the system ′ s construction and realization of technology of ASP . It offers effective support for tourism management , exploitation of tourism resource , publicity and government decision-making .

  28. 同时,管控危险驾驶行为的其他方式尚未穷尽,应在现有法律法规的基础之上,加大执法力度,采取有效宣传、多部门联动等办法进行立体控制。

    In the meantime , the control of dangerous driving has not exhausted other methods . We must strengthen the law enforcement under the current regulations . Take the effective publicity and social linkage mechanism to improve the current situation .

  29. 对外宣传工作是政府部门一个日久而常新的话题。

    Foreign publicity work is a common but always-new topic of the government .

  30. 在矩阵形式的组织构架方式下,组建了以数据组、随访组、护理组和宣传组为主的部门。

    By the matrix organization structure , MDT set the main departments : database team , follow-up team , nursing team and public team .