
  • 网络Fast sales;Elevator Pitch
  1. 报纸的每日出版也适合大多数零售商的每日快速销售策略。

    A newspaper 's daily publication readily fits the day-to-day selling and quick action promotions that characterize most retailing .

  2. 他的研究结果表明,中国企业的快速销售增长通常都伴随出现极低的利润率,低过其资金成本。

    His research shows rapidly growing sales often lead to very low levels of profit by Chinese companies , well below their cost of capital .

  3. 这意味着利益从快速重新销售中将受到控制。

    This means that profiting from fast re-sales will be under control .

  4. 看到我们的家用剪刀都享有快速的销售,我们建议你采取一切必要的步骤,以免延误。

    Seeing that our Household Scissors are enjoying fast sales , we suggest you take all necessary steps without delay .

  5. 现在信息技术的发展,使得快速进行销售信息收集和分析成为可能。

    With the information technology development , it is possible to gather and analyze the information in a short time .

  6. 商店有时候很小,有时候中午卖三明治,到了下午就要快速转向销售简易晚餐。

    Stores can be so small that they have to switch from selling sandwiches at lunchtime to selling ready-made suppers in the afternoon .

  7. 他说,巴西咖啡及蜂蜜在2年前在中国开始了市场推广,在这两年取得了快速的销售增长。

    He said Brazilian coffee and honey dealers started marketing in China two years ago and they have gained rapid sales growth in the past two years .

  8. 多数分析师都认为,当前出口繁荣背后的主要动因,是中国汽车制造商因国内需求疲弱而难以保持快速的销售增长。

    Most analysts agree that the main force behind the current export boom is that Chinese carmakers are struggling to maintain rapid sales growth in the face of weakening domestic demand .

  9. 由于他们总是购买属性,在庞大的群体中资金和利润是快速的销售,他们被认为不可避免的操纵是自身楼价的优势。

    Since they always purchase the properties in groups with huge sums of money and profit from the quick sales , they are thought to unavoidably manipulate property prices to their own advantage .

  10. 同样地在较早的职位被提到,哈利波特与火焰杯在商店中创造如在它的第一天的放映上的最快速的销售数字化视频光的一个金尼斯世界纪录。

    As was mentioned in an earlier post , Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire set a Guinness World Record as the fastest selling DVD on its first day of release in stores .

  11. 据国际数据公司(IDC)调查,快速以太网的销售超过了其它高速局域网技术。

    Fast Ethernet sales are outpacing all other high-speed LAN technologies , according to International Data Corp.

  12. 若要作出业务决策,用户必须能够基于各种条件,通过查询数据快速地确定销售趋势。

    To make business decisions , users must be able to determine trends in sales quickly by querying the data based on various criteria .

  13. 上述因素的存在严重影响了快速高效运作销售过程的实现,处理不好就会失去大好的市场机会。

    All of the above factors have seriously influenced the realization of high efficient sales process , and bad management will lose good market opportunities .

  14. 这是一种全球服务,旨在满足中小型企业对于快速获得在线销售机会,以及高效率地从事在线商业活动的需求。

    This global initiative is designed to meet the needs of small and medium businesses for quicker access to online sales opportunities and more efficient ways of doing business .

  15. 在本世纪初,门多萨的这种习惯让他指派销售代表乔•桑塔莫雷纳(JoeSantamorena)主管纽约分公司快速壮大的金融销售队伍,尽管桑塔莫雷纳的直接上司们反对这次任命。

    In the early 2000s , the habit led him to put sales rep Joe Santamorena in charge of the New York office 's rapidly expanding financial salesforce , even though his immediate bosses argued against the appointment .

  16. 基于快速反应的企业销售物流管理研究

    Study on Distribution Logistics Management Based on Quick Response

  17. 快速消费品企业销售分支机构财务管理的研究

    Study on Financial Management of Branch Organization of Selling in Enterprise of FMCG

  18. 快速组建你的销售团队的一个重要决定因素就是你要沟通名单的质量。

    The single most important factor for quickly building a large downline is the quality of your prospects .

  19. 苏州快速遍布全球的销售网络以及分公司或办事处,可以为客户提供完善的技术支持和商务服务。

    Xuzhou rapid worldwide sales network and branch offices can provide customers with comprehensive technical support and business services .

  20. 快速消费品的销售目前再次出现了两位数的增长,尽管这种增长在一定程度上只是反映了大宗商品价格的上涨。

    FMCG sales are now rising again at double-digit levels , although some of this increase simply reflects higher commodity costs .

  21. 多年来,英国的学校不断在中国(及其他地区)运营分支机构,直接向快速增长的市场销售各种顶级教育品牌。

    For years now British schools have been operating offshoots in China ( and elsewhere ) , selling various brands of top-drawer education directly in to fast-growing markets .

  22. 企业销售管理系统实现了企业产品的发布、订单管理、产品的销售管理的信息化,系统的设计与实现能够准确地反映企业产品销售状况,为帮助企业快速有效地管理销售各项业务具有重要意义。

    The Design and Implementation of the system accurately reflect the sales of enterprise products , which have an important significance to help enterprises to quickly and efficiently manage the business of sale .

  23. 柯瑞斯表示,2008年中,快速消费品的销售较上年增长24%,而到2009年初,则较上年下降了6%。

    Mr Morley said sales of fast-moving consumer goods slumped from mid-2008 , when sales were growing at 24 per cent year-on-year , to early 2009 , when sales shrank by 6 per cent .

  24. 公司于2003年成立以来,致力于以杂交水稻为主的大田作物新品种的选育创新、快速扩繁和推广销售。目前公司正处于快速发展的转型时期,发展势头良好。

    Since the company was founded in 2003 , committed to hybrid rice-based breeding of new varieties of field crops innovation , rapid propagation and promotion of sales . Currently , the company is in a transition period of rapid development , the development momentum .