
hé tonɡ yì wù
  • contractual obligation
  1. 雇员加班加点的合同义务。

    The contractual obligation of employees to work overtime .

  2. 眼下你对任何其他公司负有合同义务吗?

    Are you under a contractual obligation to any other company at this time ?

  3. 第一百一十六条当事人一方由于上级机关的原因,不能履行合同义务的,应当按照合同约定向另一方赔偿损失或者采取其他补救措施,再由上级机关对它因此受到的损失负责处理。

    Article 116 If a party fails to fulfil its contractual obligations on account of a higher authority , it shall first compensate for the losses of the other party or take other remedial measures as contractually agreed and then the higher authority shall be responsible for settling the losses it sustained .

  4. 欧盟非合同义务法律适用统一化&以《罗马条例II》为中心

    The Unification of the Application of Non-contractual Obligations in EU : Focusing on Rome II

  5. 他的团队列举了这样的属性,包括很多方面,如:合同义务、市场窗口(MarketWindows)、客户影响、系统健康以及企业策略。

    His team creates a list of such attributes that account for aspects such as : contractual obligations , market windows , customer impact , system health and corporate strategy .

  6. 在买方完全履行其合同义务前,WIRTGENCHINA可以拒绝履行其保修承诺义务。

    WIRTGEN CHINA may refuse to honour its warranty obligations as long as the Buyer has not fulfilled its contractual obligations .

  7. 《罗马条例II》的诞生,标志着欧盟国际私法统一化的最新发展&非合同义务领域法律适用的统一,从而使非合同义务的法律适用增加了一种“超国家”法律渊源。

    Rome II marks the unification of EU 's private international law on the latest development-the unifying field that on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations .

  8. 该公司补充称,过去曾得到过华纳采用HD-DVD技术的承诺,但对于东芝是否认为华纳违反了合同义务,该公司未予置评。

    It added that it had received commitments in the past from Warner over the use of the technology , but would not comment on whether it believed the studio had broken any contractual obligations .

  9. 玉米种子公司华奥物种集团(agria)在提交给美国证交会的文件中披露了与其下属实体失常的关系,后者对披露财务信息的要求置之不理,华奥担心其可能无法履行合同义务。

    At Agria , a corn seed company , SEC filings reveal a dysfunctional relationship with the affiliate , which does not respond to requests for financial information and which Agria fears may not fulfil its contractual obligations .

  10. 医疗行为实质上是一种履行合同义务的行为。

    Medical behavior is in essence a kind of obligation behavior .

  11. 第一章是先合同义务的界定。

    The first one provides the definition of the pre-contract obligations .

  12. 后合同义务及其法律责任探析

    On the Duty of the Post-contract and it 's legal Liability

  13. 是合同义务还是侵权法上的法定义务?

    Is it the obligation of contract or tort law ?

  14. 许可人未能履行其合同义务。

    Licensor fails to perform its obligations under this Contract .

  15. 先合同义务理论的发展在某种意义上说正好反映了合同法本身的根本变革。

    The development of the theory reflects the reform of contract law .

  16. 基于先合同义务的合同效力补正义务

    The Redeeming Responsibility Based on the Efficacy of the Preceding Contract Obligation

  17. 分包商应把这些条件作为他们合同义务的一部分。

    The Sub-Contractor accepts these provisions as part of their contractual obligations .

  18. 本文主要讨论的是基于违反先合同义务的合同效力补正问题。

    This paper mainly discusses the redeeming responsibility based on the efficacy .

  19. 扩延合同义务及其法律性质浅探

    An Exploration of the Extended Contract Obligation and Law Nature

  20. 考虑到许可方全面且适当履行其合同义务

    In consideration of full and proper performance of its contractual obligations by Licensor

  21. 签约双方都应履行各自的合同义务。

    Both parties shall fulfil their respective contract obligation .

  22. 违反先合同义务的责任

    Liability for violating the pre-contract obligation On Trust

  23. 公司被指控未能对顾客履行合同义务。

    The company was accused of failing to fulfil its contractual obligations to employees .

  24. 论诚实信用原则和合同义务的扩张

    Principle of Faith and Expansion of Contract Obligations

  25. 违反先合同义务的一方有过错;

    The fault of the party in breach ;

  26. 由合同义务引起的争议通常不诉诸法律。

    Dispute arised from contract obligation is generally settled without recourse to the court .

  27. 而先合同义务的存在和违反是承担缔约过失责任的前提。

    The existence of pre-contract obligations and violation thereof are the premises of liabilities .

  28. 由于处于信息不对称的弱势地位,潜在受许人经常陷入特许陷阱,在缔约过程中,特许人违反先合同义务,造成潜在受许人信赖利益受损,特许人应当承担缔约过失责任。

    Because of the weak position , potential franchisee falls into frequently the special trap .

  29. 先合同义务因法律的直接规定而产生,是一种法定义务。

    Pre-contract obligation evolves directly from regulations .

  30. 向其他单位交付现金或其他金融资产的合同义务;

    The contractual obligations to deliver cash or other financial assets to any other entity ;