
  • 网络Corporatism;collaborationism;cooperatism
  1. 合作主义是工业社会诞生以来西方思想界长期存在的一种思潮。

    Corporatism has existed since the appearance of industrial society .

  2. 合作主义:中国福利制度框架的重构

    Corporatism : The Reconstruction of China 's Welfare Regime

  3. 浅析葡萄牙合作主义国家的起源及特征

    On the Origins and the Characteristics of the Portuguese Corporatist State

  4. 构建合作主义社会保障模式的途径探讨&以非营利组织发展为视角

    Approaches to Establishing Collaborationism Social Security Model by Non-profit Organizations

  5. 这种理念成为两国合作主义福利制度的合法性基础。

    This idea becomes the base of legitimacy of two countries ' corporatism welfare system .

  6. 本论文通过合作主义的框架对瑞典和新加坡两国的福利制度进行了比较分析。

    This paper compares the welfare institution of Sweden with Singapore from the perspective of corporatism .

  7. 合作主义就业政策分析

    Analysis on Cooperative Employment Policy

  8. 合作主义可以被视为一种对国家和社会间常规性互动体系的概括。

    Cooperation can be regarded as a summary of the regular reaction system between country and society .

  9. 在认知层面,资本家阶级高倡劳资合作主义,鲜有例外。

    On the conceptual level , the capitalists unexeptionally sang odes to the cooperation between capital and labor .

  10. 再论20世纪20年代华北人民闯关东狂潮之成因20世纪20年代中国的合作主义思潮论析

    A Study on the causes that the People of the North China Emigrated to the Northeast in 1920s

  11. 其次,各利益集团在博弈的过程中,表现出一种极具德国特色的特殊方式:合作主义。

    Secondly , from the game between different interests groups , there comes a Germany specialized style , corporatism .

  12. 论合作主义视角下政策咨询机制构建与完善

    The analyzing of the construction and improvement of the advisory system of policy making in the framework of corporatism

  13. 未来中国政治发展的路径选择&合作主义理论视野下的思考

    The Choice of Approaches for China 's Political Development in the Future & Consideration with the View of Cooperation Theory

  14. 20世纪80年代以来,西方国家选择了两种不同的就业政策,即新自由主义就业政策和合作主义就业政策。

    Since 1980s , some western countries have accepted new liberalist employment policy and the others resorted to cooperative one .

  15. 它比甘地提倡的不合作主义,还要容易做到得多,虽然这样说并不可取。

    And it is much easier it 's dangerous even to say this than the sort of civil disobedience which Gandhi advocated .

  16. 合作主义就业政策的实施以混合经济体制、强大的劳工组织和左翼政党为基础。

    The base of enforcement of cooperative employment policy is mixed economic system , strong labor organization and the left wing party .

  17. 他的合作主义有地域移植的文化默契,是文化选择理念与文化实用主义的产物。

    His cooperative construction has the culturally tacit agreement of regional transplant , and is the product of choice viewpoint and culture practicality .

  18. 相对于新自由主义就业政策来讲,合作主义就业政策更有利于实现劳动力市场效率与公平的统一。

    Contrast to new liberalist employment policy , the cooperative one is more likely to realize the unity between efficiency and fairness of labor market .

  19. 民营经济的发展、法律对政府的制约作用是保证由“合作主义”路径走向治理的必要条件。

    The development of private economy and the restriction on government 's interference by legislation are necessary conditions to ensure the path from corporatism to proper governance .

  20. 本文以日本审议会机制为基础,从微观制度层面分析了合作主义框架下的利益协调机制的运用。

    Based on Japanese council system and in the micro system level , the dissertation analyzes the application of the system of interests intermediation in the framework of corporatism .

  21. 分析了葡萄牙合作主义国家是在什么样的背景下形成的,及其究竟有哪些区别于其他右翼统治尤其是法西斯统治的特征。

    This paper is then devoted to the background in which the Portuguese corporatism was formed and its features which made it distinctive from other right wings especially fascism .

  22. 几乎是所有人(98%)都认为他们都将采用不合作主义达成目标,几乎有三分之一(31%)的人认为有必要的话将采用暴力。

    Virtually all ( 98 % ) say they would support civil disobedience to achieve their goals , and nearly one-third ( 31 % ) would use violence if necessary .

  23. 同时,对于舶来品的合作主义,苏维埃政府将其灵活地运用于合作运动中,在多种领域发展合作社组织。

    At the same time , the Soviet government applied the imports into co-operation movement in a flexible way and developed a variety of cooperative organizations involved in many fields .

  24. 20世纪欧美国家的实践证明,新合作主义体制是工业化国家处理劳资关系的一条共同经验。

    According to the European countries'practices in the20 ~ ( th ) century , neo-cooperative is a common experience of industrial countries to dealing with the relations between labor and capital .

  25. 治理理论主张多元权威基于合作主义和经过上下互动的过程建立网络体系,从而进行有效的公共管理。地方政府治理主张在多层次地理空间内构建网络体系,以公民发展为中心,促进地方发展。

    The theory of governance advocates plural authorities of building a network system on the basis of cooperation and the process of interacting , so as to achieve the effective public management .

  26. 经济学界以这种冷冰冰的实用主义为荣,高高兴兴地将这种模式推广到家庭,并自鸣得意地将它与社会科学领域那些更为温和的团队合作主义价值观进行对比。

    The economics profession took pride in this bleak realism , gleefully extending the model to the family and smugly contrasting itself with the gentler communitarian values of the softer social sciences .

  27. 合作主义均以社会和谐为理论预设、追求目标和基本价值,以经济利益的调和为基本手段。由此,产生了合作组织的制度安排、中介调节的政治过程,而最终目标则在维护资本主义。

    Corporatism has social harmony as its pre-assumption and basic value , intermediation of economic interest instead of ideological and political conflict as its means and sustenance of capitalism as its end .

  28. 在合作主义模式下,构建一种新型的国家与社会的关系有利于中国社会的长期稳定与发展。

    Thus , under the collaborationism mode , a new type of relationship between State and society will be created , which will bring about sustained , stable and coordinated development of Chinese society .

  29. 伴随工业革命产生的合作主义,从不同于自由主义和马克思主义的视角,对社会利益分殊如何达成政治秩序提出了新的见解。

    Corporatism , emerged at the heels of the Industrial Revolution , put forward new opinions about how to assign divided social interests to reach a political order , which is different from Liberalism and Marxism .

  30. 里丁把他最好的篇章留到了最后,一是对解放后的“净化”——即合作主义者的清算进行了令人不安的描述,还对巴黎后来的文化地位作出了明确判断。

    Mr Riding saves his best for last , with a discomfiting portrayal of the post-Liberation é puration - the " purge " of collaborators - and a clear-headed judgment of Paris 's subsequent cultural status .