
  • 网络Effectiveness of contract
  1. 最后一方的批准日期为本合同生效日期。

    The later date of approval shall be taken as the Date of Effectiveness of Contract .

  2. 月内;C.分项三的技术咨询报告:合同生效后__________

    C. Technical service report on Item 3 : _________ months after effectiveness of the Contract ;

  3. 月内;B.分项二的技术咨询报告:合同生效后__________

    B. Technical service report on Item 2 : _________ months after effectiveness of the Contract ;

  4. 月内;D.分项四的技术咨询报告:合同生效后__________月内。

    and D. Technical service report on Item 4 : ________ months after effectiveness of the Contract .

  5. 伦敦奥组委与ODA之间已有2000多份大小合同生效。

    Between them , LOCOG and the ODA have awarded more than 2000 contracts , big and small .

  6. 第四条交付4.1前述技术咨询报告以CIF______________价格条件交付的最后期限为:A.分项一的技术咨询报告:合同生效后__________

    Article 4 Delivery Schedule 4.1 The deadline for the arrival of the Technical service reports CIF _____ is : A. Technical service report on Item 1 : _________ months after effectiveness of the Contract ;

  7. 自基金合同生效以来,截至2009年12月31日止,除央企ETF和治理ETF由于上市时间较短涨幅不大之外,其余五只ETF都有极大的涨幅。

    Since fund contract has become effective , Central Enterprises ETF and Corporate Governance ETF increased a little owing to the short time of being put into market , all the other 5 ETFs have increased tremendously by December 31,2009 .

  8. 自本合同生效之日起个月内

    Within ______ months from the Effective Date of the Contract

  9. 当赛季开始,我的合同生效。

    When my contract goes through and the season starts .

  10. 自从新合同生效起,生产效率提高了11%。

    Productivity is up by 11 % since the new contract took effect .

  11. 在合同生效之后还有可能撤销合同吗?

    Is it possible to cancel the contract while it 's in effect ?

  12. 投资者要求,&旦合同生效,应该迅速交货。

    The investor has asked for a prompt delivery after the contract Becomes effective .

  13. 抵押权自抵押合同生效时设立;

    The mortgage right shall be established since the mortgage contract comes into effect ;

  14. 浅谈质押合同生效要件

    On the Execution Requisites of Pledge Contract

  15. 合同生效对应于合同的未生效,合同生效是合同有效的下位概念。

    Contract validation corresponds to its non-validation , thus being an inferior notion for contract validity .

  16. 国内许多学者将其等同于合同生效的概念。

    Many domestic scholars make that equal to the concept of becoming effective of the contract .

  17. 试车应在本合同生效日起月内实施和完成。

    The Test Runs shall be conducted and completed within _______ month following the completion date of Erection .

  18. 人身保险合同生效之有关问题探析&由一寿险理赔案说起索赔的有效期多长?

    Analyze on Relative Questions about the Life Insurance Contract s Validity & Mention a Life Insurance Case ;

  19. 初步设计文件最晚交货期:合同生效之日起5个月

    Latest date of delivery of Basic design documents - 5 months from the Effective date of the Contract

  20. “合同生效日”是指本合同双方签字日。

    The date of effectiveness of the contract means the date of signing this contract by both parties .

  21. 签名是合同生效的重要因素,电子合同签名方式采取电子签名。

    Signature is an important factor in establishment of a contract . The signature of e-contract sign electronically .

  22. 但合同生效时间不等同于股权的变动时间。

    Nevertheless , the effective time of the agreement is not equal to the transfer time of shareholdings .

  23. 在本合同生效日后壹拾贰(12)个月内完成设计。

    The design shall be completed within twelve ( 12 ) months from the Effective date of the Contract .

  24. 以后一方获得批准日期为本合同生效日。

    The date when the later party obtains the approval shall be taken as the effective date of the contract .

  25. 上述单据应在本合同生效之日起不迟于______

    The said shall be delivered by Consultant not later than ____days after the effective date of the ________ present Contract .

  26. 一般情况下,合同生效后双方当事人应当严格履行合同的约定。

    Usually , Party of the both sides after contract become effective ought to fulfil the agreement of the contract strictly .

  27. 合同生效日:本合同经双方当事人各自国家的审批机关批准之日起正式生效。

    Effective Date of the Contract means the date when the contract is approved by competent authorities of the respective Party 's countries .

  28. 卖方应于本合同生效日后个月内分批将本合同项目的设备交付完毕。

    The Seller shall complete the delivery of contract equipment in _____ lots within _____ months after the effective date of the contract .

  29. 合同生效后,乙方有权要求甲方准备合格的设备安放场地。

    Party B has the right to require Party A to get ready a proper place for the equipment since the effectiveness of the contract .

  30. 合同生效后,卖方将派一工程师小组至买方进行技术考察,收集信息,准备作基本设计。

    An engineer group from the seller will be sent to buyer for technical investigation and information gathering to prepare basic designing after the contract becomes effective .