
tiē xiàn lì xī
  • discount interest
  1. 其中,贴现贷款应以贴现票据的到期价值计量,贴现票据的到期价值与支付的票据贴现款项之间的差额,作为贴现利息,计入贴现当期损益。

    Among them , the discount loan shall be measured by maturity value of the discount bill , and the difference between the maturity value of the discount bill and the money paid for the discount bill shall be accounted into the current profit and loss as discount interest .

  2. 然而,你可能有资格早期还款上剩余的贴现利息会被指控。

    However , early repayment might entitle you to a rebate on the remaining interest to be charged .

  3. 对金融机构来说,票据贴现可获得利息收益较多、资金收回较快、资金收回较安全等。

    For the financial organ , the bill discounting may obtain more interest income ; the fund takes back quickly and safely .