
  1. 登陆美国东海岸的飓风桑迪,在Twitter贴吧和图片上引发了在线幽默。

    Hurricane Sandy , headed for the east coast of the United States , sparked online humor in the form of Twitter posts and images .

  2. Web2.0社区是当前最为热门的互联网应用,SNS、微博、在线问答、贴吧等都是其典型代表。

    Web 2.0 community is the most popular Internet applications nowadays . Social networking , micro-blogging , online QA and post bar are the typical representatives .

  3. 该词起源于足球运动员李毅的百度贴吧(国内知名的BBS)。

    The word originated in the Baidu . com 's Tiebar ( a top Chinese bulletin board system ) of soccer player Li Yi .

  4. 如果你被给予更多的职责,却没有升职或加薪,不妨向你的上级索取一些津贴吧,Teach说,也许是带薪假期,或者多些午休时间,或者每礼拜一次在家工作的机会。

    If you 're getting additional responsibilities without a promotion or raise , ask your supervisor for some perks , Teach says . Perhaps additional vacation days , longer lunch hours , or the ability to work from home once a week .

  5. 上海晚晴商务咨询有限公司CEO鲁振旺表示,百度贴吧作为一种公共服务,在公共交流中起到重要的作用,管理者不应该是任何追求利润的第三方商业机构。

    Because Baidu Tieba exists as a public service and plays a vital role in public communication , the operator should not be any third-party commercial institution that aims to seek profits , said Lu Zhenwang , CEO of Shanghai Wanqing Commerce Consulting Co.

  6. 去年5月,在公众的抗议和监管机构的压力下,百度不得不出面为试图从医疗信息论坛攫取财务利益道歉,并表示会停止在百度贴吧(BaiduTieba)网站的行为。

    In May last year public outcry and regulatory pressure forced Baidu to apologise for seeking to financially exploit medical information bulletin boards and said it would stop the practice on its Tieba , or Post Bar , site .

  7. 百度表示,公司随后将血友病贴吧的吧务换成了中国血友之家(HHC),一个致力于帮助血友病患者的非政府组织。HHC也成为了运营疾病相关论坛的第一个非政府组织。

    Baidu then replaced the operator of the hemophilia forum with Hemophilia Home of China ( HHC ) , an NGO dedicated to helping hemophilia patients , making HHC the first NGO to run a disease-related forum , the company said .

  8. 希望贴吧可以给我们留下美好的回忆!

    I hope it can be affixed to our memories !

  9. 让我给你贴个创可贴吧。

    Let me put a band-aid on it .

  10. 贴吧平台深受欢迎,它拥有1900万个论坛,主题范围广泛。

    The popular Tieba platform hosts about 19m forums devoted to a wide range of topics .

  11. 第一章为高校网络贴吧现状分析。

    The first chapter concerns the analysis of the current status of the University Network Message Bulletin .

  12. 本文首先从信息传播的相关概念、网络信息传播的现有传播模式入手介绍当前已有的理论研究,从中思考现有信息传播模式在贴吧信息传播中的适用性。

    This paper starts with introduction about relevant concepts of information dissemination and available model of web information dissemination .

  13. 该贴吧的两名管理员贺鹏和陈龙也给该男子留了言。

    He Peng and Chen Long , two webmasters of the message board , also left messages for the man .

  14. 今年1月,该公司在其网上论坛“贴吧”上的医疗建议招致批评后作出了道歉。

    In January , the company apologised after criticism over medical advice found on its online forums known as Tieba .

  15. 而徐新明律师表示,这样一场反盗版运动不太可能对百度贴吧的盗版行为有根基性的影响。

    Such a campaign is not likely to make a fundamental impact on piracy on Baidu Tieba , Xu said .

  16. 这一消息的披露引发了公众愤怒,因为该贴吧本是用户讨论医疗服务信息的一大平台。

    The disclosure triggered public outrage , because the forum was a platform where users could discuss information on medical services .

  17. 其次,分析高校网络贴吧对大学生伦理道德建设的积极作用和消极作用。

    Second , we analyze the positive and negative effects of the Network Message Bulletin on the students ' ethical construction .

  18. 首先,概述高校百度贴吧的概念、内容、特点及问题。

    First , we give an overview of the concept , content , characteristics and problems of university Network Message Bulletin .

  19. 在百度贴吧,一些网民号召其他网民加入报复性反击。

    On a Baidu bulletin board , some Internet users called upon fellow " netizens " to join them in hitting back .

  20. 上周六百度表示将与非营利组织合作,提高贴吧医疗信息的质量。

    Baidu said on Saturday it would partner with non-profit organisations to raise the quality of medical information on its Tieba site .

  21. 为应对骚动,该公司星期二表示,将在其疾病相关的的贴吧结束这样的商业合作。

    In response to the uproar , the company said Tuesday that it would end such business collaboration in its disease-related online forums .

  22. 近日,河南商丘一男子因失恋在百度贴吧发布自己试图自杀的信息和图片。

    A lovelorn man from Shangqiu in Henan province recently posted information and photos of his own attempted suicide on a Baidu message board .

  23. 从而引出文章的第二章,即对高校网络贴吧问题的现实根源与文化根源的分析。

    The second chapter is the analysis on the causes of the problems in the university Network Message Bulletin in reality and in culture .

  24. 多数大学生早就对校园论坛(电子布告栏系统)、百度贴吧及其他在线论坛十分熟悉。

    Most college students are already familiar with their campus BBS ( bulletin board system ), Baidu post bar and other kinds of online forums .

  25. 只是偶尔看到网页里朋友变化的状态,看到贴吧里变换的颜色,才知道是春节了。

    I hadn 't realized it was Spring Festival until I saw the updated signatures of my friends on line and the festive red web pages .

  26. 当时,用户抨击该公司赶走血友病贴吧的志愿吧主,用一家向百度付费的盈利性诊所取而代之。

    Users had attacked the company for replacing the volunteer moderator of a board devoted to haemophilia with a for-profit clinic that paid Baidu for the privilege .

  27. 同时,贴吧将成为先进的校园文化生长的土壤、思想政治教育工作更加坚实可靠的前沿阵地。

    At the same time , the Network Bulletin will become soil growing advanced campus culture and a more solid and reliable forefront of ideological and political education .

  28. 百度将血友病贴吧的志愿吧主换成一家被指不具备医疗资质的民营医院,此举受到中国网民的抨击。

    Chinese netizens had attacked the company for replacing the volunteer moderator of its haemophilia-themed bulletin board with a private hospital that was accused of providing substandard care .

  29. 百度已就企图利用医疗信息公告栏赚钱的行为作出道歉,并表示将制止其“贴吧”网站的这种做法。

    Baidu has apologised for seeking to financially exploit medical information bulletin boards and said it would stop the practice on its Tieba , or Post Bar , site .

  30. 例如,“滑稽”是第一个拥有多种色彩版本的贴吧表情,包括红色的,橘色的,绿色的,蓝色的,蓝绿的,还有紫色的。

    For example , the emoji is the first one on Tieba to have multi-color variations in red , orange , green , blue , bluish green , and purple 。