- 名Discounted bill;notes on discount

Others have proposed that the EFSF could issue discounted bills .
The IFC said the discount note programme would help it to diversify its funding sources , while also testing market infrastructure in the local currency market .
Loan and bill discounted account
Discount notes are a form of short-term debt , typically favoured by highly rated issuers such as government agencies .
Discount note : Note ( i.e. short - or medium-term Bond ) issued at a discount from its face value .
In case of bill purchase / discount , exposure per drawee generally should not exceed 35 % of the sanctioned FBP limit .
The commercial paper emerged in year 2005 . Its appearance provides the various enterprises a new short term financing channel apart from the short term loan and discount note .
Fitch argues Chinese banks simply offloaded trillions of Renminbi in loans from their balance sheets in 2010 by artificially reducing their holdings of discounted bills and by repackaging loans into investment products for sale to investors .
The so-called bill financing mainly refers to the instrument parties mobilizing and circulating funds by means of bill discount , bill transference and bill pledge .
During the period of debt collection , they can apply for negotiation under documentary credit , advance against documentary collection , discounting , and export insurance .
One utility source described the Richards Bay FOB market as " pretty depressed ," pointing to physical prices discounted to paper stretching out to the first quarter of2011 .
Notes thus discounted or transferred by endorsement
The bill discounting is the bill behavior of the commercial bill possessor in order to obtaining the capital , pays the certain interest to the financial organ before the mature day , which is one financing way of the financial organ to the possessor .
The discount rate depends on the terms of the bill , the amount , the reputation of the drawee and the reputation of the drawer .
Among them , the discount loan shall be measured by maturity value of the discount bill , and the difference between the maturity value of the discount bill and the money paid for the discount bill shall be accounted into the current profit and loss as discount interest .