
  • 网络tile
  1. 还曾有一个康涅马拉(Connemara)的工人,他边给我的厨房贴砖边跟我聊天。

    And then there was the Connemara workman , chatting away whilst plastering my kitchen .

  2. 对员工卫生间的墙体及地面贴砖。

    Laying of tiles to wall and floor surfaces in the staff toilets ;

  3. 对更衣室区域(员工及健身房)的楼板包括踢脚线贴砖。

    Laying of tiles to floor slabs in the changing room area including skirting ( staff and fitness rooms );

  4. 外墙面贴砖采用了干粉瓷砖粘结剂粘贴面砖的冬施技术,收到了很好的效果。

    Therefore , dry powder adhesive was used for sticking tapestry bricks on exterior wall for a project in winter , and good effect was obtained .

  5. 本文论述了贴砖墙面渗漏产生的原因,以及在施工过程中的防渗漏措施,提高墙面砖的施工质量。

    This paper discusses the causation of the brick sail to seep into , and the measure to prevent from leakage in the construction process , and increases the construction quality of the brick Wall .

  6. 结合工程实例从粘结机理、保温层受力情况、安全系数等方面进行了讨论,初步分析了墙体外墙外保温外饰面贴砖的安全性,提出了在施工中应采取的质量控制措施。

    Combining with practical project , authors analyze the security of bonding face brick in exterior wall external insulation , from bonding mechanism , bearing capacity in insulating layer , and safety coefficient . At the same time , authors present some quality control measures during construction .