
tiē xiàn yín hánɡ
  • discount bank;bank of discount
  1. 如连续降低存贷款利率,调低商业银行存款准备金率,灵活运用窗口指导政策、扩大再贴现和中央银行再贷款规模等。

    Interest has been decreased successively , deposited reserve has also been lowered , and rediscount and reloan from PBC has been enlarged , etc.

  2. 近几年,票据转贴现业务在银行间市场兴起,并迅速壮大,但关于该业务的报价分析和深入研究几乎是空白。

    The bank acceptance has been risen in recent years , and is growing up rapidly , however , there was virtually nonexistent quotation analysis and further study about this field .

  3. 贴现窗口[中央银行]

    Discount window [ central Bank ]

  4. 票据贴现营销是商业银行资金营销的又一重要途径,是近年来商业银行资金营销当中备受关注的一大亮点。

    Commercial Bank'fund marketing is to optimize the distribution of funds owned by banks through marketing strategy and methods .

  5. 存款准备金率、公开市场业务和贴现率是中央银行三大基本货币政策工具,其中存款准备金率被视为比较凶猛的货币政策工具。

    Deposit reserve rate , public market business and discount rate are the three basic monetary policy tools . Deposit reserve rate is the strongest monetary policy tool among the three tools of the central bank .

  6. 美联储昨日宣布提高贴现率,让市场措手不及。贴现率是商业银行从美联储紧急贷款的利率。

    Markets were caught off-guard by the Fed 's announcement late on Thursday that it had raised its discount rate the level at which commercial banks tap the central bank for emergency funding .

  7. 伯南克表示,不久后,贴现率也肯定要适度提高。贴现率是商业银行向美联储借贷的利率。

    Mr Bernanke signalled that before long the discount rate at which commercial banks can borrow from the Fed is also set for a modest increase .