
  1. 美国原油期货合约价格重回每桶100美元上方,这是因为有关方面计划逆转一条关键输油管道的流向,再次将西得克萨斯中质原油(WestTexasIntermediate)供应与全球市场连接起来。

    US crude oil futures sprang back above $ 100 a barrel on plans to reverse a key pipeline that would reconnect the supply of West Texas Intermediate to global markets .

  2. 期货合约价格存在很强的正持续特征。

    There is a continuing feature strongly in price of the futures contract .

  3. 在芝加哥,美国大米期货合约价格触及每100磅23.3美元的历史高点。

    In Chicago , US rice futures hit an all-time high of $ 23.3 per 100 pounds .

  4. 市场上期货合约价格的变动受金融、经济、政治、社会以及投资者心理等众多因素的影响,其变化过程具有非线性、混沌性、长期记忆性等特点。

    The variation of the price of futures in stock index futures market is affected by many factors such as financial , economic , political , and social ones as well as investors ' psychology . Its change process is nonlinear , chaotic and long-memory .

  5. 首先,股指期货合约价格的形成主要来自投资者对未来现货价格的预期,同时股指期货市场相比现货市场具有很多优点,对新信息的反应速度更快,因此更能体现现货指数的真实价格。

    Stock index futures prices reflected expectations of price in cash market among investors . Also , stock index futures market conducts news information faster and has many advantages comparing to cash market . So the price of index futures reflects the real value of spot market .

  6. 然而,铜远期期货合约的价格波动则更令人瞩目。

    But it is the price movements in copper far forward contracts that have been even more dramatic .

  7. 当期货合约的价格偏离其“公允价格”,便产生“定价误差”。

    The pricing error will occur when the futures contract ′ s price deviates from its fair price .

  8. 根据你期货合约的价格与当前实际价格之间的价差,多退少补。

    According to your futures contract " the price " with current and actual " the price " the price between is poor , retreat more fill less .

  9. 持有价差头寸常见于押注两种期货合约相对价格表现的对冲基金的交易员在伦敦的比例为14.7%,也低于纽约为22.7%。

    The percentage of traders taking spread ' positions popular among hedge funds betting on relative price performance of two futures contracts was also smaller in London , at 14.7 per cent , than in New York , at 22.7 per cent .

  10. 期货合约之间的价格变化特征存在相关性。

    There is correlation in price variation of the futures contract .

  11. 第五章进行了股指期货模拟合约的价格发现功能研究。

    The price discovery process is also researched .

  12. 尤其是伦敦金属交易所期货合约的交易价格被世界各地公认为是有色金属交易的定价标准。

    In particular , the London Metal Exchange futures contracts traded around the world recognized as the standard pricing of non-ferrous metal trading .

  13. 当日结算价是指某一期货合约当日成交价格按照成交量的加权平均价;当日无成交价格的,以上一交易日的结算价作为当日结算价。

    The settlement price is the price of a futures contract traded that day according to volume weighted average price ; if the day is non-traded price , the settlement price of previous day will be settlement price of that day .

  14. 玉米期货合约新的基准价格也比原先的基准高出4%以上。

    The new benchmark prices for corn are also more than 4 per cent higher than previously .

  15. 现代经济体系下诞生的期货合约,以其价格发现功能和规避风险功能,在商品交易上占据主要优势。

    The future contract which was born under the modern economic system , by its price discovery function and the circumvention risk function , occupies the main superiority in the commodity exchange .

  16. 在上周五的交易中,明年3月交割的小麦期货合约新的基准价格上涨26美分,至每蒲式耳9.795美元,比即将到期的12月小麦期货合约9.39美元的价格高出4%以上。

    In trading on Friday , the new benchmark price of wheat for March delivery rose 26 cents to $ 9.795 a bushel , more than 4 per cent higher than the $ 9.39 price for the expiring December contract .

  17. 芝加哥期货交易所(CBOT)十二月小麦期货合约价格昨日上涨18?美分,至每蒲式耳9.51?美元,本周累计上涨8.8%。

    CBOT December wheat rose 18 ? cents to $ 9.51 ? a bushel yesterday , gaining 8.8 per cent this week .

  18. 在EWMA和GARCH模型思想的基础上,提出基于GARCH-EWMA的期货价格预测模型,为期货市场合约价格的预测提供新的预测方法。

    Future price model is introduced based on the model of EWMA and GARCH , which offers a new computing method for the determination of the future markets .

  19. 引入违约距离的概念,建立了期货市场违约风险评估模型,采用GARCH-M模型对期货合约价格收益的波动率进行估计。

    In this paper , the evaluating model on default risk of futures market is presented by providing the concept of default distance . At the same time , a GARCH-M model is used to estimate the volatility of returns of futures market .

  20. 介绍了合约的相关概念,发达国家电力交易中采用的合约形式以及电力交易远期合约、期货合约的优化模型,并介绍了远期合约和期货合约在电网企业价格风险规避中的应用。

    The concepts about futures exchange , the sharps of contracts in developed countries and the optimized models of forward contracts and future contracts are introduced in this article . The application of contract theory to power grid enterprises in prices risk elusion is also discussed in this article .

  21. 通常指在期货交易所交易的在未来进行交割的某一商品的价格;()一期货合约的价格。

    Commonly held to mean the price of a commodity for future delivery that is traded on a futures exchange . ( 2 ) The price of any futures contract .

  22. 期货价格的期限结构是指在某一时点期货价格与不同到期期限的关系,也是不同到期期限的期货合约的跨期价格关系的呈现,描述了不同时点期货价格与现货价格的变动关系。

    The term structure of futures price refers to the relation between futures price and different maturities at a point . Also the term structure is a representation of the inter-temporal price relationship between futures contracts with different maturities , indicating changes between futures price and spot price over time .