
tiē shì
  • tip;hint
  1. 本周的Speedo贴士来自于尼尔贝克,他是华盛顿州Tacoma的游泳俱乐部的助理主教练。

    This week 's Speedo Tip of the Week comes from Neil Beck , the assistant head coach of the Tacoma Swim Club in Tacoma , Wash .

  2. 贴士:可以把胡萝卜切丝掺入意大利面条沙司和松饼面。

    Tip : Sneak shredded carrots into spaghetti sauce and muffin batter .

  3. (Thejourneyforthatperfectcup译者注)但是这里又5条简单快速的贴士帮助你做出一杯更棒的咖啡:

    But here are five quick and easy steps to making yourself a better cup :

  4. 【英文原文】EyeglassTips——眼镜贴士我那四十多岁的丈夫Jim正跟一些年龄差不多的朋友打篮球。

    Jim , my 40-something husband , was playing basketball with friends his age .

  5. 但许多操盘手表示,Twitter不仅被用于搜寻炒股贴士,他们还用它来学习其他人如何操作。

    But Twitter is not only being used to hunt for stock tips , many traders say . Instead , they want a way of picking up how other traders are trading .

  6. 在Posh给了梅根这位美国女演员一组独家沙龙之后,梅根和维多利亚就一起分享做头发和美容的贴士。

    Meghan and Victoria have bonded over hair and beauty tips after Posh gave the US actress a list of exclusive salons for her to visit .

  7. 请参看我另外一篇“提高口语五贴士”。

    See My Five Top Tips To Improve Your Spoken English .

  8. 以下就有一些控制超支和强迫性购物的贴士。

    Here are some tips for controlling overspending and compulsive shopping .

  9. 额外贴士:惧怕后悔使自己却步

    Bonus tip : Letting fear of regret hold you back

  10. 贴士:土司面包可用于搭配奶油杏仁,味道适中。

    Tip : Toast to enhance almonds'creamy , mild flavor .

  11. 款型贴士:选择与脸型形成对比的太阳镜。

    Style Tips : find a pair that contrasts with your face shape .

  12. 基于这本书,以下给出四则贴士,教你如何改掉坏习惯。

    Here are four tips to stop bad habits based on the book :

  13. 贴士:未脱壳或“全麦”大麦是最有营养的。

    Tip : Hulled or " whole grain " barley is the most nutritious .

  14. 这四则贴士说来容易但却十分有效。

    These four tips are simple but powerful .

  15. 请传授一些旅游贴士。

    Can you provide some travel tips ?

  16. 并提供一些有用资讯,包括留学贴士、航空公司资料等。

    It also provides some useful information included tips for study abroading , airline information etc.

  17. 以下7个简单的沟通贴士有助于帮你经营感情并维持身心健康:

    Safeguard your relationship and your health with these 7 easy communication tips : 1 .

  18. 贴士:可以试试冰冻的毛豆,煮好后放在保温盒内保温服用。

    Tip : Try frozen edamame , boil , and serve warm in the pod .

  19. 贴士,可以在密封容器内防止大约一个礼拜。

    Advance preparation : These will keep for about a week in an airtight container .

  20. 这里有五个贴士:

    Here are five tips : 1 .

  21. 和孩子一起活动的几个简单贴士

    Easy tips for getting active with kids

  22. 因此,牢记这些贴士然后去旅行吧,从出国旅行经历中你会学习更多。

    So keep traveling with these lessons in mind and learn more from your experiences abroad .

  23. 别忘了最小的盒子里要有一封信或是贴士来跟她求婚。

    Make sure that the smallest box encloses the letter or a memo to propose her .

  24. 迈克尔尼古拉每周简讯发布,触发成功,精选贴士网上行销全世界。

    Michael Nicholas publishes his weekly newsletter , success triggers , featuring tips for online marketers worldwide .

  25. 通过“饲养”坏习惯这个类比,纠正坏习惯的这些贴士可归结为:

    Using the feeding analogy , the tips to break a bad habit boil down to this :

  26. 按照上面建议的贴士去锻炼,你迟早也能拥有钢铁般的腹肌。

    By following the suggested tips , you shall be able to sport your rock-solid abs in style .

  27. 好消息是今天你可以采取一些快捷贴士打破这个习惯。

    The good news is , there are some quick steps you can take to break this habit today .

  28. 贴士:可以用莳萝和柠檬来配烤鱼,选择水包装的金枪鱼(罐头),而不是油包装的。

    Tip : Grill tuna steak with dill and lemon ; choose tuna packed in water , not oil .

  29. 下面的陈述贴士可以帮助你专业并轻松地建立、组织和进行你的陈述。

    The following presentation tips will help you create , organize and deliver your presentation with professionalism and ease .

  30. 这些贴士是能帮助你打好减肥的基础加以锻炼计划。

    These are tips that pertain to helping you lay the foundation for a weight loss and companion exercise program .