
  • 网络Zen culture
  1. 禅宗文化综合开发具有极大的价值。

    Thus , the comprehensive development in Zen culture has a great potential .

  2. 关于这一命题,本文将从禅宗文化的三个角度加以具体分析。

    With regard to this proposition , it will be analysed concretely from the three aspects of the Zen culture .

  3. 说明了禅宗文化已经渗透到现代家具设计理论和实践中,对现代家具设计要素应用产生了相当深远的影响。

    , has proved that Zen Buddhism culture influences furniture design .

  4. 禅宗文化及其早期家具形态的表现

    Zen Buddhism Culture and Its Expression of Early Furniture Forms

  5. 元代杂剧艺术与禅宗文化精神

    Dramatic Art and Chan Spirit in the Yuan Dynasty

  6. 禅宗文化对现代家具设计的影响

    How the Zen Buddhism Culture Affects Modern Furniture Design

  7. 人文景观由诗情画意的月文化和平实深邃的禅宗文化组成。

    The cultural landscape was composed of poetic and artistic moon culture and profound Zen ideology culture .

  8. 从禅宗文化的特点、价值观念、物化形式等要素的研究入手,运用实例分析的方法,证明了禅宗文化对家具设计有影响。

    The research of key elements , such as characteristic , values , materialization form of Zen Buddhism culture , etc.

  9. 禅宗文化在中日文化交流中产生了重要的影响,并对日本的禅学及美学的发展有着不可忽视的作用。

    Zen culture has a significant influence on Sino-Japanese cultural exchange , and play an important role in Japan and aesthetic development .

  10. 本文认为,禅宗文化之所以在岭南长盛不衰,主要有四方面的原因:特殊的地理环境为禅宗文化在岭南的形成和发展提供了便利;岭南文化固有的特质有利于禅宗文化的传播和流行;

    The paper states that there are four reasons why the Chan Sect Culture had been flourishing in the South of the Five Ridges .

  11. 禅学,世界上最古老的哲学思想之一,作为东方古老的宗教思想,禅宗文化千百年来一直是东方文化的一个不可或缺的基石。

    The Zen Buddhism , as one of the most ancient philosophic ideas and oriental archaic religious ideology , has been an indispensable cornerstone in oriental culture for thousands of years .

  12. 禅宗文化在岭南繁盛的原因论六朝时期岭南的佛教及其与官僚士商的关系

    The Reasons Why the Chan Sect Culture Being Flourishing in the South of Five Ridges On Buddhism in the South of the Five Ridges during the Six Dynasties : Its Relation with Bureaucracy , Intelligentsia and Merchants

  13. 本文以为:苏轼提出陶诗绮腴说与苏轼所接受的禅宗文化是有重要的直接的关系的。

    In this thesis , it is considered to be reasonable or credible that one of the causes why SuShi think that TaoYuan Ming 's poetry are gorgeous and fat is connected with the Zen culture accepted by SuShi importantly and directly .

  14. 宜春打造禅宗品牌文化的经济价值

    He Economic Value of Creating the Chan Sect Commodity Brand Culture in Yichun

  15. 禅宗的文化意义远远超出了宗教的范畴。

    And zen 's culture meaning was far more the category of religion .

  16. 用寺院经济推动江西禅宗旅游文化产业的新发展&以宜春禅宗旅游文化产业发展为例

    By the temple economy driving the development of the tourist industry of the Yichun ' Zen

  17. 花园大学(HanazonoUniversity)则开设了教授禅宗和日本文化的课程:有很多西方学生在这里学习,门川大作说。

    Hanazono University offers courses in Zen and Japanese culture : There are lots of western students studying there , Mr. Kadokawa said .

  18. 禅宗是中国文化史上一种重要的思想现象,影响中国千年之久。

    Zen is an important ideology in the history of Chinese culture which has been influencing China for around three thousand years .

  19. 云在青天水在瓶&浅析禅宗及禅文化对文学的影响

    Cloud is blue and green in the sky and water is being in bottle & Brief analysis of the Zen Buddhism and influence on literature

  20. 不管它是否已经变成禅宗的快餐文化,它仍然作为一个外道人认识佛教的一个开端,能让我们通过它认识和理解佛教真理。

    No matter whether it has become zen fast food culture , it still as beginning of a man of understanding the Buddhism , can let us through it understanding and the understanding buddhist truth .

  21. 美国的禅宗热潮与实用主义文化促使了正念疗法的产生与发展。

    The " Zen hot " and the pragmatism culture of America resulted in the emergence and development of mindfulness therapy .

  22. 禅宗精神、禅宗文化蕴涵着丰富的生活智慧、教育原理和管理哲学。

    The spirit and culture of Zen contain abundant wisdom of daily life , principles of education , and the philosophy of management .

  23. 禅宗思想对世俗文化的沁入和发展使中国古典园林的意境开始成为园林造园者追求的标准。

    Zen thought of the secular culture of the Chinese Qin Ru and development of classical gardens of " mood " became a landscape garden the pursuit of standards .

  24. 禅宗思想与园林文化的结合,让中国园林具备了生态美、简约美、含蓄美、空灵美、智慧美等审美特征,并形成了中国园林的特色文化内涵。

    Just because of the integration of Buddhism and gardening , the China gardening has the ecological beauty , beauty of simplicity , implicit beauty , ethereal beauty and beauty of wisdom .

  25. 安庆还是文化之邦、禅宗圣地、戏剧之乡、安徽之源,古皖文化、戏剧文化、禅宗文化和桐城派文化在这里交相辉映,形成了安庆独具特色的地方文化。

    An Qing is the state of culture , drama of the township , the holy land , the source of Anhui , Zen Buddhism culture , drama culture and Tongcheng culture add radiance and beauty to each other here and form a unique local culture in An Qing .

  26. 笔者认为,具有强烈的文化传承责任感的中国士大夫知识分子是中国文化进入禅宗的通道,或者说士大夫知识分子是禅宗携带上中国文化特征的中介。

    The author argues that ancient Chinese intellectuals , who consciously take the heavy responsibility for the continuity of Chinese culture , have introduced Chinese culture into Chan .